Wednesday, July 22, 2020

A Primer on Gut Flora

Driving along a suburban road on the North side of Brisbane (Australia), a kangaroo bounds seemingly out of nowhere and hits the side of my car. Minor vehicle damage but the animal was clearly in pain and could not get up. After phoning 1300 Animal, the Vet arrived and gave us the sad prognosis. He did have some good news though, as he fished out a very-much-alive joey out of the nearly dead kangaroo's pouch. He said: "Be sure to mix these in with his milk" as he handed me some of mum kangaroo's droppings.
As we nursed joey with poop-imbued cow's milk it grew and grew until the sad time came for release. Clearly, the Vet's advice was founded upon his knowledge of joey's inability to digest cow's milk. It got me interested in aspects of microbiome inherited from the mother and matters of our own gut flora. This article gives overview to how we acquire the all-important gut flora.
It appears we humans can acquire our gut flora in at least 4 ways:
  1. Physical transmission from our mothers.
  2. Diet: E.g. Sauerkraut, Yakult-style probiotics, etc.
  3. Recently discovered, genetic transmission.
  4. Engraftment.
Acquisition from Our MothersIntergenerational handing down of microbiome occurs from great grandmothers and older, to mother and finally child by the process of passage through the birth canal. Then there is contact with the mother's skin as well as breast milk delivering mouth microbes. As well transmission takes place from the mother's placenta, uterus and vagina. Placental microbiota is discussed more fully by others in the know
Far from being a sterile environment (as thought), researchers found microbial presence in amniotic fluid and baby's first stool. Although our gut microbiome is influenced by diet, gender, geography and ethnicity, our initial acquisition appears to be the most important.
Dietary Considerations
You can eat kimchi, sauerkraut and a host of other fermented products and improve your gut flora and thereby your overall health. However, if anti-biotics and other flora-destroying agents are on your menu, you will lose some of your precious microbiota.
One of the worst enemies of gut flora is air pollution. Inhaled particulate matter is quickly cleared from the lungs and finds its way into the intestinal tract altering susceptible microbiota. Smoking is in this class.
Microbiome Acquisition via DNA
Approximately 17 years ago the Genome Project delivered a complete sequencing of human DNA. This was a significant accomplishment for mankind. With that project now well in place, is it possible that some microbiota might be transmitted by parents to their off-spring DNA?
In a UK study of over 1000 twins, researchers set out to determine whether human genes are implicated in the transmission of microbiota. Whilst they sought to include environmental transmission in their study as well, they found about 12 microbes beneficial to health that were heritable via DNA..
Research is continuing at the National Institutes of Health's Human Microbiome Project to map the genetic blueprints with microbiota variants. Early findings would indicate on strong evidence that microbial genes are linked to primal ancestors.
With the loss of gut flora throughout life's exposures there is risk that some microbiota in a given person are irrecoverably extinct. Just like in the kangaroo and joey story, engraftment becomes a desirable intervention. Now the idea of swallowing someone else's poop is highly unpalatable. A nasogastric tube or colonoscopy become more acceptable modalities.
The science of human microbiome is still in its infancy. Not all microbiota are catalogued and cross-referenced with disease and well-being. Then too, are fecal donor similarity requirements and certainty of microbiota survival in the recipient in the longer term.
To conclude, science has come a long way in gut flora knowledge but there is yet much to be done.

