Wednesday, August 31, 2016

New Innovations for Varicose Veins Treatment

When vascular problems result in uncomfortable swelling and discoloration of the lower extremities, a doctor may recommend varicose veins treatment. In the past, medical techniques often involved painful procedures that did not always effectively or permanently address the problems. New technology has resulted in more options for better resolution of this painful malady.
New Ways to Diagnose
Even diagnostic techniques have changed significantly with modern medical technological advancements. Instead of a Doppler device pressed firmly against the leg to detect the areas where the vascular flow is diminished, special ultrasound tools provide faster results. Modern ultrasound machines enable a physician to examine the entire landscape of the leg to see all the intricacies of the circulatory system. The resulting image is both sharp and two-dimensional. This image is a useful tool physicians use to determine the exact vein that is causing problems.
Old Treatments
Years ago, patients had to undergo uncomfortable procedures for varicose veins treatment. A physician would insert a flexible rod under the skin near the groin, and then pass the rod through the entire vein. The physician would then attach a metal cap to the end of the rod. In the final step, the rod was pulled back through the vein and out from the groin incision. This process would strip the vessel to eliminate it from the vascular system. In its absence, other veins would take over to transport blood.
An ambulatory phlebectomy is another example of an older treatment technique, but some patients still prefer this method. With this procedure, a physician pulls out the vessel with a special tool. Once removed, other vessels take over immediately. The benefit of an ambulatory phlebectomy is immediate results without waiting for reabsorption.
Newer Options
Today doctors utilize newer, more advanced techniques to restore vascular health. One procedure involves inserting a thin catheter into the faulty vein. By applying radio waves, the vessel wall shrinks and collapses. Patients do not experience scarring after this procedure, but some people will notice bruising. The final reabsorption may take up to two months to complete.
Laser therapy is a popular and non-invasive varicose veins treatment. A doctor directs a laser to force the vessel to collapse. Patients may experience slight discomfort when the laser beam hits the skin. Medical personnel immediately reduce this discomfort by cooling the skin.
Foam sclerotherapy involves mixing a special detergent with air to create a medicine that resembles thin shaving cream. The doctor injects the foam, causing swelling and blockage. Once this occurs, other venous systems step up to handle the blood flow. This type of therapy is best for less severe issues.
Patients should consult with a medical professional for diagnosis and treatment recommendations to resolve potentially serious vascular problems.

The Health of the Immune and Lymphatic System

Inside the body, the immune system is made up of an 'army' of special cells. These defenders each have different functions and are located in different areas of the body. For instance, some do their work in the bloodstream, tonsils, appendix and spleen, while others work in the gut and lymph nodes.
For the purposes of this article, we are going to look at the specific role of the lymphatic system in supporting immunity.
What is the lymphatic system?
The lymphatic system is made up of:
Lymphocytes: These are a form of small white blood cell that determine the type of immune response to infectious microorganisms and other foreign substances that enter the body.
Lymph: This is a clear fluid, which bathes the tissues and carries immune cells (such as B and T lymphocytes). The lymphatic system collects excess fluids, nutrients, gases, ions, hormones, enzymes and plasma proteins from surrounding tissues and returns them to the blood circulation, once pathogens, toxins and waste matter have been filtered out.
Lymph vessels: Fluids move out of our blood capillaries into tissue spaces, and then into lymph capillaries. These then join to form larger lymph vessels. The lymph vessels carry lymph.
Lymph nodes: Located along the lymph vessels, these are small glands interspersed along lymphatic vessels. They act as collection sites and cleaning filters, which form part of an immune system response against infection. Lymph must pass through them, before entering the blood.
Tonsils: Tonsils are the two lymph nodes located on each side of the back of your throat. They function as a defence mechanism, helping to prevent infection from entering the rest of your body.
The thymus gland: Located behind the sternum and between the lungs, this gland is only active until puberty. After puberty, the thymus starts to shrink and is gradually replaced by fat. Thymosin is the hormone of the thymus, and it stimulates the development of disease-fighting T cells.
Peyer's patches: These are small masses of lymphatic tissue found in the small intestine. They form an important part of the immune system by monitoring intestinal bacteria populations and preventing the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestines.
Did you know that arguably the most important part of your immune system is in your gut? A massive 70% of all antibody-producing cells are located in Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT), found in the intestine. GALT is considered the largest collection of immune cells in the body.
The spleen: The spleen is an organ found on the left-hand side of your upper abdomen. Its main functions are to filter the blood, create new blood cells and store platelets. It is also a key part of the immune system.
What does the lymphatic system do?
Aside from maintaining fluid balance in the body and absorbing fat from the digestive tract, the lymphatic system's primary functions are to:
1. act like a 'garbage collection' service for the body, filtering the bloodstream of toxins and waste;
2. fight infection - as we have already mentioned, the lymph nodes contain high levels of white blood cells that engulf bacteria. If we have an infection, the nodes closest to the site enlarge as the white blood cells multiply inside them. This is why lymph nodes (for example in the neck, armpits and groin) often become inflamed during illness - this means they are doing their job!
So with this in mind, it is easy to see how the lymphatic system plays a crucial role in removing toxins and pathogens from the body and thereby generally supporting the immune system.
Keep that lymph moving!
One of the most important things to know about the lymphatic system is that it does not have a circulatory 'pump' equivalent to the heart. However, given that it is a collection point for many toxins and waste products, it is obviously important to keep these undesirable substances moving, ultimately heading for elimination out of the body.
You might be surprised to learn that we have approximately three times the amount of lymph fluid in our bodies than we do blood. In contrast to blood, which is pumped around by the heart's contractions, lymphatic fluid generally flows around our body against gravity. But how does this happen?
Three things help to keep lymph moving: the contractions of surrounding muscles during exercise or physical activity (this can increase lymph flow by up to 15 times); contractions of smooth muscle in the lymph vessel walls; and movements of the chest when breathing.
This therefore highlights the importance of keeping active and breathing deeply - by doing so, you will be supporting lymphatic drainage and helping to cleanse your immune system!
The average modern lifestyle, filled with stress, work pressures, family pressures, lack of exercise, environmental toxins and unhealthy foods can all place a huge strain on our toxic loads and, therefore, the lymphatic system on a daily basis. A sensible exercise regime and healthy diet can go a long way towards lessening this burden.
Simon Poole is the owner of Miracle Supplements an online webstore dedicated to providing high quality dietary supplements not readily found on the high street. We also provide up to the minute articles on all aspects of health.
We are a UK based company and the products we supply are manufactured in the UK under quality assured GMP(Good Manufacturing Practice) and ISO We are a UK based company and the products we supply are manufactured in the UK under quality assured GMP(Good Manufacturing Practice) and ISO 9001 standards.

