Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Signs and Symptoms of Emotional Distress

Most people suffering from this form of distress find that they have very poor sleep quality. Sleep is essential to your overall well being and finding that your sleep is lacking or you fall asleep but cannot stay asleep will have a negative impact on you daily. Poor sleep quality comes out in other forms, such as exhaustion, struggle to concentrate and so much more, which only add to the signs and symptoms you are already facing with this form of distress.
Another sign you may not that may have you wondering if you are suffering and need emotional distress psychotherapy is weight fluctuations. Everyone is under the impression that when you are stressed you will lose weight, but this is not the case. In fact, many people suffering with distress find that they can lose weight and they put it on just as easily. Some find comfort in eating, which results in them putting on the pounds and then the next week, they cannot eat and the weight falls off them again.
A very common sign of emotional distress is headaches. Unfortunately this form of distress plays out as overall health issues and experiencing headaches that don't seem to ease and you suffer with them daily can be a sign of an underlying issue, such as stress. You may also find that even though you exercise regularly, your body aches. The most common aches and pain you will experience due to distress is the shoulders and lower back, though the pain can come through from anywhere. Ensure if you are struggling to sleep, your weight is fluctuating and you are experiencing pain and you know you are stressed that you seek professional help.
You may find that you are experiencing stomach problems from diarrhea to constipation to as far as irritable bowel syndrome. All of these can make you uncomfortable and can leave you feeling more unhappy each day than the distress you are experiencing.
It is very common when suffering from any form of emotional distress that you have a short fuse and this can lead to a bad temper. Some people find that they have mood swings, going from happy to angry within seconds, while others find that they get angry at anything and have a flaring temper until they have started working with an emotional distress psychotherapist who helps them with coping and breathing techniques to keep their emotions and temper under control.
Many emotional distress psychotherapists advise that some people suffering from this form of distress play out in an obsessive behaviour of some kind. This may be checking the front door is locked ten times before going to work to running back home every day to make sure they haven't left the oven on. Obsessive disorders are exceptionally common in anyone suffering from emotional distress. The good news is that this can be managed with the right care and help.
In addition to this, anyone suffering from emotional distress will find that they are tired all the time, they have no energy, their memory is poor and to top it off, they start losing interest in a social life. They start putting off friends and family to stay home alone.

Can Your Fitness Tracker Work Against You?

Fitness trackers are all the rage right now, but there's one aspect of activity tracking most people never think about - the tracking part. Just like a cellphone or any other tracking device, an activity tracker logs data related to your whereabouts (or past whereabouts). In other words, your fitness tracker could work against you!
A Florida Case
Currently, the information logged by a fitness tracker is being used as part of a court case. A Florida woman claimed that she was raped while staying at her boss's house, but her activity tracker shows that she did not do the things she claimed to do the night prior.
This woman claimed to be sleeping the night before the attack, but her tracker data shows that she was up and walking around all night - police suspect she was staging the scene of the crime.
This is just one case where fitness trackers are being used to hold people accountable. The data that a tracker logs can be used against someone in a court of law, and more and more this is what's happening.
Used as Proof Too
Fitness trackers might be able to help you when it comes to proving limited mobility too. A good example is a case happening in Canada right now. A few years ago, a woman was injured in an accident. This accident drastically cut down on her mobility.
Her lawyer is currently trying to show a court just how limited she is by showing the data logged on her activity tracker - the amount of mobility she has right now is far below what someone her age should be able to do. Data from fitness trackers can be used in court in this manner as well, which is not necessarily a bad thing.
Keeping Your Data Safe
There are some concerns about the safety and privacy of fitness trackers too. Not only can these trackers be used for accountability purposes, but it's also possible that the data stored in a tracker might be widely available to the right hacker.
So just how safe is your activity tracker? It is recommended that you use your tracker when you plan to be active, but remove it when you are at home. Of course, this somewhat defeats the purpose of tracking all of your steps in one day, but it might protect you against hacks.
The bottom line here is to understand that any device developed to track your movements does just that - this kind of data is recorded at all times. If you keep this important detail in mind, fitness trackers can be used safely.