If Your Stomach Is Getting More Than Needed, You Can Have Gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis is a short-term disease caused by infection and swelling of the digestive tract. Other causes include some viruses, bacteria, bacterial poisons, parasites, special chemicals, and some medicines.
Gastroenterology- Gastroenterology is the department of medical science that focuses on the digestive tract and related diseases. The word originated from the ancient Greek word gastros (enterprises), enteron (intestines) and logos (scripture).
Peptic ulcer in the stomach - This is a big evil and painful disease. It has two forms. There is an acute ulcer and another chronic ulcer. The fierce ulcer is small but deep, leaving the mucous membrane in the flesh level. These triangular shapes are deep, whose peak is on the outside of the muscle and on the base mucosa. Chronic ulcers are more elaborate. Among them, the elaborate parts of mucosal art are separated by bleeding, which is also more bleeding from those ulcers, which comes out through vomiting, but many patients do not have blood. Some do not come out of vomiting and only appear in the stool and only appear on examination by the microscope. In the duodenum too, similar vesicles are formed.
Pain is the main symptom of these ulcers. It has a special relationship with food. After eating the stomach in the stomach, the pain starts immediately, or some delay, after eating. Pain in the duodenal ulcer begins after one and a half hours of food when the stomach becomes very empty. Again, after eating some food, he becomes calm. The position of the ulcer is estimated from the condition of pain by pressing on the abdomen with the finger.
Gastroenteritis - Gastroenteritis is the disease caused by infection and swelling in the gastrointestinal tract. In this, the person may complain about stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. In most cases, the condition is cured within a few days.
What is gastroenteritis?
A person affected by gastroenteritis may have diarrhea. It is also called a flatulent fluid in the language of colloquialism. Norovirus, rotavirus, astrovirus etc. are often found in contaminated food or drinking water. These viruses enter the body with food or water and spread their infection in four to 48 hours. People with children, the elderly and weakly resistant mechanisms are more at risk of this disease.
Understand about gastroenteritis - Due to high heat and rainy days, the risk of this disease is high. This season gives a conducive environment for the bacterial disease of this disease. In this season, harvested fruits, vegetables, and other substances quickly get spoiled. Fly, mosquitoes take these bacteria from food to other foods. When they use it, the bacteria pass inside the body and the person gets sick. Contaminated water is another important reason for the spread of this disease.
Symptoms of gastroenteritis - Gastroenteritis symptoms include loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, vomiting, severe chills, light irritation in the skin, excessive sweating, fever, stiffness in the joints, muscular discomfort, weight loss etc.
Reasons for Gastroenteritis - Many things can cause gastroenteritis. The virus, in particular, is the primary cause of gastroenteritis such as rotavirus, astrovirus, and bacteria such as Campylobacter bacteria. Some parasites can also increase gastroenteritis. Some antibiotics can cause gastroenteritis in those who are susceptible.
Infectious gastroenteritis - Infectious gastroenteritis is caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites. In each case, the infection is usually due to eating or drinking. Some common types of infectious gastroenteritis include campylobacter infection, Cryptosporidium infections, guildies salmonellosis syngelosis and viral gastroenteritis.
Noncontagious reason - However, many other infectious agents can also cause this disease. Many non-communicable causes can also lead to this disease. But, they are less likely to be viral or bacterial than gastroenteritis. The weakened immune system and the absence of relative cleanliness can make children a victim of this disease.
Gastroenteritis diagnosis - For the treatment of gastroenteritis, it is very important to know what kind of gastroenteritis you have. Diagnostic methods include medical history, physical examination, blood tests, and stool testing.
Treatment of gastroenteritis - The treatment depends on the cause. But still, it should be consumed with high amounts of fluid in its treatment, oral rehydration drinks available from the pharmacist or the ORS. If the condition worsens, then a person may have to enter the hospital. Do not consume any medication without the doctor's advice.
Deliverance from gastroenteritis - To avoid this disease, cleanliness of the house should be eaten. Never use stale food and contaminated water. Before cooking and eating food, wash hands thoroughly with soap. After defecation, hands should be washed with soap. Boil the water well and drink it after cooling. Water Purifiers or water cleansing equipment can also be installed at home. Water should not be allowed to be collected around wells and handpumps. Fruits and vegetables should be washed and used in all. We can be protected from gastroenteritis, but it is necessary that our water and food are clean.
Gastroenterology is central to all the limbs and their diseases related to the alimentary canal from the mouth to the anus. This is what therapists concerned are called gastroenterologist.
Gastroenterology doctor is the only remedy for such a disease. Before going to the doctor you need to know about him/her. Credihealth portal is the best platform. You can find all the details information about doctors and hospitals in India. And you can book an online appointment with your chosen doctor.

Why Is Medical Coding Essential in Healthcare?