4 Reasons That May Be Causing Your Gut Bloating

There are some fundamental reasons why so many people suffer with the uncomfortable condition of bloating. Here I outline four of the top contenders.
1. A diet high in carbohydrates and sugars that is feeding pathogenic organisms in your gut
Unbeneficial bacteria and yeast in your gut, who love to feed of carbohydrates and sugars, may well be causing you to feel bloated. If your diet includes the consumption of excessive amounts of carbohydrates and sugars in the form of junk foods, baked goods, chocolate, sweets, dried fruits, fruits high in sugar, alcohol, potatoes, rice, bread, etc, the unbeneficial bacteria in your gut are having a party at your expense. As they will be producing gas when they digest these carbohydrates, which in turn will cause you to experience bloating.
2. Eating too late in the evening
Your gastrointestinal (GI) tract slows down in the evening and the night, resulting in slower excretion of digestive products and gut motility (the stretching and contracting of the muscles in the GI tract, which enables your food to move along the digestive tract to be absorbed). By eating too much and too late in the evening, you prolong the exposure of digestive nutrients to the bacteria in your intestines, allowing unbeneficial bacteria to feed and grow off these nutrients, and as previously mentioned, the digestion of carbohydrates by these bacteria produce gas resulting in you feeling bloated.
3. Chronic stress and low levels of gastric acid, bile, and digestive enzymes
In the upper section of your gut, the combination of gastric acid, bile, and digestive enzymes create a harsh environment for pathogenic organisms to survive in. However, should your levels of these secretions decrease, due to constant chronic stress for example, pathogenic organisms will begin to inhabit the upper section of your gut, which can then lead to a condition called SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) resulting in bloating and other symptoms such as acid reflux, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, etc.
4. Lactose intolerance
If you cannot digest lactose (the sugar found in milk) this could be causing you to feel bloated. Reason being is that if you lack the intestinal enzymes to break down milk sugar (this is the condition known as lactose intolerance), the milk sugar will then proceed on to your colon, at which point it will be broken down by your bacterial enzymes into gases, leading to bloating being felt. Actually, no human can successfully digest milk products. The milk from a cow, the proteins, sugars, and hormones that it contains, are meant to do one thing, provide sufficient nutrients to raise a calf, not humans.