Caregiver's Self-Kindness: Finding What Works Best

Lack of self-kindness can lead to the loss of identity, the blues, symptoms of depression, or a medical diagnosis of depression. You don't need any of these things at this time of life. Instead, identify the self-kindness steps that work for you--a trial and error process. While you're figuring this out, you need to continue to be a caregiver and take care of yourself.
Like buying new shoes, you have to "try on" self-kindness. You may eat lunch out with a friend for weeks, until you realize this is costly self-kindness. A new hobby may grab your attention until you realize you don't like it. Getting together with family members can be self-kindness, but this is difficult if relatives live far away, and your meetings are few.
Whether you are a volunteer family caregiver or a paid health care professional, each caregiver has to determine the self-kindness steps that work for them. I'm in my 19th year of caregiving and am also a health and wellness writer. To produce articles and books I need time for thought and research. Therefore, I build quiet time into every day. In fact, quiet is my top self-kindness step.
Mike O'Connor cites examples of self-kindness in his article, "40 Ways to Practice Self-Kindness," posted on the Kindness blog. Some ideas, such as drinking plenty of water, sound simple. In reality, staying hydrated is crucial to good health. Another of his suggestions is to learn to accept compliments and resist the urge to deny them. Being emotionally honest, asking for help, mindful eating, and limiting the time we spend with difficult people are more of his suggestions.
The question is, "What works best for me? You may have to get better at self-talk, for example. At the end of the day, if you find your thoughts slipping into the negative zone, counter these thoughts with positive ones. Doing this takes practice. Focusing on the benefits of caregiving can be helpful. Remember, you're making a difference in someone's life.
Be willing to change course. Keeping a self-kindness step that doesn't make you feel better is a waste of your time and energy. Nix that step from your list and head in a new direction. You may be stymied on this direction and, if so, ask a caregiver friend, or member of your support group, or a member of an online support group, for some ideas.
In their book, The Tough and Tender Caregiver, David A. Travland, PhD and Rhonda Travland compare the caregiver's needs to the care receiver's needs. "If the caregiver cannot continue to be a whole person," they write, "he or she is not going to be much good as a caregiver." The goal of self-kindness is to keep what makes you the person you are, and energize you for the weeks ahead.
You are worthy of this goal. In order to reach it you need to be mindful of your feelings. Determine which self-kindness steps work best for you and stick with them. You may also wish to put these steps in writing and post them on the refrigerator door. The best person to practice self-kindness is you.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Eat Out, Eat Healthy and Lose Weight

I must admit, I'm not one who eats out very often. I much prefer to dine on a healthy home-cooked meal. As a whole though, Americans love eating out and we do it a lot.
Unfortunately, people who dine out frequently tend to have higher BMIs (body mass index) than those who eat at home most of the time. This is especially true when they're in the company of friends who aren't worried about eating healthy. Let's face it, when everyone else is chowing down on a cheesy pasta dish, it's hard to order a salad with grilled chicken.
No worries. I've got you covered.
Take a minute to listen to my top 3 dining out tricks so you can continue to eat out AND stick to your healthy eating plan. Also, I have a delicious SHRIMP SCAMPI RECIPE for you. This recipe is so easy and quick (15 minutes) you might just decide to stay home and cook dinner for your friends instead of eating out.
Stick to your healthy eating plan with these 3 dining out tricks.
Know before you go. Before dining out, check the online menu. Look at the calorie value of all the dishes. Take note of the healthier options and decide ahead of time what you will order. This takes the guess work out of it and will help you avoid a dining out disaster.
Order small. For the most part, having a successful dining out experience is all about portion control. It's not that pasta is so terrible for you; it's the amount you eat. Let's be honest; you are going to eat whatever you are served. If you order less you will eat less. Take advantage of the appetizer menu (or even the kids menu) for smaller portions. Order an appetizer and pair it with a side salad. There are no rules against this. You are allowed to eat what and how much you want.
Go out for lunch. If you frequently go out to eat with a group of friends who aren't as concerned about their health and waistlines as you, suggest lunch instead of dinner. Lunch specials and lunchtime portions tend be smaller than dinner. Also, there's typically no (or less) alcohol being ordered.
Quick and Easy Recipe.
One of the very best ways to stick to your healthy eating plan is to cook and eat at home most of the time. This Shrimp Scampi recipe is one of my favorite quick and easy recipes. It tastes so decadent yet it only takes 15 minutes to prepare. Serve yourself a moderate portion and have it with a large salad. So delicious!