Nowadays, there are a lot of health care professions out there, but medical billing is on the list of top professions. Around 20 years back, there were not many job opportunities in the healthcare industry. Now, there are lots of job opportunities in the healthcare market. And this has increased the demand for medical coding professionals. Let's find out why medical coding is essential in healthcare.
What is medical Billing and Coding?
What do you do when you are sick? You go to a medical doctor. At the doctor's office, you deal with a doctor and his assistant. But you may not have noticed but there is another professional in the process who ensures you get the best treatment. They work in the background but are just don't pay attention to them because of our health problems. The role of these professionals is to make sure your medical claims are billed and processed properly.
There is a difference between medical billing and medical coding as different individuals handle them. For this purpose, individuals train and prepare for the job. Let's find out the difference between their roles.
The primary role of a medical coder is to decode the procedure or service mentioned on the documents given by the doctor to the patient. Next, he decides on the right type of procedure and diagnosis code for submission. Actually, the medical coder takes their time to assess and code the data to ensure the billing is free of errors.
Next, the medical biller uses the right codes to enter the claims and then submits them to the relevant insurance provider for billing. For updates, the biller keeps in touch with the insurance provider to ensure the approval of the claims. In case of any discrepancies, the medical biller may update the patient on what is going on.
Career Opportunities
If you want to ensure that the medical institutes run efficiently, the importance of medical coders and medical billers can't be denied. The billing and coding professionals are an integral part of the system to ensure that the records are updated and handled properly.
Recently, there has been an increase in job opportunities for trained medical coding and billing professionals. As the life expectancy and population increases, the demand for these pros will keep on going up, says the reports released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Actually, these professionals are appointed at nurse care, medical billing companies, rehabilitation facilities, insurance companies, private clinics, and hospitals, just to name a few.
If you want to join this field, make sure to get certificates by undergoing proper training. Usually, these pros need to undergo post-secondary training.
It's not hard to achieve this feat. All you need to do is sign up for a medical billing and coding program. As soon as you have gone through short training, it's time for you to apply for your desired job at a nearby medical facility.
So, this was a description of the importance of medical coding in healthcare.

What Are the Uses of Medical Transcriptions?

Aside from their routine duties, healthcare providers have to maintain notes for the record-keeping process and meet the HIPPA-compliance standards. Typically, small providers have an experienced in-house transcriptionist to take care of the recorded materials. In this article, we are going to take a look at the uses of medical transcription and why it's important to maintain accurate medical transcriptions. Read on.
Accurate medical records are quite important for primary care providers, physicians, and doctors. Since doctors need to treat patients on a daily basis, they need to maintain reliable medical records to get a better idea of a patient's condition. This helps them choose the best treatment plan.
Even at small clinics, you may find more than one professional who takes care of medical records. For proper care, it's important to share important data of a patient with different specialists. This is even more important if a case is special and requires the assistance of more than one specialist. This is where the importance of a medical transcription comes. Different professionals need the medical records of a patient to ensure clear and concise communication.
Communication across the Facility
Doctors and specialists don't work with the patient directly. It's the nurses and other support staff who is responsible for taking care of a patient and giving them the required medicine. With the help of medical transcriptions, all of them will have access to the required information.
HIPAA Compliance
HIPPA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which revolutionized the medical record-keeping and its compliance across the US. These records make sure that proper care is given to each patient. Also, medical transcriptions are important in case of a lawsuit.
Insurance Purposes
For consistency, medical records are very important. Medical staff protects healthcare providers in case of legal battles and lawsuits. For every healthcare facility, it's important to maintain accurate and consistent medical records for proper operations.
Actually, medical records provide the basis so that the insurance provider could be billed. In other words, a medical facility can't get paid unless it provides accurate records.
Importance of Accuracy
Regardless of the size or complexity of a medical facility, we can't say that there is no importance of medical transcriptions. Even if you use the services of an in-house transcriptionist, you have to achieve 100% accuracy. If you don't, you may suffer from serious problems. In the worst case scenario, your medical licenses can be held.
If you want to maintain accurate and reliable records, make sure your team is trained and skilled. Even a small mistake may create dire consequences for your organization, which means you need to choose your medical transcriptions with great care.
Long story short, it's important for every medical facility to hire an expert transcriptionist to handle the medical records. As a matter of fact, medical records including medical transcriptions are much more important than the financial accounts of a medical facility. Inaccuracy in the medical transcriptions may cause the closure of a medical facility.;area=summary;u=1010712