How to Stay in Shape While Working Crazy Hours in Real Estate

Metabolism myths have led us to believe that we are in no control over our body and it is 'not one's fault' to be fat, but in reality, it is our lack of discipline and poor eating habits that are to condemn. So, if you are in the same boat as the millions of adults who've committed themselves to an 8-hour desk job, then you should consider putting that pizza down and read through this short guide.
The drastic increase in obese adults has been very alarming. Statistics have shown that 35.7 percent of men and women are already considered overweight, that's more than one third of the adult population. This weight issue isn't a new problem either; it actually started in late 1980's and people are now losing the battle against this waistline-expanding epidemic. With jobs in the real estate industry that require employees to wine and dine with clients or sit down in front of a computer for 8 hours a day, 7 days a week (sometimes even more), gaining weight is almost inevitable but not impossible to control, too. However, those who wish to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the midst of deadlines and paperwork should brace themselves for an all-out fight.
Now, aside from hard work, commitment, and dedication, we should remember to implement these techniques:
1. Make time for a workout routine
Obviously, fats aren't going to burn and disappear by themselves; therefore one is obliged to religiously commit to a workout plan in order to achieve his goal. Most people tend to perceive their career as detrimental to their progress when they really shouldn't. It's time to stop making excuses and start moving. There's no need to neither go to the gym nor spend a ridiculous amount of money on fitness classes as people can use their own space at home or the provisionary gym in their condominium. Not to mention that there are also numerous workout routines intended for those who don't have much time to spare. Take this routine as an example:
15 minutes cardio
· 30 reps jumping jacks (2x)
· 30 reps knee raises (2x)
· Jump ropes for the remaining time
· 15 minutes jog
20 minutes body weight training
· 25 reps crunches (3x)
· 30 reps leg raise (3x)
· 30 reps glute kickbacks (3x)
· Planking & side planking (1 minute each)
20 minutes weight training
· 25 reps dumbbell squats (2x)
· 30 reps overhead press (3x)
· 30 reps bicep curl (3x)
· 30 reps bench press (3x)
This routine will only take about an hour and is ideal in the morning before breakfast and upon arriving home from work. Now, this is only a sample regimen, readers can customize and modify it depending on their needs and goals.
2. Correct your posture and keep moving while you are in the office
Posture creates a huge impact on one's overall fitness. When a person slouches, people will get the impression that he is heavier than he actually is. When standing or sitting upright, on the other note, will make him look more fit and in shape. Also, don't be a computer chair potato. Walk around, take the stairs, and get moving. Optimize the effect of this technique by engaging certain muscle groups without anyone noticing. Think of engaging abdomens while writing an email or exerting pressure on the thighs while striding the halls in killer stilettos, they'll find themselves filled with a new kind of confidence.
3. Opt for healthier alternatives
Eating is practically obligatory in the workplace, especially in very demanding careers such as real estate where wine and dine appointments with clients are mandatory, celebrations are a regular occurrence, and stress eating is a necessity. But the good news is, one doesn't have to entirely give up this way of life (not everything, that is) to maintain his/her health, they just have to choose wisely. Ditch the soda for water, opt for fruits for dessert, and sip on green tea instead of coffee when feeling sluggish. Once a person learns to love these healthy alternatives, he'll be turning his back on junk in no time.
4. Make it a lifestyle instead of a temporary solution
Most people interpret the phrase 'diet and exercise' as a short-term solution. It's something they would temporarily commit to when there is a wedding they need to attend to or an outing that will require them to show up in bikinis. When in truth, it should really be the beginning of a lifelong journey and a life-changing transformation. After all, who would want to be fit for a weekend and turn back to eating junk after the show? I know I don't.
Commitment, discipline, and the eagerness to sweat like a pig; once you acquire these ingredients, you'll be embracing the lifestyle you've always wanted. So, bring out those sweatpants and be on your way to becoming a better version of yourself.;area=summary;u=67218;area=summary;u=34885

Inflammation - What Does It Mean and Why Is Everyone Talking About It?

A Story of Inflammation
Inflammation is a hot topic today. But, for everyone, the word doesn't necessarily create a picture in your mind of what it means. I understand it can be overwhelming and maybe a bit irritating with the magnitude of information available today - on nutrition, health, fitness - all things wellness. How do you know what it all means? Where do you turn for sound information? My goal is to be that resource for you - to help you make sense of it all.
Today, I want to help simplify this idea of inflammation.
Let me first tell a story of a real person living with painful inflammation and the resolution that occurred with a change in eating. Jason is a client that came to me because he had been living with episodes of severe pain for years. He was sick and tired of the aches and pains. He had a history of high blood pressure, had experienced over the years debilitating incidences of gout as well as a rheumatic disorder that was treated with years of prescription steroids. All that he was experiencing were processes of inflammation (more on that to come).
Jason was willing to make gradual changes to his diet - eliminating pop, replacing his usual high sugar breakfast with a meal richer in protein, and increasing his fruit and vegetable intake. Shortly thereafter, a stressful work time of the year that historically resulted in a significant relapse of gout ended with significantly less pain than he had experienced the prior year. By shifting his diet away from foods creating inflammation to those that helped to reduce it - he reduced his symptoms as well!
In Jason's story he didn't even make huge changes to his diet. He started small, because that was what worked for him. He did great and he got results. Even small changes can cause a significant improvement in symptoms! And when you continue on a path to reduce inflammation - eliminating foods irritating to your body, adding foods that are powerhouses of nutrients, healing years of damage to the gut from the Standard American Diet or medication usage - the results can continue to get better and better.
What would those results look like?
  • Reduced risk of heart disease.
  • Improved gut health reducing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, gas, bloating, chronic digestive upset.
  • Reduced risk of autoimmune disease.
  • Weight loss.
  • Improvement in a multitude of inflammatory conditions - diagnosis you may have received - that end in "itis."
What is inflammation?
Let me try to make this simple. There are 2 different types of inflammation - acute and chronic. Acute inflammation is the body's normal response when something harmful affects any area in your body. Acute inflammation will cause symptoms you I am sure, have experienced including heat, redness, swelling, pain or loss of function. It's how your body protects itself - eliminates the cause of injury and starts the process of repairing damage.
The human body is remarkable! Each and every day you are put in harm's way and your body's immune system protects you from getting sick. It is generally very good at it's job - keeping things in check to keep you healthy.
Unfortunately, it's not perfect. Sometimes, this acute process to keep you well may go awry and may lead to a chronic response. This could happen for a number of reasons - it didn't do a good job at removing what it should have, it makes a mistake and starts recognizing your own healthy tissue as something harmful (an autoimmune response), or perhaps there is an irritant that persists for a long period of time.
Think of it like this - acute inflammation is like a storm that hit your neighborhood. Some damage occurred, there is clean up to be done, things will get resolved and you will move on. Chronic inflammation is like that storm hitting your neighborhood 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year. There is never an opportunity to clean up and move on.
Acute inflammation can make you sick, but you will recover. Chronic inflammation, however, has been implicated in almost all disease states today including autoimmune diseases, obesity, allergies, metabolic syndrome, heart disease and diabetes, in addition to aging!
What are the symptoms?
If you or someone you love experiences any of these, you may be living with chronic inflammation.
  • Diagnosed with an autoimmune disease.
  • Struggle to achieve a healthy weight.
  • Ongoing muscle and joint aches and pains.
  • Extreme fatigue.
  • Regular constipation, diarrhea or both.
  • Brain fog - making it more difficult to solve problems or complete simple tasks.
  • Asthma or allergies.
Inflammation is a word that is thrown around a lot these days. It continues to be understood as a major factor in health versus illness.;area=summary;u=67120;area=summary;u=34861