Calling All Men to Focus on Scoring Better Health

June recognizes a number of health-related dates. It is noted as Men's Health Month and includes Men's Health Week. Additionally there is also Wear Blue Day the color that is designated to raise awareness and educate men and women about the importance of men's health. Whether it is a day, a week or the entire month, I want to encourage men to note and not ignore the signals their bodies may send that there is something out of order.
Men's health is at risk as a result of some of the same health concerns we see in women. Cardiovascular (CVD) disease is one; more than one in three adult men has some form of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease most often refers to conditions that involve blood vessels. The vessels may be stiffened, narrowed or blocked, which can lead to a heart attack, chest pain (angina) or stroke. These afflictions occur because when the vessels are in less than optimum condition. The marred condition of the blood vessels prevents adequate amounts of blood to flow freely to supply the heart, brain and other organs.
Heart disease is the range of maladies that include blood vessel diseases, heart rhythm problems and heart defects (congenital heart defects) that you may be born with. Coronary heart disease is a common term for the development or buildup of plaque inside heart's arteries. The plaque is made from cholesterol some of which the body produces and some cholesterol is from the foods we eat that are high in saturated fats and trans fats. High cholesterol foods include animal sources, such as meat, poultry and full-fat dairy items.
There are several lifestyle changes that men can make to promote heart health.
They include:
Heart Healthy Eating-
Eat more:
  • vegetables including broccoli, cabbage, carrots, spinach and asparagus
  • fruit such as apples, bananas, oranges, pears, prunes and tomatoes (yes tomatoes are a fruit!)
  • fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, tuna, trout, mussels, and sardines
  • legumes such as lentils, black-eyed peas, kidney beans, and chickpeas
  • fat-free or low-fat dairy such as skim milk and Greek-style yogurt
  • whole grain breads, oatmeal, brown rice and corn tortillas
Avoid a lot of red meat, palm and coconut oils, sugary foods and beverages
Don't overindulge in alcohol-Men should limit alcohol intake to no more than two drinks a day. A drink is considered, 12 ounces of beer; 5 ounces of wine; 1½ ounces of liquor
Maintain A Healthy Weight-if you are overweight, take steps to drop the extra pounds. By changing your eating habits and exercising more you should be able to get the readings on your scale to go down. All adults will benefit from some type of physical activity. Include moderate-intensity physical activity of at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) in your schedule. This can include organized team sports, working-out in the gym, walking more or training at home via video tapes.
However, don't jump into strenuous activity immediately, talk to your doctor or health care provider to make sure you are exercise-ready.
Managing Stress-This can sometimes be a challenge, however by adding the recommended amount of physical activity to your schedule, this will help in managing stress. Other options for managing stress are a stress management program, meditation, relaxation therapy and simply talking things out with trusted friends or your family.
Stop Smoking-that sums it up. If you need help to stop, reach out to your health care provider for medical aids or referral to a support group.
Men can be resistant to change however when they opt to modify their lifestyle throughout the year it can help ensure they're able to continue to enjoy food, sports activities and sex, living happier, healthier and more enjoyable lives.
Take Away: Men can benefit from changing their lifestyle. By taking steps to improve their well-being, they can reduce their risk factors for chronic health challenges.

Monday, November 21, 2016

What Everyone Ought to Know About Poop

OK, it's not something people like to talk about. My clients often say, "sorry for too much information... " But really, I don't think we are talking about it enough. What comes out tells you so much about what has gone in and how well those choices are serving you. And it helps you to make changes if necessary to feel your very best every day!!
So, what does your poop tell you? The Bristol Stool Chart is a good visual to explain what is happening with each of the stool types. Everyone may experience changes in stool consistency throughout the week, but overall this may give you a good idea of where your body lands.
Chronic constipation
I would describe constipation as having a bowel movement less than once per day and a consistency that is hard. What everyone considers to be "normal" is different. But it is not "normal" to have a bowel movement every other day or every few days. The main causes of constipation are lack of exercise and diet. A diet rich in animal proteins and refined grains and low in fiber (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) may be at the root of chronic constipation.
Chronic diarrhea
There are many potential causes of diarrhea including food allergy or sensitivity, infection, medication side effect, or after surgery. Some of these may cause loose stools in the short term and hopefully will resolve quickly, but when it becomes chronic you should definitely pay attention and look for the underlying cause of the symptom. Very soft or liquidy stool is a sign that inflammation is occurring in the gut. Without resolution to the symptoms of inflammation, the damaging process will continue and symptoms may begin to appear in other areas of the body as well.
What is "normal?"
Again each person is different, but normal should look like Type 3 or Type 4 in the Bristol Stool Chart. A bowel movement should occur one to three times each day. A day may vary based on your exercise or eating habits, but you don't want to see the other types of stool occurring on a regular basis.
Other things to watch for
The Bristol Stool Chart is a good place to start, but there are other characteristics of your stool that tell you something about your health. For example, if stool floats or has a very strong smell this may be a sign that fat is not being absorbed properly. This could be caused by low stomach acid or gallbladder problems. If you see undigested food particles in stool this may also be caused by a lack of stomach acid or could simply be you are eating too quickly and not properly chewing your food before swallowing. Different colors in your stool can also be an area of concern. Black stool could be simply dietary choices such as blueberries or beets, but could also be caused by bleeding in the GI tract. Green stool may be due to poor absorption or a problem with the gallbladder as bile produced by the gallbladder starts out green and turns brown as it moves through the GI tract. Mucus in stool may be caused by an infection.
Poop may still not be a topic at the dinner table, preferably not. You should, though, pay attention and be aware of changes that occur to determine if long term your gut is in good health. This may provide motivation to make changes if needed to your diet and lifestyle to maintain a happy gut so you can get back to feeling great!

Mercer Infection - What It Is, Treatment and Prevention Ideas!