Here Is Why Everyone Needs Health Insurance

Today, healthcare insurance is one of the hottest political topics. Everyone is asking who should be able to have health insurance, what will be the costs of it, can you survive without insurance and what will be the penalty? In this article, we are going to help you know the reasons why everyone needs health insurance.
Life is Unpredictable
While the spontaneity of life is pleasant, know that your health and budget may be hit hard due to unpredictable circumstances. Major health illnesses like diabetes, cancer or HIV have high medical costs. If you don't have health insurance, the cost of these medical treatments may ruin your credit rating. As a matter of fact, medical bills is one of the reasons why many people go bankrupt.
Regardless of your circumstances, it's important that you have insurance. You have no idea what is going to happen in your life down the road. We hope that nothing bad is going to happen in your life but it's great to have peace of mind by signing up for an insurance policy. This will give you the peace of mind that your medical bills will be covered, and that you won't go bankrupt.
Maintain Your Health
In your life, your most valuable asset is your health. Most of us take insurance as a type of financial support we get in the event of an accident or illness. However, it's important to keep in mind that it's equally important to maintain good health. If you eat well, you can stay in good shape.
If you don't have insurance, you won't need to go to a doctor for medical checkups. Actually, a health insurance policy enables you to benefit from the "preventive care", which is part of most plans. What you can do is see your qualified doctor for checkups and take part in other benefits like health screenings. This can help you maintain your health. Also, the insurance policy plan you have chosen can help you find out what is included.
Reduce Your Costs
It's important to keep in mind that insurance providers offer special rates for doctors who are part of their network. So, if you have health insurance, you can reduce your medical costs significantly.
Avoid a Penalty
Aside from saving on your health care costs, an insurance plan can help you avoid a penalty as well. Today's health insurance laws have a requirement that you should have a health insurance plan or you may have to pay a penalty for the month for which you or your partner or your tax dependants don't show that they have the minimum coverage. And typically, this fee is based on a person or household income whichever is higher. This penalty can be avoided if you have health insurance.
It's important for everyone to have health insurance. After all, you have no idea what is going to happen in the future. You can enjoy the best health care provided you get the right insurance policy.

Healthcare Quality Methods

Healthcare organizations can employ different health care methods for quality improvement. Since healthcare is not a simple phenomenon, industries find it hard to adopt the controls and standardization of quality improvement methods. However, general methods that define quality, grow improvement measures and identify variation through PDSA cycles and control charts have been successful in the application of healthcare processes. Let's take a look at some healthcare quality improvement methods.
#1: Facilitate Adoption
It's not enough to introduce new ideas to clinicians and discuss case studies. The reason is that it won't motivate them to follow the improvement initiatives. It's better to learn the quality improvement theory via hands-on improvement work. In other words, it's applied to the real clinical setting. Also, identifying important areas for clinicians and develop the platform for betterment can help make the adoption much easier.
#2: Defining Quality & Reaching an Agreement
If we agree on what quality means in a certain context, we can establish the measures and then collect data based on them. Also, the Institute of Medicine made a quality framework based on 6 aims for the systems for healthcare. However, the most important of them is the one that is patient-oriented. In other words, it stresses the provision of care based on the values and needs of an individual patient. Also, it ensures that the clinical decisions are made based on the patient's values.
The definition of quality refers to what the patient thinks is important. It's to make sure that the patient is getting the best care possible for their illness.
#3: Improvement and Accountability
Both data and measurement make the backbone for quality improvement. This is the point where it's difficult to take care of the matters associated with healthcare. Typically, when it comes to quality improvement methods, clinicians think that they involve performance measures that require accountability. However, it's important to remember the difference between accountability measures and improvement measures.
Typically, the accountability measures are processed to get percentages. An accountability measure, for instance, gathers data about the number of ER patients who had to hang on for over 30 minutes for their turn. And then management is asked to keep the waiting time below half an hour. So, the improvement measure figures out the actual waiting period in minutes in order to find out the system performance and them improve it.
#4: PDSA Cycles and Quality Improvement Framework
For healthcare quality improvement, many frameworks are used:
  • The DMAIC model of Six Sigma
  • Lean methodology
  • The Model of Improvement was designed by the API in 1987
  • PDSA cycles are the most important part of healthcare quality improvement
Given below is the explanation of the PDSA cycles:
  1. Plan
  2. Do
  3. Study
  4. Act
#5 Variation in DataWith a deeper insight into the Mode for Improvement, the plan can help you achieve your improvement goal. Some of this insight comes from getting to know the variation in data and its causes.
Also, healthcare processes include two types of variations: intended and unintended. The intended variation refers to do something in a different way on purpose. And this defines patient-oriented care.
On the other hand, unintended variation happens when many clinicians prescribe different types of antibiotics for a problem at hand regardless of the rationale of the variation. And an out of habit or a free of thought variation is called an unintended variation.
So, this was a description of 5 healthcare quality methods.

