Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Carnage of Foolishness

Choices abound when it comes to your fitness. Many people will blindly head off to a gym and load up on everything that is offered only to walk away in 4 to 6 short weeks worse than when they started. From there, it's all down hill.
Choices. Everyone has them and everyone gets them. It's the one thing you have an abundance of that's free. What you are not free from though is the consequences of those choices.
Often I hear of people saying that they are addicted to drugs; food; gambling; porn; sex; etc. They claim it is a disease. Here's the facts. The choice is not a disease but the results of your choices can lead to disease. And that's where the Carnage of Foolishness comes in.
All too often I see people wanting to blame the substance or activity as the cause of their downfall or disease. When in fact the real cause is their choice and the decision to follow through with that choice and it's consequences. Ya' can't blame choice - blame your action.
It's no different with fitness. Too many times I see individuals just go fly off the handle and head to the gym and begin doing "whatever". I also see many of these same people getting on the latest diet. And it is these same people, that in 4-6 weeks afterwards, have stopped all activity and have fallen into a much worse condition than when the started.
Why do people make New Year's resolutions? It's certainly not because they enjoy it. For the most part, individuals make resolutions because they need to make some serious changes in their health and lifestyle. And for the most part, that includes weight loss. So let's go with that for a moment, shall we?
Weight loss is tough. Speaking as a strength and fitness professional with over 34 years, I can tell you there is no fool proof, one size fits all, approach. It really is an individual thing.
Weight loss is typically accompanied by high blood pressure, elevated "bad" cholesterol, elevated fasted blood glucose levels, elevated triglycerides, elevated HA1C, homocysteine, and even c-reactive protein. Not everyone has all of these at the same time, but then again, some do.
These are serious issues and they play a major role in people making resolutions. Then they head off to the gym, enroll in every class, join the local weight loss program, and then sit back and wait for the magic to happen. Only, it doesn't.
Each week, they step on the scale only to find that either their weight loss has been paltry at best, or they have gained weight. Not too mention the fact they are tired, their joints hurt (especially their knees and back), they hurt getting out of bed and they no longer sleep well. Hey, isn't fitness great? wink wink, nudge, nudge.
So what happens next? The average individual isn't going to tough it out. This isn't military training so what the heck! It's quitting time.
And once the Quit has been decided on, all caution is thrown out the window and it's Katy Bar the Door! It's time to soothe your pains and disappointments with donuts, pizza, soft drinks and chips. What's the use, right?
Then all those things you went to the gym to change are now going to get worse - far worse. Now the carnage begins!
What happened? Same thing that happens to 92% of people that attempt to make a lifestyle change? They have no idea what they are doing and they trusted the first person they saw or the first commercial they hear. Unfortunately, that's foolishness.
And foolishness breeds carnage.
Your health and wellness should be your number one priority in life. Because without it, you have nothing. You spend a lot of money taking care of your car; you spend a lot of money on your yearly CPA to help get your taxes ready; you spend a lot of money of your attorney, should you need one; you spend a lot of money on your clothes, fashion, make up and probably even your house and furnishings. Yet you go the cheapest possible route when it comes to your health and wellness.
Why is that? Because even today, in 2015, people still do not value what they do not see. And unfortunately, big pharma commercials, the ones you see on T.V., have lead many to believe that if you are sick, there is a pill that can fix it. So why would you ever think to go to the gym? Just swallow a pill and it will all be better, right? Uhmmm, no, not quite. Have you ever really paid attention to all the massive side effects of those drugs? Probably not. Because as humans we only want to hear the good side. We are only looking to feel good. And we don't hear about what can go wrong.
At the gym, under the guidance of a credentialed and qualified strength and fitness coach, you will spend some money. It's an investment but its a wise one. A qualified coach will take you through a training system that is right for you and will ultimately get you the results you are after.
Will it take time? Yes
Will you be sore? From time to time, yes
Will you be tired? Another big yes
Will you get aggravated? Who doesn't?
Will you learn something about yourself? You better believe it.
Quitting reveals character. A coach won't let you quit. You will feel like it. Everyone does. It's part of our nature to quit. But you can over come that with attitude, determination, discipline and intestinal fortitude, and a good coach.
Foolishness will bring about carnage. It's not pretty and it takes time to recover but you can always recover. You have to want it though.
Do you want to recover?
The choice is yours.

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