Today I want what to talk about what a mercer infection really is ideas on treating it as well as prevention.
Everyday there are some nasty things that are a threat to our health, such as nasty bacteria. Luckily we as humans are smart and we created antibiotics to fight them off.
The problem is bacteria adapt and survive just like us. Some bacteria have figured out a way to survive this medicine and this is what a mercer infection really is.
Some people call it a super bug because it can resist most antibiotics. One medicine that might take it down is Vancomycin. Another name for this type of infection is MRSA. This stands for methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, yea trying saying that 10 times really fast.
You might be wondering how you can tell if you have this type of infection. It's not easy to determine if you have it, the first sign might be small reddish bumps that look almost like they are spider bites or pimples. They could be swollen and full of puss as well.
These types of infections are usually just on the skin, however if they get into other areas it could be very bad and even life threatening.
So, if it's resistant to antibiotics how do we kill this mercer infection?
This is where alternative medicine comes in handy. There are herbs out there that have antibiotic abilities. Even better on the marketplace they have supplements with a variety of these types of herbs.
Another thing to think about is that when someone uses antibiotics it harms the good bacteria in their gut and that isn't good. You can improve this good bacteria with something called prebiotics or probiotics.
Let me share a few and give you a few examples. One idea is thyme oil. Greek researchers tested various essential oils on this superbug and they found thyme oil completely killed it within an hour. I knew lavender oil was proved to help with sleep, but I wasn't sure about the others, this is really good news.
Another idea is turmeric this is a golden powder. Curcumin is the active ingredient in it.
A team of researches at Oregon State University did a study that shows it activates something called CAMP, which is part of our immune system that detects harmful bacteria to be killed.
Lastly, it's contagious so if you have it wash your hands a lot, cover it up and keep your personal items to yourself.
If you know someone who has it such as a close family member one idea to protect yourself is to drink a lot of cranberry juice. Researchers at Worchester Polytechnic Institute took females and gave half of them a cranberry cocktail or a placebo. The scientists then took urine samples from both and put strains of this type of bacteria into it. The result was cranberry juice prevented an infection by stopping the super bug from sticking to cells walls.
I hope this article helped some people to know what a mercer infection really and have a great rest of your day.

10 Health Problems Caused by Computer Use and How to Win Them

If you might spend more than 6 hours per day sitting in front of a computer either for work or pleasure, then it is a high time to self-educate on relevant health-related problems and solutions to be taken.
Regular computer use could be the source of significant health depression due to:
  • Prolonged sitting position which causes strain in muscles, nerves and blood vessels;

  • Poor posture triggering bone and organ displacements as well as bad blood flow;

  • Inappropriate working conditions and environment, including inappropriately adjusted computer/chair/table position, a flickering screen glare and poor eating habits affecting our metabolic reactions and relevant health dysfunctions;