How The Healthcare Sector Is Benefitted Through Survey Plugins

In today's e-commerce era how satisfied your customers are depends on how well you interact with them. Understanding particular needs and preferences is one of the most important necessities of business. The more you meet the expectations of your customers, the more you generate revenue.
Analyzing the engagement of healthcare employees is of much importance, as employees who are happy, will be able to provide the kind of care that makes patients happy. Healthcare questionnaires are frequently administered to individual patients to collect the feedback to improve business operations, to help you gain insight into each and every part of the patient experience and to enhance the employee experience, from overall improvement and motivation to career development. The main goal of any health-related survey is to provide advices or references to achieve good health.
Privacy stands out to be a big issue while creating surveys that is used for health plans, by providers and for medical research studies. A surveying tool should let you create and administer questionnaires, store data in a safe & secure environment and generate organized reports. There is nothing much safer than a CRM integrated survey plugin which serves the purpose. A lot of healthcare providers have recognized this need and are implementing the same which would help them understand the preferences of patients and employees to a great level.
When everyone in an organization is dedicated, it becomes easier to provide care with quality. It is necessary to make sure that everyone is equipped with the tools they need to do their jobs. At the same time patient satisfaction is also a matter of much importance. Surveying will let you know their experience with care & facilities provided and thus evaluate their needs. Surveys are a great way to gather information or feedback on internal procedures which will help you to identify potential issues.
A Brief On Survey Rocket
"Survey Rocket" is such a plugin that lets you create multiple surveys with the help of templates, including email templates. These emails can also be used as survey invitations to Contacts, Accounts, Users, and Leads.
It will improve the patient-provider communication by getting important feedback from patients as well as employees. Some key features include:
  • Easy Administration
  • Capable of collecting data from a large number of users
  • Select theme, date, and email template for creating surveys
  • Add help tips for each question
  • Specific module to save answers of received surveys
  • Track of users to whom the survey was sent
  • Multiple survey reports to have a better knowledge of your customers
  • Cost-effective & less time consuming
Getting access to the right data is predominant. Survey data provides the insights and intelligence you'll need to confidently make highly-informed decisions. Market-leading surveys render organizations with the data-driven insights and intelligence needed to stay in front of the varying marketplace. This allows you to develop strategies with confidence to attract and retain high talent while satisfying requirements as they continue to evolve.;area=summary;u=65028;area=summary;u=34632

Monday, August 15, 2016

7 Myths and Facts About Concussion Recovery

Concussions can be mild, misunderstood, and even misdiagnosed altogether. With the commonality we see today in concussions among athletes, there's a lot of buzz among players and non-athletes alike that may or may not be true about concussions and concussion recovery. Here are seven myths, and their factual counterparts, about concussion recovery.
1. MYTH: If you didn't pass out you don't have a concussion.
FACT: One of the telling signs of a concussion and the grade of severity was loss of consciousness. However today there are people who have experienced a range of symptoms and signs that are just as important in identifying a concussion as passing out. Healthcare experts suggest injuries where the individual loses consciousness are actually not any more severe than those that don't. However, the less dramatic symptoms can lead to misdiagnosing someone who actually may have a concussion.
2. MYTH: If your cat scan is clear, you're in the clear.
FACT: Concussion damage actually occurs on the cellular level, according to Mark Lovell, Ph.D. Thus, a CAT scan will not pick up the changes that occur within the cells. It will, however, pick up any swelling or bleeding, so it's a good idea not to skip out on it.
3. MYTH: Concussions can cause headaches years after.
FACT: This may not be the case for people who have experienced multiple concussions, but doctors believe there is no scientific evidence that people who have had a concussion are more disposed to concussions than other people. So if you're experiencing a lot of headaches and you've had a concussion in the past, it may be caused by something else you might want to consider.
4. MYTH: When your symptoms dwindle, you're safe to play sports.
FACT: Symptoms and signs during concussion recovery may be subtle or non-existent, so it's important to note from experts that exercise and playing sports may actually cause symptoms to reappear and therefore interrupt the recovery process. It is recommended to not return to any sports or super physical activity until getting the green light from a healthcare professional.
5. MYTH: You have fully recovered if your only symptom is a headache.
FACT: There are often no visible signs from a concussion, and it may be dangerous to rely on self-symptom checking before going out again on the field or in the gym. Full concussion recovery should always be determined by a healthcare professional, even if most or all symptoms have subsided.
6. MYTH: A grade-three concussion is more serious that a grade-one.
FACT: Doctors and healthcare professionals used to grade concussions when diagnosing, but are now unable to do so accurately because symptoms are difficult to determine a diagnosis initially. It may take a while for symptoms to subside before an accurate diagnosis and severity may be determined.
7. MYTH: Helmets are a good safety precaution to prevent concussions.
FACT: Helmets are designed for fractures in the skull, not concussions. It may help with the risk of severity of a concussion, but experts believe it doesn't help to prevent them, yet!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Differences Between Chiropractors And Osteopaths