THis Is Why Everyone Should Invest in Treating the Water

Water that is clean and suitable for drinking is essential to life. A purification system provides several benefits. It is recommended by the US Center for Disease Control to drink a minimum of 64 oz of H20 daily because of the several benefits to health. The four most important reasons to consider drinking purified water are as follows:
Minimizes Disposal of Plastic
Buying bottled water instead of drinking from the tap contributes to pollution - since disposing plastic bottles fill up the landfills. The plastic that holds it is not healthy for the planet or those who drink from it. Most of them consists of BPA, which goes into the water that people drink.
As a solution, a treatment system provides clean, potable water right from the tap.
Makes Appliances Last Longer
Appliances can also benefit from high quality water. Softened water will prolong the efficiency of appliances, which will save on costs in the long run. There will be less need for soap and detergent to clean appliances and make them last longer. Using cold water to wash dishes and clothes will not interfere with their performance.
According to researchers, when laundry machines and dishwashers were tested to run for 240 cycles, washers using treated water had almost no scale buildup, while those with untreated variety needed scale removal so they could work properly.
When it comes to water heaters, researchers discovered that the heater remained to be efficient until 15 years when using treated water. On the other hand, running untreated water cuts the efficiency of the heater by up to half because of the buildup of scale.
Essential to Health
There is a clear connection between water and health. Based on CDC reports, a number of the leading causes of outbreaks are being linked to the water that affected the people drinking it.
Water that contains organic and inorganic matter can also cause serious health complications. Studies further reveal that high content of lead in drinking water have been linked with children's learning disabilities, delays in development, and ADD.
Protects From Harmful Organisms
According to the Environmental Protection Agency reports, 90% of the water supply worldwide is not suitable for drinking unless properly treated.
More often than not, untreated water has micro-organisms that could cause vomiting and diarrhoea, among other illnesses. Thanks to advanced water purification systems, such microorganisms can be eradicated to make the water safe to drink.
Installing a water treatment system at home is the easiest way to access clean water, which is critical to every individual's health. Not only is it the fast and easiest way to let a family stay healthy, but also the cheapest.
Aside from purifying drinking water, treating household water will help lengthen the life of water-using appliances. It may be expensive to install a water purification system, but has more advantages to the health of a family, as well as being more cost-efficient in the long run.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

What Are the Most Common Water Pollutants?