  • Lack of face-to-face human interaction inclining oneself to cyber addiction, depression as well as psychosomatic reactions.
Fortunately, preventive measures as well as an initial treatment of all the health issues caused by a computer use could be taken on a daily basis, including easy-to-do office exercises.
Health Issues Caused by Computer Use
A sedentary way of life spent in front of a computer screen causes many health problems. The welcome news is that anyone could perform preventive measures to get rid of the symptoms and avoid the diseases caused by prolonged sitting and computer screen glare. Let's begin by learning all the risks:
1. Neck, Shoulder and Back Pain
These are common problems occurring due to sedentary way of life. If to investigate the background causes of neck, shoulder and back pain (sometimes even leg pain) of white-collars, poor muscle tone, sandwiched nerves, and poor blood circulation are the most widely spread ones. For example, weak spine muscles could lead to vertebral displacements, which in turn might clench nerves or blood vessels causing terrible back pain and other health issues.
2. Computer Vision Syndrome
CVS or Digital Eye Strain is not one specific eye problem. This health problem encompasses a whole range of eye strain and pain issues experienced by computer users: double vision, irritated red eyes, wet or dry eyes, etc. The symptoms mentioned could be caused by poor lighting, a digital screen glare, improper viewing distances, poor seating posture, uncorrected vision problems, a combination of the factors (American Optometric Association [AOA], n.d.).
3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, USA, gives the following description: carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the palm of the hand, becomes pressed or squeezed at the wrist (NINDS Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Information Page, 2016).
Namely, a painful progressive condition caused by the compression of a key nerve in a wrist is another health issue caused by prolonged computer use, data-entry personnel being at a great risk of acquiring it.
4. Repetitive Strain Injury
RSI is a general term used to describe the pain felt in muscles, nerves and tendons caused by repetitive movement and overuse. The condition mostly affects parts of the upper body: forearms and elbows, wrists and hands, neck and shoulders (National Health Service [NHS], 2016).
5. Metabolic Disorders
Dr. Mercola, an osteopathic physician and New York Times bestselling author, suggests that prolonged sitting is linked to weight gain and associated biochemical changes, such as alterations in hormones, metabolic dysfunction, leptin dysfunction, and inflammation - all of which could promote cancer (Mercola, 2015).
A simple example of a relevant metabolic disorder could be explained by the following logical chain: prolonged sitting causes mushy abdominal muscles, these in turn lead to varied stomach problems triggering obesity, which prevents from proper breathing and triggers other issues.
6. Heart Diseases
Sedentary lifestyle with its lack of physical activity depresses our muscles. Weak muscles burn less fat. Relevantly, blood flows more sluggishly, allowing fat acids to clog easily the heart vessels. When our body's need for oxygen transmitted with blood is not being met, apart from minor problems (e.g. occasional arrhythmia), lethal consequences might happen (heart attack and stroke).
7. Brain Blood Circulation Loss
Our brain metabolism might dysfunction due to sedentary way of life. The brain of a healthy individual receives 15% of cardiac blood output and uses 20% of total body oxygen and 25% of total body glucose (Zauner, & Muizelaar, 1997). Accordingly, blood pressure loss across cerebral circulation possibly triggered by heart diseases or other reasons of bad blood flow leads to neurotransmitters' dysfunction, which are the brain chemicals that communicate information throughout our brain and body. This imbalance can also cause headaches, affect sleep and mood, as well as cause adverse health problems.
8. Leg Degeneration
Legs might also suffer from prolonged sitting. Varicose veins and blood clots could be caused by poor blood circulation in legs. Moreover, weak bones and even hip problems could be the results of poor motion and sedentary habits. All these affect our overall sustaining power and might lead to often fractures when falling.
9. Cyber Addiction
This is a psychological disorder connected with the computer use addiction. Our cognitive abilities decrease, if every single activity is performed through the Internet: shopping, banking, socializing, etc. What is more, cyber addicted people experience a decrease in concentration and focus when doing work off the computer, which makes it very uncomfortable and even dangerous for the society they interact in.
10. Depression
Mental stresses and constant work overloads lead to depressions of the office staff. When the deadline for a project is close, it gets hard to take a break from computer work routine, which involves mental stress. If no preventive measures for improving one's spirit condition are taken, the rising depression might also cause physical harm.
Ways to Relieve the Symptoms and Prevent the Diseases
It is never late to start caring about yourself! Whether you are an office employee or just use your PC on a daily basis for education or pleasure for prolonged time, the below mentioned ways of preventing computer use problems might be very handy:
1. Back, Neck and Shoulders Strain and Pain Minimization
To minimize pain and strain in your back, neck and shoulders after prolonged sitting, the following measures are required:
  • Repeated physical exercises,
  • Properly adjusted working environment,
  • Proper seating posture,
  • Regular breaks.
UCLA Spine Center highlights that "No matter how comfortable you are at your desk, prolonged, static posture is not good for your back. Try to remember to stand, stretch and walk at least a minute or two every half hour... " (Ergonomics for Prolonged Sitting, n.d.).
2. Overcome Computer Vision Syndrome
It's not so difficult to arrange appropriate working conditions to prevent CVS. According to already mentioned American Optometric Association, the actions to be taken are:
  • distribute light with a desk lamp;
  • put a monitor glare filter,
  • position your monitor appropriately - slightly below eye level, about 20 to 28 inches away from the face;
  • you shouldn't strain your eyes to see the screen;
  • look away from the screen every 20 min (American Optometric Association [AOA], n.d.).
3. Prevent / Decrease Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
The initial treatment of CTS, according to American National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, generally involves resting the affected hand and wrist (NINDS Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Information Page, 2016). Repeated but light exercises might help as preventive measures. For example, a compressed key nerve in your wrist could be prevented by circular wrist movements performed on repeated occasions during a working day.
4. Decrease Repetitive Strain Injury
It is a fact that an inappropriate posture or prolonged activities performed in an awkward position increase the risk of acquiring a strain in muscles or nerves. The first step in preventing the strain injury (which might be pre-diagnosed based on the repetitive pain in muscles or tendons) is to identify and modify the task or activity that is causing the symptoms (National Health Service [NHS], 2016). Breaks from same type activities also help (e.g.walking to your colleague's desk instead of sending a message), as well as seating position posture improvement.
5. Improve Metabolism
Our metabolic ability is the basis for digestion, immunity and overall physical strengths. To improve three main purposes of metabolism - the conversion of food to energy to run cellular processes, the conversion of food to building materials for proteins/lipids/nucleic acids, and the elimination of intracellular wastes - it is advisable by doctors to follow five easy rules when working in-office:
  • Performing easy physical exercises on a regular basis,
  • Regular healthy food eating,
  • Regular water or tea drinking,
  • Fresh air breathing,
  • Working in a comfortably adjusted environment, including good posture facilities.
6. Heart Stresses Avoidance
It has been estimated that 80% of heart disease and stroke events may be prevented by lifestyle changes and education, as highlighted by American Heart Association (Heart Disease Statistics at a Glance, n.d.). Cardiovascular therapy includes healthy and regular eating, balanced physical activity and regular oxygen intake, as well as avoidance of tobacco and extreme heat or cold temperatures, limited alcohol intake, and mental health maintenance. Considering office employees, occasional meditation, regular tea breaks combined with stairs instead of elevator / fruit instead of cigarette choices might serve as a relevant therapy.
7. Brain Normal Blood Circulation Maintenance
Our brain controls all physical, chemical and mental functions of our bodies. That is why, any brain metabolism risks should be minimized right in advance. As cited by National Center for Biotechnology Information, the importance of auto-regulation of cerebral blood flow that is ensured by constant blood supply and water homeostasis (Cipolla, 2009). To support these processes, one should maintain blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels by balanced physical activities, proper healthy food diet and fresh air oxygenation.
8. Leg Power Generation
Not to let our leg muscles to degenerate, regular physical activities should be performed on a daily basis. In one of the Forbes journal articles, it is mentioned that eight hours of sitting in an office plus sedentary evening recreation like watching TV - is a recipe for ruin. A survey performed by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion states that nearly 50% of adults in the U.S. admit they do not engage in the suggested 30 minutes, five days a week of moderate physical activity or the suggested 20 minutes, three times a week of vigorous activity (How much physical activity do adults need, n.d).
9. Winning Cyber Addiction
The first step to win the cyber addiction is to get aware of how much time is really being spent on computer distractive activities like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Computer monitoring software that tracks the Internet and software use might get very handy in analyzing one's computer use habits. When the data is received, there should be applied some way outs of the addiction. Among others, simple face-to-face human interaction cures the case, as well as fresh air walks and paper publications reading.
10. Overcome Depression
Psychologists suggest the low mood state might affect physical body functions, depressed people experiencing: appetite loss or overeating, concentrating or remembering problems, insomnia or excessive sleeping, fatigue, digestive problems, reduced energy level and many others. To prevent both physical and mental health stresses, - mental therapy, meditation, and spiritual exercises could be performed. Individual approach is advisable here: listen to your favorite music, watch or read humorous stuff, or even perform yoga exercises as a short break to your working routine!
Examples of Easy Office Remedies
Why don't some people invest even minimal efforts in preventing computer use and sedentary lifestyle health problems? The answer is quite clear: we're human beings who are sometimes lazy or even unmindful about regular exercises, and... sometimes too stressed to care about ourselves.
Here are some examples of these simple exercises suitable for offices, - developed to maintain and improve your health while working with a computer:
1. Easy physical exercises:
Example 1 - According to physicians, the right posture cures 70% of health problems caused by long sitting. The rule "90-90-90 degrees of body posture while sitting in front of a computer" is the key to a healthy body!
Example 2 - To cure down back problems: sit upright, grasp the left knee, lift left leg off the floor, bend forward (curling the back), bring your nose toward the knee. Repeat 3 - 5 times. Repeat with right leg.
2. Mental Stress Minimization:
Example 1 - Relaxing (or meditating) just three times per day, five minutes each time, will significantly harmonize your inner state. All you need, is to simply sit down comfortably and relax observing calming pictures of nature.
Example 2 - Release stress and generate some energy with a quick-seated dance when no one is looking while having a few minutes break of listening to your favorite music!
3. Natural Advice for Computer Use Harm Decrease:
Example 1 - When sitting for a long time in front of a computer, muscles burn less fat and blood flows sluggishly, allowing fat acids to more easily clog the heart. Allow fresh air into the room to provide your body with oxygen.
Example 2 - Decrease in concentration and focus when doing hourly work on a computer is treated by a short walk to your canteen for a cup of green tea or an apple.
If one does not care about preventing sedentary life problems OR s/he simply forgets to perform regular physical or mental exercises to overcome health issues, it may affect the overall quality of life. This might include enumerated health problems, consequent relationships issues and low work performance abilities (decreased productivity and increased number of professional errors caused by physical fatigue and health stresses). That is why, to live a full life, do not forget to take care about yourselves!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

