Monday, June 26, 2017

Hospital Visits Involving Dog Bites

In a study published by The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality dog bite injuries requiring hospitalizations almost doubled over a 15-year period. Some surprising highlights are very telling. Serious bite injuries can have life long implications, both physical and emotional as well. From the initial trauma of the attack, to the cost of medical treatment and possible ongoing physical or emotional therapy, the effects are considerable.
Over the period studied, there is an increase of over eighty percent in dog -related hospitalizations. Being hospitalized for these types of injuries can result in incurring significant medical expenses. Treatments may be needed for serious injuries such as tendon tears, muscle damage, and infections. Hospitalizations for injuries suffered by being bitten by a dog are $6,000.00 more expensive than average injury related hospitalizations. Per day costs for these injuries are approximately $5000.00 compared to $2000.00 per day for a normal injury stay.
Some of the most common diagnoses for dog bite injuries which involved hospitalizations included skin and tissue infections, open wounds of extremities and open wounds of the trunk, head, and neck. Other common injuries also include limb fractures, crushing injuries and internal injuries. A"simple" dog attack can have surprising ramifications. It may not initially be clear just how dangerous the injuries may be. Untreated or under-diagnosed injuries may lead to serious complications, including death. Do not think that because little Fido barely broke the skin, that you are not seriously injured. The wounds from bites can involve a bone crush or break and tear tendons and muscles without any actual open wounds.
If you or a loved one have been bitten by a dog, first seek medical treatment, Injuries can have dangerous infections, caused by the bacteria in the dog's mouth. This is not necessarily readily apparent at first. In a dog attack, a complete medical exam can be important in staving off disastrous results. After receiving proper medical care, you may need to consult with a dog bite lawyer to review the circumstances of the incident you were involved in. You may be entitled to receive monetary compensation for being bitten by a dog. Contact an experienced dog bite lawyer who can advise you on the best way to proceed against the owner of the dog who attacked you.
Contact The Law of Jeffrey S. Dawson today at 949/861-2191 for a free consultation to discuss your dog attack case. Dog attacks can be horrible and traumatic, but learning how to avoid one can literally save a life. If you have been involved in a dog attack, contact the law offices of Jeffrey S. Dawson to discuss your potential dog bite lawsuit settlement.;area=summary;u=295590

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Amazing Health Benefits of an Aloe Vera Gel Drink

A vast majority of people are well aware of the Aloe Vera plant and its endless power of curing various human ailments. It can heal a number of health hazards, including weight loss, inflammation, sunburn, constipation and other skin irritations.
However, many of them are not acquainted with the health benefits of the Aloe Vera gel drink. A regular consumption of it helps you get rid of a number of diseases. Recent studies have established that Aloe Vera gel improves the immune system, reduces stress, and encourages normal blood sugar. It can save one from redness and swelling. It is completely natural and has no side effect on human body.
It is worthy to mention here that the juice of this plant tastes bitter. Therefore, one should be prepared for that especially when one is going to extract it directly from Aloe Vera leaves. A product made from it can give him or her a little relief from its real taste.
This article will discuss on the amazing health benefits of an Aloe Vera drink.
Given below are these:
1. Detoxifies the body
As the Aloe Vera gel drink contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other detoxifying elements, it can cleanse human body. It washes out all toxic elements from one's body, leaving no side effects on his or her body. Your body does not contain any waste materials when you start taking it regularly.
2. Strengthens digestion
It improves our digestive capability and strengthens our immunity power. A regular usage can keep one far away from the diseases of the liver, pancreas and intestines. It has magical effects in reducing inflammatory pain in bowel syndrome, colitis and other gastric disorders. Moreover, it kills harmful bacteria and nurtures healthy bacteria in the intestines to enhance one's digestion power.
3. Boost immunity power
As it releases wastes from your body, your immune system becomes highly powerful. The anti-fungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties of the Aloe Vera gel drink kill harmful germs that cause contagious diseases in human body.
4. Promote hair growth
It promotes hair growth. Being well packed with vitamins, minerals and enzymes, it plays a significant role to promote healthy hair. If you suffer from hair loss problem, you can take it regularly.
5. Improve blood circulation
It is very good for the heart. Taking it internally is highly beneficial for better blood circulation in the body. It is really good for fat burning. An obsessed person can lose his or her extra weight naturally. Moreover, it decreases the fat deposit rate in your body. A regular consumption saves you from cardiac arrest and blood clots in the heart and arteries.
After the introduction of the above-mentioned benefits through many recent studies, the demand for the Aloe Vera gel drink has increased significantly. Therefore, to ensure availability for everyone, many Aloe Vera drink suppliers have come forward with a wide range of product options. You just need to buy it from a reputable company having years of experience in manufacturing it. This will help you overcome the troubles of collecting leaves and extracting juice on a regular basis.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

How Can You Know If You Have A Herniated Disc?