When the philosophies are your point of comparison, the differences between these two health practices are subtle. It only becomes obvious if you take a deeper look into their scope of practice and educational requirements. Both actually subscribe to the whole body concept of treatment. Osteopaths believe that lack of blood flow will lead to disease while chiropractors believe that nerve interference can result to diseases.
This was founded in 1860s by a medical doctor and surgeon who served various military bases. In 1864, his 3 children died because of spinal meningitis so he began studying the relationship between the musculoskeletal system and disease.
It is further emphasized that this form of medical care has been founded on the philosophy that all body systems depend on one another to achieve good health. When it comes to the scope of practice of osteopathic physicians, they can already prescribe medicine and perform surgery whenever necessary. They strongly believe in the philosophy of treating the whole person as one rather than treating just the symptoms. Today, the number of professionals performing manipulation has decreased as more and more of them are required to train in hospitals in different disciplines. The good side though of this is that they can specialize in various types of medical practice.
Chiropractic Care
This was founded in 1895. A chiropractor is dedicated to paying careful attention to the function, biomechanics, and structure of the spine. They also take into account the spine's effects on the musculoskeletal and neurological systems. These professionals strongly believe that the body will heal itself when the function and structure are corrected.
As for their scope of practice, they limit to treating low back pain, headaches, joint problems, sciatica, and other related issues. Apart from that, they can also treat spinal disc conditions, osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other ligament and tendon issues like strains and sprains. Be reminded that they don't administer medications but recommend herbal remedies and vitamins. Moreover, they don't perform invasive treatments. Rather, they employ physical therapy, spinal manipulation, and nutrition.
If you are deciding on which health provider is best for you, there are several things to consider. These include the nature and severity of your health condition, and your personal preference. Bear in mind that problems associated with the spine may be best treated by a chiropractor. On the other hand, illnesses like bacterial and viral infections and systemic diseases requiring medications and aggressive treatments are best treated by an osteopath.

Common Symptoms and Signs of IBS

People suffering from irritable bowel syndrome generally experience symptoms that cause discomfort. When these issues occur, people often seek the assistance of a doctor. A physician can assess a patient's condition to make an IBS diagnosis. After diagnosis, the next step involves treatment to relieve distress.
Common Symptoms
A physician will assess a patient's symptoms to determine whether IBS is possible. Anyone who experiences issues such as bloating, excess gas, and pain in the lower abdomen might be feeling signs of a possible problem. In addition, marked changes in bowel movement patterns and mucus present in stools could also indicate a problem. The doctor will ask questions to learn about the level and timing of symptoms. Generally, someone is more likely to be experiencing irritable bowel syndrome if these issues have been a problem for at least six months. Another common way to assess symptoms is the frequency of abdominal pain. If this type of discomfort occurs at least three days out of each month, lasting for a minimum of three months, a problem could be present. The doctor will ask additional questions about this discomfort to further focus the diagnosis. IBS could be the cause of the distress if having a bowel movement relieves the pain or if the discomfort is connected to a change in bowel movement frequency. Discomfort linked with a change in consistency or appearance of stools is another potential factor.
Bowel Patterns
IBS usually involves a change in bowel habits over a period of time. Some people experience an increase in frequency, as happens with diarrhea. Other people become constipated, and frequency spaces out and becomes longer. Stool size or consistency can also change, varying between extremes; some people feel an urgent need to use the bathroom, while others strain uncomfortably to pass stool.
Unrelated Symptoms
Someone suffering from IBS may experience other unrelated signs of a problem. Some people feel depressed or anxious. Others notice urinary issues, including problems emptying the bladder completely. Heart palpitations may occur, in which it feels like the heart is skipping a beat or fluttering. Headaches and backaches are common complaints among patients. Some people also have trouble sleeping, or they notice a lack of sexual desire with the onset of irritable bowel issues. Finally, an unpleasant or unusual taste in the mouth is reported by some patients. People might notice fluctuations of these issues, with an increase in severity after eating or during times of anxiety.
Anyone who suspects this illness should consult with a physician for an assessment and possible diagnosis. The sooner a diagnosis occurs, the sooner treatment can begin to help a patient feel better.;area=summary;u=47770;area=summary;u=32944