How To Quickly Tighten And Tone Up A Flabby Stomach

The abdominal area is often one of the hardest parts of the body to tighten and tone. Most strength building activities that target this area are difficult and not very fun to do. Unfortunately, not only is a flabby waistline less than attractive, but it also puts you at far greater risk of heart disease and serious back issues. Following are a few, simple strategies for creating a smooth, flat and muscular belly.
It is first important for people to recognize the difference between subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is the fairly harmless, soft fat that accumulates on top of the muscles and that can be easily pinched and measured with your hands. Although and excess amount of subcutaneous fat can be dangerous, all humans need a certain amount to support their normal metabolic functions and to ensure overall well-being.
Visceral fat, however, is a dangerous, yellow fat that collects around your actual organs. You have a lot of this fat if your belly feels bloated and hard. The accumulation of visceral fat is responsible for the development of heart disease, fatty liver disease and many other problems.
Understanding the type of fat you have will allow you to alter your diet and exercise plan accordingly. If you have subcutaneous fat, you can benefit from a moderate workout and diet plan. If your belly is distended with visceral fat, you should seek the guidance of a nutritionist and personal trainer right away. This could be essential for protecting your overall health from serious problems in the future.
The best diet for burning weight loss will contain lots of fresh and all-natural ingredients. Make a plan to stick to foods that have not been processed or refined. Moreover, focus on eating the things that your body needs, rather than constantly thinking about what you should be cutting out. If you load up on nutrient-dense foods, you'll hardly have either the appetite or room for options that lack nutritional value and are loaded with calories and fat.
One of the best forms of abdominal conditioning is running. The opposite arm and leg movements that running entails engages all of the abdominal muscles at once. If you don't like running, you're in luck. You can gain many of the same benefits by power walking or jogging an equal distance. You will also burn a nearly equivalent amount of fat while subjecting your joints and bones to far less stress.
If you choose to do abdominal exercises that require you to lie prone, such as sit-ups and abdominal crunches, make sure that you are using good form. Keep your chin tilted upwards and away from your stress while curling upward, so that you are lifting with your core muscles rather than your neck. Also, be sure to keep the lower back firmly pressed into the floor so that you are not using momentum to lift your upper torso.
You should also sign up for boxing training. This will provide the perfect combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength building for blasting away stubborn fat deposits and creating a tight, toned stomach. Guided boxing workouts are the best form of conditioning for obtaining remarkable results within the minimum amount of time.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