Arsenic is a heavy metal known to be very toxic. People who drink water that contains arsenic beyond EPA's standard for many years could go through several serious health issues. These could include problems with the bladder, heart, kidney, liver and lungs.
Arsenic can cause damage to the central and peripheral nervous system, as well as the circulatory system. Exposure to arsenic has been connected to different kinds of cancers.
Most communities include fluoride in the water they drink to promote good dental health. It is up to a community to decide whether they would like to add fluoride to their water. EPA has set a standard of 4 mg/L fluoride for drinking water. Those who drink water with fluoride beyond this level for several years could suffer from bone disease, bone pain and tenderness.
EPA has set another standard of 2 mg/L to give protection from dental fluorosis. Whether it comes in a moderate or severe form, dental fluorosis could lead to the pitting or the brown staining of permanent teeth. This only takes place in developing teeth before piercing through the gums. Kids below nine years old should never drink water with more than 2 mg/L of fluoride.
Lead typically enters the water system from plumbing in older establishments. Since August 1998, pipes and plumbing fittings made from lead have been banned. Pregnant women and children are the most prone to health risks caused by lead. To avoid lead, know how to remove it from your drinking water by reading the EPA fact sheet.
To kill the germs in drinking water, like e coli and giardia, most water suppliers add a disinfectant to the water. After heavy rains, your water system may add more disinfectants to ensure that such germs are killed.
Many people who drink water with chlorine which is more than EPA's standard could get irritated eyes and nose, plus stomach ache.
Chloramines are often formed whenever chlorine and ammonia are combined to treat the water. Water with chloramines is safe o drink - provided that it conforms to EPA rules. On the other hand, people exposed to chloramines beyond EPA's standard may feel some irritation in their eyes, nose and stomach.
Chlorine Dioxide is added to water to control its taste and odor. Infants and younger children who drink water with chlorine dioxide which is more than the EPA's standard could experience anemia and nervous system effects. The same effects may also take place in fetuses of pregnant women who drink more than EPA's standard of water with chlorine dioxide.
Disinfection Byproducts
Disinfection byproducts are formed whenever disinfectants added to water to kill germs act in response with naturally-occurring organic matter in it.
Total Trihalomethanes
When people drink water with trihalomethanes exceeding EPA's standard for many years, they may experience health issues as regards to their central nervous systems, kidneys and liver, as well as have a higher risk of acquiring cancer.
Haloacetic Acids
Those who drink water with haloacetic acids that are above EPA's standard for several years have a higher risk of getting cancer.
Some individuals who drink water with bromate which is beyond EPA's standard over the years are more prone to getting cancer.
A number of infants and kids who consume water containing chlorite greater then EPA's standard could experience anemia and nervous system effects. Similar effects may also take place in fetuses of pregnant women.

Water Treatment Explained for Everyone

Different Processes of Water Treatment
We need clean, safe water in everyday living. It is very important for the community's well-being, hygiene and productivity.
The process of treating water may slightly be different at various places, depending on the technology of the plant that needs processing. Nevertheless, the principles are basically the same. The following section will give you a description of the different standard water treatment processes.
Coagulation / Flocculation
During the process of coagulation, liquid aluminum sulfate or alum and/or polymer is mixed with raw or untreated water. The mixture causes the tiny dirt particles in the water to stick to one another or coagulate. Then, these dirt particles form groups that stick together and form flocs, larger heavier particles that can be removed easily by filtration or settling.
When the particles of water and flocs go through the treatment process, they flow into the sedimentation basins. Here the water runs slowly, letting the heavy floc particles settle to the bottom. Floc that accumulates on the bottom of the basin is known as sludge, which is channeled to drying lagoons. Direct Filtration does not include the sedimentation step, and filtration is the only process by which the floc is removed.
Water passes through a filter intended for removing particles in the water. The filters comprise layers of gravel and sand and, at times, crushed anthracite. Filtration gathers the suspended impurities in the water, then further enhances the efficiency of disinfection. The filters are cleaned on a regular basis thorough backwashing.
Before water moves into the distribution system, it is disinfected to make sure that disease-causing bacteria, parasites and viruses are destroyed. Chlorine is applied because it a great disinfectant, and the remaining concentrations can be maintained to protect from probable biological contamination in the distribution of water.
Sludge Drying
Solids collected then settled outside the water via filtration and sedimentation are piped to drying lagoons.
This is the treatment of community water aimed at adjusting free fluoride ion concentration to the optimum level enough to minimize dental caries. It is a requirement for Hunter Water to fluoridate water in compliance with the NSW Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Act 1957.
pH Correction
Lime is mixed with filtered water in order to adjust the pH level and stabilize the naturally soft water so that corrosion in the distribution system plus the customers' plumbing will be reduced.