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Orthopedic Surgery: A Brief History

Orthopedic surgery is the area of medicine concerned with the musculoskeletal system. While the name may seem to imply only surgical procedures, doctors work to correct orthopedic issues using both surgical and non-surgical means. Physicians who specialize in this area treat trauma, sports injuries, infections, degenerative diseases, congenital disorders, and tumors.
Beginning With Children
Nicholas Andry coined the name orthopedic surgery in 1741. The word comes from the Greek "orthros," which means "straight" or "correct," and "paidion," which means "child." The term was first seen in his book, "The Art of Correcting and Preventing Deformities in Children," which was designed to help parents understand their child's malformation. Initially, the field was geared towards identifying and correcting spinal and bone deformities in children. Andry advocated the use of manipulation, splinting, and exercise as treatments.
Andry wasn't alone in his quest to help children. One of the first orthopedic surgery institutes was opened in 1780 by Jean-Andre Venel. Physicians working there dedicated their talents to assisting children with skeletal deformities. At this institute, Venel and his staff created ways to treat spine curvature and even developed the first club shoe for children suffering from foot malformations.
Into the 1800s, the practice remained limited to helping children. New techniques to correct spinal problems were continually developed. Surgical procedures such as the percutaneous tenotomy became popular as a means to correct problems with the foot and leg.
Growing to Encompass Adults
It wasn't until the early 1900s that physicians began investigating the possibilities of orthopedic surgery for teens and adults. The man credited with bringing orthopedics into the modern age is Hugh Owen Thomas. Thomas expanded the field through his interest in treating fractures. He created the Thomas Splint to stabilize broken bones and advocated bed rest in order to heal wounds and prevent infection.
In addition to the splint, Thomas created the Thomas Maneuver to help those with hip joint fractures. In order to treat the fractures, he would perform a test to detect the deformity by having his patients lie flat on a bed. Then, he would use his "wrench" method to reduce the fracture and reset the bone.
During the First World War, Thomas's techniques became mainstream when his nephew, Robert Jones, used the Thomas Splint to reduce the mortality rate for compound fractures of the femur from 87 percent to just 8 percent.
Post World War One
After World War One, German doctor Gerhard Kuntcher started using intramedullary rods to help fix fractures in the tibia and femur. However, it wasn't until the late 1970s that intramedullary fixation became possible without having to open the fracture. Prior to this time, it was common to use traction in order to repair the damage.
Since the 1970s, the field of orthopedic surgery continues to grow. Today, common techniques include joint replacements, bone grafts for severe fractures, and foot, ankle, shoulder, hand, and elbow procedures. Sports injuries also now fall under this category of medicine.

Is There Any Link Between Wrinkles And Lower Bone Density?

According to Dr. Lubna Pal, a Yale School of Medicine researcher, there might be a direct link between common facial wrinkles and bone density. As Dr. Pal analyzed the firmness of facial skin along with depth and quantity of the wrinkles, she observed how those with worse skin conditions also has a low density in the lower hip, lumber and spine among the middle-aged subjects who were all women. The opposite results also appear as well from those with firmer facial skin also have a great strengthened bone density.
A past study shows that 114 women were studied over a period of three years before their last menstrual period as researches numbered the firmness of the skin and the number as well as the depth of facial wrinkles. Each participant were scan for bone density and the hips, heels and the spine which was measured by DEXA, which is a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scans and ultrasounds. Those who displayed more wrinkles proven to have less bone density, while those with tough skin showed better degrees of bones. The results came in persistently as researchers showed common effects on other related symptoms known to play a role in bone density which includes race, smoking, body mass, and multivitamin take.
Skin and Bones Share the Same Protein
Skins and bones both share collagens, which is a group of proteins. As we begin to age, our body makes changes in collagen which may also relate to age-related changes of the skin. Dr. Pal has a theory that the connection between the bones and skin is a specific protein named type 1 collagen - which is a kind of building block of tissue in both skin and bones that tends to decrease with age. The theory continues as Pal believes that the skin is a major reflection on what's happening inside, especially with the bones. There are also certain levels of wrinkles that can be an indicator to lower bone density as well as the facial wrinkles between the eyebrows.
The conducted study was previously presented at the Boston's annual meeting of the American Society of Endocrinology in 2011. Medical experts who examined the study emphasized that the total data hasn't been thoroughly reviewed by independent scientists and researchers as they also have noted that the said observation has a deep contrast with conventional wisdom. As an example, experts mention that the sun's exposure is said to cause an increase in wrinkling the skin as well as damage the skin and cause sensitivity. However, the skin benefits from sun exposure as it increases vitamin D intake with is a nutrient that has been shown to grow strong bones. Thus, many women with signs and symptoms of wrinkles often carry strong bones.
Experts Say...
Another research investigator, Laure Rittie, PhD, says the study could have taken more tests by testing skin with controlled sun exposure. It seems as if the authors only took wrinkle severity on the face and neck rather than sun-protected skin that may reflect systemic and internal changes to possibly rule out any potential confounding factors.
More experts say they approve of the new idea of connecting wrinkles and bone health and the study is quite worth more studies and investigation. Linda A. Russel, MD, is a bone health specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, has also approved of the interesting idea with potential for developing an easier, cost-efficient option for screening bone density.
The research study is set to continue for another year as participants will be given an assessment for their skin and bone health in hopes of finding further results to confirm the initial observation.
So, is there any link between wrinkles and lower bone density?
With the outline of the observation, Dr. Pal's observation does seem to make sense as the result of aging skin will suffer from skin damage. As bones and skin are made of the same protein, having more wrinkles will reflect on the damage of the collagen. As the bones are made up of a combination of mineralized collagen and a collagen matrix, facial wrinkles could be a window to help determine the actually condition of the bones.
However, the study may have missed the actual point altogether. As the study is in step with reductionism, the observation applied by the establishment is fragmented and rather simplified with relevant information - leading to disconnected conclusions. When scientists fail to look at the full screen, they may miss or completely ignore such dangerous side effects of the observation.
For example: Avandia, GlaxoSmithKline's world's best-selling drug for diabetes was used to sensitivity to insulin in Type ll diabetes became severely restricted in the US and entirely suspended in Europe in 2010. This was due to the terrible side effects of the drug as a study from Cleveland Clinic proven that patients who took Avandia had an increased risk of 43% chance of a hard attack as well as related cardiovascular problems.
It is no secret that with poor lifestyle habits and unhealthy diets will lead to an obvious poor state of health - which ultimately leads to other health problems and plenty of wrinkles. Without proper nutrition, your body will suffer from the void of antioxidants and nutrients that are needed to protect the skin. The same nutrients and antioxidants of course, are needed to help build strong bones as well.
When your body consumes a large myriad of chemicals from the foods to other artificial flavoring, it is only obvious to notice how damaged skin is much related to weakened bones that have a high potential for damage and fractures. Those who suffer from poor sleeping habits and lack of sleep can also increase your stress levels which are another factor that adds onto weakened bones. With a large number of studies, a steady result of unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits will only prove to have a negative effect overall on your entire body system.