How Modern Gyms Are Revolutionizing Fitness

Modern workout routines differ quite a bit from the highly regimented workout routines of the past. No longer are you forced to complete the same repetitive motions over and over again without achieving very significant results in the end. There are now a multitude of advanced training programs available today that are designed to burn fat and build muscle through a combination of meticulously chosen motions.
If you are looking for one of the best ways to get fit, and perhaps even ripped, you should consider participating in the fitness classes now offered in modern gyms. These classes are no ordinary gym membership classes though, because they involve the extensive use of unique strategies to get students fit. Everything from weightlifting to dancing is now commonly used during these classes to get students into the best shape of their lives.
In this way, you can get fit without suffering through the monotonous repetition of exercise routines of the distant past. This powerful combination of motions also produces muscle confusion thereby enhancing every part of the body. Exercise routines that take advantage of muscle confusion never let the body rest so that it is always in motion.
Modern workout routines also move at a much faster pace than most people are used to. This non-stop action helps to burn calories and build muscle to get you fit as quickly as possible. High energy instructors often lead these groups and their primary focus is to get each and every student energized about getting fit.
The ongoing encouragement offered by the instructor helps students break through their personal barriers so that they can push themselves harder than ever before. During these classes, you will be asked to engage in a variety of motions that oftentimes make use of weights, elliptical bikes, and fun activities such as belly dancing.
It is this entertaining variety of options that makes modern gym classes so exciting for novices and fitness experts alike. In the best gyms, you can easily switch between classes so that one day you can be specializing in a martial art and the next find yourself engaging in competitive elliptical cycling all while having a tremendous amount of fun in the process. By exercising in this way, you will never get bored and you will actually find the idea of going to the gym to be an exciting one.
There are also so many options to choose from so that everyone can easily find a class they will personally enjoy. Plus, you can even learn an interesting ability while simultaneously getting fit. For instance, some fitness classes specialize in competitive fighting techniques to increase your strength and power so that you can easily conquer any obstacle that gets in your way.
Other classes focus on keeping you centered and balanced both mentally and physically. Yoga and Pilates training programs are designed to give you peace of mind while simultaneously engaging your body in light resistance exercises that burn fat. This powerful mixture of motions found in each class will keep you excited and motivated so that you can quickly benefit from the pleasures of your toils.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Medical Appraisal

An annual appraisal is a demonstration of your fitness to practice along with the understanding of your professional development needs. It facilitates a self-review of your medical practice through evidences and supporting information.
Objectives of medical appraisal
- Reflects individual practice and performance with a chosen appraiser to demonstrate they're up to date and fit to practice
- Help doctors to make Professional Development Plan (PDP)
- Ensures doctors understand organisational priorities
- To identify learning needs
The General Medical Council (GMC) has a framework for appraisal and revalidation based on different groups of doctors. Doctors are expected to address their responsibilities according to their defined group.
Junior Doctors
Junior doctors or doctors in training revalidation is based on the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP). They do not need to participate in annual appraisal as described in the guidance.
Clinical Academics
Clinical Academics annual appraisal process is outlined in the same guidance as above i.e. Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP). A set of principles has been set to integrate the responsibilities for clinical academics staffs in appraisal, disciplinary and reporting arrangements.
Appraisal and Revalidation
Revalidation is the process by which the GMC acknowledge that a doctor is up to date and fit to practice. Every licensed doctor in the UK must revalidate themselves in 5 years of their registration. The GMC's revalidation is based on the doctor's day-to-day clinical work processes and regular appraisal.
In the final year of 5 years of registration, a doctor must have each year's annual appraisal. These appraisals must be reviewed and discussed with an Appraiser and a Responsible Officer. Responsible officer recommends for revalidation after confirming all the evidences and supporting information of the appraisal to the GMC.
The RO must inform the GMC beforehand, if found any concerns relating to a doctor's fitness to practice, refusal to engage in the revalidation process or need of a rescheduling.
The General Medical Council (GMC) will inform you twice about your revalidation date. One to confirm all the GMC details nine months prior to the due date. And another one as a reminder around 3 months prior to the revalidation date.
Stages of an appraisal
Annual appraisal is a compilation of supporting information and evidences relevant to your scope and nature of work. An appraiser review and discuss your appraisal in a brief formal meeting. Your appraiser can help you with the detailed guidance of all the stages in medical appraisal process.
Stage 1 Inputs into appraisal
- 4 weeks before: agree a time and a place to meet with an appraiser with all supporting evidence
- 2 weeks before: complete documentation and send it to the appraiser
Stage 2 Appraisal Discussions
- At the meet: discuss supporting evidence and agree on a development needs
Stage 3: Outputs of Appraisal
- Within 2 weeks of meet: complete appraisal forms and submit summary and PDF file to the Clinical Director and RO.

