Monday, October 24, 2016

The Importance of Regular Physicals - Stay Healthy and Happy

Many often know they are due for a physical, but find themselves wondering, "Where can I get a physical exam near me?" There are likely many options, and a great place to start is with an online web search or by stopping into a local doctor's office. Typically, the professionals there will be more than happy to help, or direct elsewhere depending on one's specific needs.
Whether one thinks a yearly checkup is necessary or not, they can't make things worse. This is especially true for those that consider themselves to be in good health and find no need to see a doctor. Sadly, about a third of American people who are living with a chronic disease were or are unaware of their health condition. It's true that a chronic disease causes a large percentage of deaths that could have been avoided. The best prevention is to get a regular checkup.
Preventive care to avoid a chronic disease doesn't only happen in the doctor's office. In life, individuals should watch how they live, learn, exercise and work. Taking control of health care is only one step. Getting that yearly physical exam is crucial to staying in good health, and should be a necessary part of everyone's routine.
As previously stated, it's better to be safe than sorry. When going to the doctor of one's choice every year to get an update on vitals, one will feel as though they're in charge of their overall health as best as they can be.
A person's height, weight, cholesterol level, blood sugar, and blood are typical things that a doctor will check during the physical exam. Any sudden spikes in blood pressure may warrant further tests and a plan for treatment can be put into place before things become worse.
An annual physical exam may include any or all of the following procedures:
  • A complete physical exam catered to the patient's gender and age
  • EKG check for heart health
  • A skin screening for dermatological health
  • Examination of respiratory system
  • BMI tests
  • Lab tests, including a blood draw to check cholesterol levels
  • BMI (body mass index) testing
  • Screenings for cancer
It's true that prevention is the key to cure, which is why one's health care is so very important. Choose an office or provider that makes things comfortable and offers complete care and advice as to the recommended changes necessary to stay or become healthy.
One should expect their quality of life to improve drastically when they align with the right group of professionals. Skip the chances of having to treat a condition once it's in full effect, and take the necessary steps to keep it from happening. Taking into consideration the patient's current condition, family health history and goals a doctor can set up a plan and help put it in motion to improve one's life and health overall.
Schedule an Exam
When ready to schedule an exam, call the choice office or stop in. get a date set on the calendar and then begin gathering any family health history to relay to the doctor at the appointment. They'll need to know who's in the family and who the patient lives with along with their ages and basic information. They'll also need to know all of the patient's medical history as well as that of their immediate family members.
Be sure to bring any insurance information if available so that the office knows who to bill. Other than that just being aware of the process and what to expect will have one completely prepared for their physical exam. Remember, regular checkups aren't just for kids!

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