Opt For Heart Health Everyday

We've turned the page on the calendar - the chocolate roses, truffles, heart-shaped foods and all that jazz are behind us. I'm not trying to dismiss February 14 as insignificant, but I do want to remind you that the heart is bigger than one day.
I want you to give equal attention to keeping your heart healthy and adopting a lifestyle that will help keep it that way. My goal is to motivate you to go beyond slipping into something red and looking good on the outside, to considering what you need to do to have a strong healthy heart inside.
Include physical activity as part of your regular schedule. Some folks may have occupations that keep them walking and moving while others are in jobs that are sedentary, keeping them tethered to a desk all day. In either case folks need to exercise. If your job requires movement throughout the workday, include 30 minutes of physical activity, to aid in reducing stress. For those of you that are bound to a desk, see if your employer will invest in a few walking workstations. It is a win-win, you get needed exercise and your employer will benefit from healthier employees.
Everyone should include 30 minutes of physical activity at least five days a week to get their heart rate up. If you are not active now, ease into an exercise program after checking with your health care provider to make sure there is no reason to restrict physical activity.
Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet; choose an assortment of colorful items. Sure we all have our favorite foods, but mix it up and try something that is new to you. For example if you just love tomatoes-choose yellow or purple hues in place of the traditional red sometimes. According to the United Stated Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) Americans consume about 1.5 cups of fruits and vegetables; that is not enough. The national nutrition guidelines recommend 2 to 3 cups a day. Include more whole grain and high fiber foods in your daily diet. Folks don't eat enough fiber and most need to eat more. By increasing produce in your diet, you can increase fiber intake. Eat whole grain breads, more beans, legumes, brown rice, quinoa and nuts.
Choose lean red meats, poultry and fish. Keep an eye on portion size, which should be approximately 4 ounces. As for dessert, which too many of us want to eat first, choose items that are not overflowing with sugar. Look to fruit or Greek-style yogurt that you can enhance with berries, and a few nuts. If you want a prepared dessert, consider cutting the portion in half and saving a portion for another day.
As for beverages, make sure you drink plenty of water, avoid high-sugar drinks and consume alcoholic drinks in moderation. Recommended amounts of alcohol are one drink a day for women and up to two drinks a day for men.
This includes cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes and marijuana. Don't smoke; smoking simply is not heart-healthy.
Learn to take a chill break, relax and do something you find enjoyable. Meditate, read a book, indulge in mindless television or enjoy a soothing bath. Relaxing helps manage stress, which will aid in heart health.
Get the sleep that you need. Adequate amounts of sleep allow your heart to rest and will lower your blood pressure. Sleep deprivation works against heart health-you will feel more stressed and crave higher calorie foods.
By following these guidelines, "eating less and moving more" you're choosing year 'round heart health.

Top 4 Myths of Coconut Oil: What Is the Truth?