There is a disc like cushion between each of the multiple vertebrae that make up our spine. These discs can rupture which allows the substance within them to leak out. Such a scenario is known as a herniated disc or slipped disc.
The symptoms of a herniated disc include weakness, tingling, pain as well as numbness in an arm or leg due to the damage to the nerves that are responsible for those areas. The most common area to have pain is in the lower part of your body because most herniated discs occur in the lumbar spine which can pinch the sciatic nerve which runs along the side of your legs as well as buttocks although it is also possible to have a herniated disc in the cervical spine (the neck).
However there are some people who don't experience any symptoms from their herniated disk other than local pain. It is even possible to have a herniated disc without knowing it at all.
Your doctor can diagnose a herniated disc through physical exams, imaging tests and nerve tests as well.
In the physical exam, your back will be checked for points of soreness. Your doctor may also have you lie down and make different movements with your legs which will help determine the cause of your pain. You may also undergo various tests aimed at identifying your reactions:
• Sensitivity to stimuli
• Reflexes
• Muscle strength
• Ability to perform specific movements
Generally, the physical exam is comprehensive enough to arrive at a diagnosis. However if your doctor needs to see which of the nerves are affected, one or more of the following tests may be conducted
• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Used to create and display images of the internal structures of your body. It is used to pinpoint the location of the herniated disk as well as to see which nerves are affected.
• X-rays or CT scans - This would be used to ensure that there are no other causes of your back pain such as a fracture, spinal alignment issue or even a tumour.
• Myelogram - An interesting test which involves dye being injected into the spinal fluid. X-rays are then taken to display the pressure on the regions of your spine or nerves due to the herniated disk or discs.
• Nerve tests used to study how well the electrical impulses are being conducted along the nerves. This is used to locate where the nerve damage has taken place
Treatment options for a herniated disc are fairly straightforward and involve a lot of rest coupled with medication intended to ease pain as well as electric stimulation, heat or ice and multiple other methods to help recovery. In some severe cases the patient will need to be admitted for surgery if the pain doesn't reduce at all and there is a considerable loss of function.

How Does The Flu Shot Work?

Medical experts recommend that everybody should get a flu shot before the peak flu season begins, which is from December to March. However, many people simply prefer not to take it because of the mistaken notion that taking the vaccine will actually give them the flu. There is a reason why people believe this.
It is a known fact that vaccines actually contain the virus that they are made to kill. This means, in the case of the flu vaccine, it actually contains the flu virus. This naturally triggers the question - won't it then cause the symptoms in the person who gets the shot?
To understand how this works, take a look at how vaccines work.
How flu shots work
The influenza virus is first deactivated and then used to prepare the vaccine. About ten to fourteen days after you've received the flu shot, the deactivated viruses help to develop antibodies in your body. These new antibodies are strong and robust enough to prevent any new influenza viruses from invading the body. This keeps you safe from the symptoms of flu even during the peak season.
Are there any side effects of getting the flu shot?
Not everyone experiences any adverse effects after having received the vaccine. In some people, there may be some swelling in the area of the injection. Others may also get a mild fever or overall body ache. However all of these symptoms are very mild and easy to manage. Pain or fever medications or localized ice application are usually enough.
The side effects of the flu shot are far more bearable as compared to the symptoms of flu and the havoc it can cause to your personal and professional life as well as your finances.
Flu symptoms may include all or some of the following:
• Runny nose and sore throat
• Mild fever
• Weakness and fatigue
• Headache
• Severe muscle and joint ache
• Dry cough
In more severe cases, you may also experience sudden dizziness, nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath and trouble breathing.
Flu related complications
One of the most important reasons why getting vaccinated is strongly advisable is because it can protect you from many complications that are related to this condition. Some of the more common complications may include sinus infections, bacterial or viral pneumonia, asthma, dehydration and ear infections. Some people also suffer from muscle inflammation. All of these conditions can be life-threatening if not treated in time. Getting the vaccination can help protect you against all of these complications.

