month of July is observed as the National Cord Blood Awareness Month.
After a baby is born, the special cells from the remaining blood in the
umbilical cord and the placenta helps to cure any kind of serious
diseases. Our advanced technology helps us to collect and store the
blood with the help of the private cord blood banking companies. Saving
the blood and storing it is completely safe for the baby and won't cause
any ruckus in the labor or delivery.
Hematopoietic stem cells are
present in the cord blood, which can turn into any kind of blood cells
and can be used in all kinds of transplantations namely cancer, immune
deficiencies, blood disorders and more on. Let us see the importance of
saving the child's cord blood through the points mentioned below:
Safeguard the future health of your family:
Stem cells found in the cord act as a building block in the tissues,
organs and bone health. They also help to fix the injured or damaged
cells for the child or any of the family members. You are giving your
kid an opportunity to protect him/her during any severe medical
complications. It is a lifesaver for families with genetic disease. Over
80 percent of the diseases are said to be cured using the stem cells.
Relying on these are much easier when compared to the bone marrow, which
needs an exact match.
It will also help to treat any medical condition of the sibling.
When you see it as an investment, there won't be a second thought about
not doing it.
Raise Awareness:
In the ancient days' people used to throw out the blood cords, only
in the recent past, we realized the value of cord blood and started to
save them for the future. Rather than saving it at home, getting it done
through a proper medical team helps to retain the power of it for a
long time.
It is a must to get the word out to everyone,
especially for the expectant parent or anyone who knows an expectant
parent. When you are donating your cord blood, you are giving someone
back their life, courage and willpower to fight against the disease they
are suffering from, which is pretty amazing.
The cord blood and
the tissue must be saved within minutes after the delivery. Hence, it is
a must to decide about the saving procedures of the cord during the
third trimester of the mother. Educate yourself and others about the
importance of saving it. By consulting a medical practitioner about the
stem cell storage, you can get to know more details on this.
pamphlets, personalized accessories like wristbands, rings, key rings
with messages about the cord saving, helps people understand the
seriousness of it.
Details mentioned here are not considered to be a substitute for
professional medical advice. It is a must to seek the advice of your
doctor or other qualified health provider before you speak with the cord
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