Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Seven Chakras and Seven Colors Interconnected

The seven chakras and the seven colors have a significant role in our life. Each color has a unique healing power and the so are they indicated in meditation's seven chakras.
What are Meditation?
What are Seven Chakras?
How are colors related to our life?
What exactly is Meditation?
It is derived from two Latin words: mediatory (to exercise the mind, to think, to heal the nature), mederi means to cure. Its Sanskrit derivation Medha means Wisdom. Watching our breath with awareness and doing anything with awareness is meditation. By engaging with a particular meditation practice, we learn the outline and practice of our mind.
It is the state of reflective, deep silence that occurs when the mind is calm and silent yet completely aware. It's the means of transforming the mind; it encourages and develops concentration and clearness, emotional positivity in our life. It's a way of living; it means the end of the thought process.
What are the Seven Chakra?
Chakra is the Sanskrit word that means the "Wheel". There are seven main Chakras and are located in the spinal column and reaches to the circlet of the body. Each Chakra has the number of precise qualities that match up to the improvement of the energy from the base level material, self- identity located at the first Chakra up to higher vibration spirit- level awareness of being at our Crown. These energy centers represent our highest level of integration split, prism like into a spectrum of color. By mastering on each chakra is the essence of the unified field of brilliance. We rearrange our desperate part into a radiant light of full self awareness.
Each Chakra is associated with a particular part of the body and a certain organ which it provides the energy it needs equivalent to function on mental and spiritual level. The openness and the flow of energy through our chakra determine our state of health and balance.
The Seven Chakra and Seven colors
Each center has its integral function of creating our energy balance it is through the study of energetic and physical being that we can create health, emotional stability and spiritual bliss.
The first level is known as the Root Chakra (Muladhara) based in the spinal cord, it is indicated through Red color, the seat of physical vitality and the fundamental urge to survive. It regulates those mechanisms that keep the physical body alive. It is the chakra whose main aspect is innocence.
The Second Level is known as the Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) slightly below Naval, it is indicated in Orange color. This energy is the center of creating relations of all the kinds. It is where we develop an inward sense of self and the outward sense of other, ego, sexuality and family and defines as we work as energy. The feeling of other people is directly perceived through the mastery of this chakra's energy.
The third Level is known as Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) this is also slightly above the Naval. Located at the center of the body, it is the place where the energy is distributed. It is the center for unrefined emotional and personal power. It is the center that gives us the sense of complete satisfaction and contentment. Our creativity is fueled by our power of will.
The Fourth Level is the Heart Chakra (Anahata) at the center of the chest; it is indicated by the color Green. The center of real unconditional affection, spiritual growth, compassion, devotion and love. It is the bridge connecting the lower and higher energy of our being and is the place where resides our Spirit, our true self, free and independent.
The Fifth level is known as Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) located at the throat and is indicated by Blue color. The center of communication, self-expression and creativity, this is where the inner voice of one's truth is expressed. It is the chakra is of diplomacy and of pure relation with others, the inter-connectivity of one's being.
The Sixth level is known as the third eye chakra (Ajna) located at the center of the forehead and is indicated by indigo color. The seat of intuition and direct spiritual vision, it is here that we visualize through our "third eyes" or intuitive knowledge. The opening of third eyes corresponds with "spiritual awakening". It is the chakra of forgiveness and compassion.
The Seventh and the final level are Crown chakra (Shasarar) it's at the top of the head indicates Violet color, this level represents the highest level of consciousness and enlightenment, it is the connective center of the spirit, and this center integrates all the chakra with their respective qualities. Mastering the lower vibration aspect of our being we reside in the full awareness that we are spiritual being living a human existence.
How are color related to our life?
All the colors are very necessary in our life; they have significant features that indicate powerful meaning in our life.
The vibrant color Red is the "Great energizer" and "The Father of Vitality". Red is Warm, Vital and Heating, it releases or opens up all clogs, releases stiffness and constrictions. It's the color of vitality, courage and self-confidence.
Orange is the combination of red and yellow and combines physical energy with mental wisdom, inducing a transformation between lower physical reaction and higher mental response; it's often referred as the "The Wisdom Ray". It's the color of warm, caring and non-constructive, it assimilates new ideas and stimulates mental enlightenment, and it's also helpful in dealing with excess sexual expression.
Yellow helps in strengthening the nerve and the mind, it helps awaken mental inspiration and stimulate higher mentality. Yellow is "Worth its weight in Gold". It can be used for the conditions of the stomach, lever and intestine, helps for the pores of the skin and aids scarred tissue in healing itself, has a very enriching effect upon the intellect and the brain. Yellow color connects us through our mental self.
The next color that comes in the row is Green, the color of our Mother Nature and earth and is natural healing. The most natural and eco-friendly color has both energizing and the soothing effect. Green is the color of balance, harmony, nature, neutrality and non-resistance. Green veggies have magical effects on our appetite, it contains all the necessary nutrients which builds our body. By seeing the greenery our body feels relaxed and relaxes our muscles, nerves and views.
Blue is known for its cooling nature, "the Blue ray" is one of the greatest antiseptic in the world. One of the mentally-relaxing color, it has the specifying effect on the nerve system and bring great relaxation, ideal for sleep-problem and hyperactive children. It also connects us to Holistic thoughts, and gives us wisdom and clarity enhancing communication and speech. Blue is also the color of the vast ocean.
Indigo is the color of freeing and purifying agent which benefits bloodstream and mental-problems. It is also a color used by the spirits to help entrance in a medium. It is also stated as the color of the solar system. It is particularly used in curing diseases like cataract, glaucoma and other eye problems. It links with and stimulates the brow chakra (third eye) and controls the pineal glands. It governs both physical and spiritual perceptions, thus it can be of great assistance in dealing with the elements of eye and ear problem. Indigo is considered as the ray of the Holy Spirit.
Violet is truly the color of Divine Spirit, it works on at the level of the spirit. This color is generally not used for the physical conditions, but some experts believe that it does provide nourishment to the cells of the upper brain and has a link with a crown chakra. Violet energy connects us to our spiritual guidance, wisdom and inner strength.
White is the color of the awaken spirit, the light of perfection; it is the color of Divine Light. As we hear of the people surrounded with the "White light of Healing and protection". It is located above the crown the top most physical location.

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