Wednesday, May 15, 2019

How To Increase The Level of Your Endorphins

Endorphins are chemicals that are naturally created by your nervous system in order for you to deal with stress and pain. They are generally referred to as "feel-good" chemicals because they can boost happiness and relieve pains. They are generally created in the hypothalamus as well as pituitary glands and they can also be produced from other parts of the body. Endorphins level in the body varies from one individual to another but if you want to increase your own level, this piece is for you.
Regular exercise
When you exercise regularly, endorphins will be released into your body which will help you in fighting anxiety and depression. Researchers were able to discover that athletes' brains have an increase in endorphins after exercise and they were able to discover this by using positron emission tomography (PET) scans to examine the brains of athletes both before and after exercise.
Spicy foods
If you love spicy foods, you will discover that whenever you are taking them, there is a trigger of pain sensation in your mouth and this will make your endorphins level to rise. Spicy foods help in boosting the taste of your cherished dishes and not only that, they help boost your endorphins level.
Giving also enhances your endorphins. When you give, donate to a cause or help others, you will feel good and this is beneficial to your body. It has been discovered that those who give to charity have the tendency of activating the pleasure centers in their brains.
Dark chocolate
According to a research carried out by some experts in 2013 and its review in 2017, eating dark chocolate is good for enhancing the endorphins level of the body. Cocoa powder used in making chocolate contains a compound known as flavonoid which is very useful for the brain. However, it is advisable to make use of chocolate products that contain at least 70% of cocoa in order to get the best result. Also, you should take chocolate in moderation because of its high fat and calorie content.
Yoga and meditation
Meditation and yoga have proved to reduce stress and are good sources of relaxation. They tend to decrease stress markers and increase the endorphin level of the body.
Listening to music
When you listen to music, your brain produces endorphins and the production is enhanced if you are involved in creating music. However, if you can't create music, you can hum, tap or dance to your cherished songs.

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