Health Benefits

Staying healthy is tough for those who have never tried. It's just making small changes in your daily routine that will bring big changes.
There are a few things we can do that can provide us with health benefits and guard us against probable diseases and it's threats.
· Kickstart your Mornings - Starting your day with lukewarm water with a drop of lemon will detoxify your body and keep you fresh and energized the whole day.
· Never Skip your Breakfast - Breakfast is very important for your body's metabolism. Make sure you never go without breakfast and a handful of almonds.
· Smoothify - Add healthy and tasty smoothies to your regular breakfast for a healthy lifestyle. You can try the Almond and Soya Milk Smoothie filled with essential nutrients and dietary fibers.
· Small Meals - Keep having meals in small intervals for a proper metabolism. Almonds, for instance have a lot of health benefits. They are filling and great for small snacking purposes.
· Go Green - Replace your regular tea with Green Tea. Green Tea is great for weight loss and is anti-oxidant rich. This is great for a slim waist and a glowing skin.
· Don't shy away from asking questions while eating out - Keep your health needs in check while eating out. Check and recheck the menu for food suited to your health needs.
· Drink Water - Hydrate your body enough and drink loads of water to flush out the toxins accumulated in your body and keep your system clean.
· Bring Healthy Snacks to Work - Carry healthy snacks like almonds to your workplace. These will make sure you cut back on unhealthy fried items and snack healthy according to the needs of your body.
· Cranking the fiber game up a notch - Consume dry fruits rather than fresh fruits. These are higher in nutrients and fiber and have more health benefits than fresh fruit, plus these are lower in sugar content.
· Switch to Nuts - Switch your regular unhealthy chips bag with nuts and almonds. These are much more energy giving and healthy. Flavored almonds like Anardana Churan Roasted Almonds or Sweet-Chilli almonds are interesting on your tongue and great for your body. Nuts are healthy and filling. Nuts make sure you snack in an optimum manner
If you incorporate a healthy snacking habit into your diet, you can keep a check on your weight and on your health. Small changes might ensure a healthy lifestyle change.

Monday, November 14, 2016

How To Fight Back Ankylozing Spondylitis?

When you get up early in the morning, often you might be feeling a severe pain right in the middle of your backbone. It may appear as if someone is piercing a knife right through your spine. If you carefully observe and see that the spine is bent a bit, and whenever you are just trying your best to straighten it, you feel as if you can not move it or feel immense pain, then it is time for you to go and visit the doctor. Make sure that you visit a good and renowned rheumatologist.
The symptoms may as well be that of Ankylosing spondylitis. This deforming disease often tends to attack people during the early ages... say early 20s or 30s. Some major visible symptoms may include hunch back formation when you are sitting idle or at rest in a sitting position. This occurs due to the fact that Ankylosing spondylitis affects the spine as much as it affects the joints and the tendons.
Some other symptoms may include stiffness of any joint in the body, arthritic pain in the joints, swelling of joints and their deformities, severe pain in the hip, neck and back etc.
The bad news is that this type of spondylitis is extremely dangerous and can cripple you literally if care is not taken beforehand. If it is neglected then the spine may permanently become hunch back and deformities may soon occur leading to complete deformity of the entire body. The joints may also have deformities. The major thing that actually happens is that the vertebra of the spine and the joints get fused together and hence allows minimum movement leading to almost stiff spine.
Well, the good news is that you can fight this disease if you take care of yourself at the very beginning. The best advice perhaps will be to exercise and practice yoga on a regular basis during your entire life. The best solution is exercise, that is perhaps recommended by doctors all over the globe for treatment of this disease. Some medications include administration of sulfur drugs and NSAIDS.
The best solution for any person suffering from Ankylosing spondylitis is the regular intake of sulfur drugs under strict medical supervision. Along with it, several exercises should be done in order to increase the flexibility of the joints as well as the backbone so as to prevent them from becoming extremely stiff. Once you attain a minimum level of flexibility you can also move on to light weights so as to remain fit as well as beautiful. But do remember you should never ever try to lift heavy weights just as bodybuilders do. It will only aggravate your stiffness. Only light weights can be used and that too under strict supervision if you at all want to have a lean muscular body.
Remember, Ankylosing spondylitis is just a name when you are ready to fight it with ultimate mental strength.