Vitrectomy 101 - Surgical Procedure

Common causes of a vitrectomy
Most of the time, a vitrectomy is used so that a surgeon can have access to other areas of the eye without it getting in the way. For example, scar tissue on the retina or other problems with the retina, such as retinal detachment, will result in a patient having to undergo a vitrectomy so that the surgeon can access the retina easier to solve other problems.
Other conditions are also cause for a patient to undergo this procedure. The most common reason that patients need a vitrectomy related to the vitreous humour is a haemorrhage. The blood gets into the gel like material, and then it does not clear up on its own, resulting in impaired vision that can only be fixed with a vitrectomy.
The surgery
Most patients are concerned, curious or both about the surgery itself. There are so many options, that this should be discussed during a visit with the surgeon. Some doctors only numb the eye and the patient is awake during the procedure while others may be completely knocked out.
This procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis, but some patients may wind up spending the night at the hospital. The only way to tell is to discuss the surgery with the doctor that will be performing it.
Replacing the vitreous humour
This another area of concern for many patients. It makes sense that if something was there to fill that space, something not being there may cause problems. Surgeons make sure that there are no complications by injecting an air bubble or an oil bubble into that space. If an oil bubble is used, it is often removed and replaced by an air bubble after the eye has healed. This helps to keep the structure of the eye as it should be.
Vision after surgery
Many patients fear that they will not be able to see after surgery on their eye. Realistically, patients will not know what their vision will be until a few weeks after the procedure. Most patients will have to use antibiotic eye drops for a week or two, and anti-inflammatory eye drops for several weeks.
Individuals that were experiencing vision problems before the surgery will most likely see a significant improvement if the surgery was successful, and there is a high rate of success for these procedures for multiple conditions.
Patients are encouraged to discuss this with their doctor, as that is the only person that knows the reason for them having this surgery, and, because of this, they can give a much better answer.
This procedure can be scary, especially for individuals that have never had surgery before. The thought of a mistake being made is enough to make anyone feel anxious, but the chance of this happening is extremely small. These procedures have an extremely high success rate, and often help patients get back to living their live as they did before they started to have problems with their vision. The recovery time may last anywhere from a week to a few weeks, but most patients no longer need to use eye drops and are back to their normal routine in a few months, if not sooner.;area=summary;u=295310

Varies Ways to Consume Goji Berries

It is easy enough to buy goji berries and to reap the many health benefits they offer. You don't have to consume them the same way all the time though. Instead, it can be fun to have some options for them. When they are dried, you can use them in a variety of great recipes. You don't have to limit it to only sweet items though. Instead, you can also create savoury dishes.
Creating your own trail mix is a good way to make sure it has the right crunch. You also don't have to sort it and take out items you aren't really impressed to consume. Make your own after you buy goji berries that are dried or you dry them at home. It will be a delightful taste that is also going to curb your desire for sugary snacks.
Top your Favourites
You can also buy goji berries to top your favourite items for a snack or for a great morning start. You can add a handful with some nuts to your oatmeal to get the day off to a terrific start. If you usually add sugar to your oatmeal, this addition can make it sweet enough without it. If you still need something to sweeten the deal, add some natural honey.
These berries are delicious mixed in with plain yogurt. You have to be careful when you buy flavoured yogurt at the store. Too often, those items are packed with sugar and calories you don't want or need. Yet many consumers don't read the labels. They assume it is yogurt and it is going to be good for them. If you treat yourself to some ice cream now and then, add berries to the top.
Adding goodies to your salad can be fun and enhance the taste. You do have to be aware of calories from dressing and other items you may decide to add. It is all about balance and moderation or it no longer becomes a healthy meal. You can buy goji berries that are hydrated and they will taste like those delightful cherry tomatoes.
Add them to the salad for a wonderful taste and to add colour to your meal. They are going to be attractive if you have a dinner party or you host some type of event. You can serve your salad like this to introduce your guests to something new. Be ready for the compliments to be coming your way!
Spicy Foods
Don't forget to buy goji berries to add to your spicy foods such as rice and salsa. You may have a favourite chili recipe that they would be delightful in. These berries can bring out the other flavours in spicy foods for an appealing taste. Plus, they offer you plenty of great health benefits at the same time.
Blend Them
You can buy goji berries to add to just about anything you would create in your blender too. This includes batters for dessert items, smoothies, soups, and more. They will be hidden in those food items in such a form, but you can feel great serving them to your family and guests. You can smile knowing you have added something very nutritious for them to benefit from.
Since you can use them in just about anything, make sure you purchase plenty of them! You can't go wrong adding them regularly to the foods you and your family consume. It can be fun to come up with new ways to use them. It won't be long though before your family is asking you to make something in particular with them again and again!
You will always find plenty of wonderful and healthy items for you to pick from at our Grape Tree retail stores. For your convenience, you can also shop online at and have your items delivered. New products are added all the time to meet your needs. We make it affordable and convenient for you to get the best products available. We are diligent about the ingredients in the products we offer so you can feel confident about them. Not only do they taste great, they also help you to achieve your overall goals for your well-being and dietary concerns.