Coconut oil's popularity is increasing day by day. Whilst there are many articles and statements in the web claiming this product to be one of the miraculous foods available today, there are still those who beg the different. In this midst of arguments and discussions, myths are born, some true and some false. These myths have become so popular that, people believe each and every one of them, even if it is a false one. Therefore, to prepare ourselves better, we need to search for the truth and this article aims to achieve just that.
Myth #1: As coconut oil is predominantly composed of saturated fats, it raises cholesterol levels and is not good for the heart.
Fact: Yes, it is true that it does contain saturated fats but that does not mean that it affects the human heart unlike what many believe. When people hear oil, they think that it is bad for the health. However, that's not the case. First, you need to understand that there are two types of cholesterol: bad and good and the good one is something that your body requires. Coconut oil helps in raising the good cholesterol which helps lower bad cholesterol and in fact clears the blockages in the arteries connected directly to the heart. In addition to this, researchers have not found conclusive evidence that saturated fats raises the bad cholesterol levels in any way.
Myth #2: Only Virgin Coconut Oil is healthy - Refined is bad for you
Fact: That's incorrect because all coconut oil types found in the market today are healthy. This myth is prevalent because of the saturated fat bias that has spread through uncontrolled and untested marketing strategies. Most people think that saturated fat is bad - somehow from these marketing and presume that virgin oils are free from these fats and refined are not. However, all coconut oils have medium chain fatty acids that are present in all products. These fatty acids do not break down when heated and are actually good for health. Also, there is no difference between 'virgin' and 'extra virgin'.
Myth #3: Coconut oil is good for the skin
Fact: Now, this is true it is indeed good for the skin - mostly when applied directly. It helps in retaining the moisture in the skin, gets rids of the rashes and promotes a more lively skin. Upon eating, the anti-oxidants in the oil can help combat skin complications like infections to some extent. Though, you have to remember to use it in an appropriate quantity.
Myth #4: It is bad for metabolism as it thick and not absorbed easily
Fact: Many people think that coconut oil is thick because in colder temperatures, this particular oil condenses. Due to this belief, people say that it is not absorbed easily in the body and is bad for metabolism, but this is entirely false. Coconut oil does condense in lower temperatures but that does not mean that it is thick, sticky or greasy. That's just its physical property. In reality, this oil is good for metabolism processes because it acts as a catalyst for absorbing various nutrients.
These are the top 4 myths of coconut oil that is mostly found in our society. Now, you know the fact behinds these myths. So, spread the actual information to other people and stay away from these kinds of myths in the future.;area=summary;u=47732;area=summary;u=32672

Top Tips for Preparing for Laser Spine Surgery

Laser spine surgery is a procedure that is now widely used to treat a number of back conditions, including sciatica, radiculopathy, annular tears, lumbar disc herniations and several more. It is particularly popular with patients as it is a minimally invasive procedure, and only local anaesthetic is required, differentiating it from other types of back surgery.
As there are several different types of surgery and treatment available for the conditions listed above, it is necessary for each patient to talk about whether laser spine surgery is the right treatment option for them with their physician. Normally, a doctor will be able to fully answer all questions regarding preparing for and undergoing this type of treatment.
There are several tips, however, that you will need to bear in mind when you are preparing for such a procedure. These will aid your recovery and help you go into the surgery with complete peace of mind.
The first tip is to make sure that you make a detailed list of your anxieties and questions to speak about with your doctor or surgeon before undergoing the procedure. As with all surgeries, there are risks, and you should take the time to discuss them with your physician to put your mind at ease.
Although laser surgery actually is less invasive than other options, there are still risks, and being aware of them and what the medical team is doing to minimize them can help you feel greatly reassured. Issues to talk about include the risk of infection, the duration of the surgery, what you can expect to feel during surgery and other topics that concern you.
After talking at length with your physician about the risks and the details of surgery, you will want to ask specifically about the estimated recovery time, as this will affect how you go about your day after your return from the hospital. Somme patients can take up to six weeks to recover, whereas others will take significantly less.
This can affect you if you are hoping to return to work, social activities or physical activities such as gentle or moderate exercise. Make sure that you have detailed information about what you can and cannot do immediately after and in the short-term after your laser spine surgery in order to be fully prepared.
There are some changes that your physician may ask you to make before going in for your surgery. Although laser spine surgery is generally a very short procedure under local anaesthetic - and a hospital stay is often not required - your surgeon will likely ask you not to eat or drink before surgery. You may also be advised against consuming food after surgery for a certain period of time.
You will also need to prepare your home and transport options for after you have undergone the procedure. Although results can be rapid, it is oftentimes impossible to drive after surgery, so you will need transportation back from the hospital if it is an outpatient procedure.
You will also need to take pain medication as required, so make sure that you have enough available and that you put in place a regular schedule for taking your prescribed medicine in order to reduce pain and speed up your recovery.
It is also a wise idea to make preparations at home. As your body will need to rest and recover after surgery, preparing several healthy meals in advance of your surgery and storing them in the freezer will mean that you do not have to go through the effort of cooking from scratch in the period of time immediately following the surgery.
It is also wise to take care of other major household chores - such as ironing, cleaning and doing the laundry - immediately before your operation. This will allow you the time and comfortable environment you need to make a speedy recovery after your laser spine surgery.;area=summary;u=47726;area=summary;u=32537