all the other do's and don'ts, expecting parents have yet another
decision to ponder on! That of cord blood banking. Keeping in mind the
innumerable success stories that are circling round the globe, of how
sibling's cord blood stem cell has saved her elder or younger sister's
life to miraculous recovery within the family, stem cell banking is akin
to opting in for a biological insurance. And on the other end of the
spectrum is the reality that the process is an expensive one. So, when
caught between the perils of high price and the possibility of cure
(should any adverse disease were to occur), expecting parents often gets
befuddled and unable to decide, if cord blood banking is worth it.
Let's start by counting the benefits.
blood in the placenta and the umbilical cord, which is approximately
100 millimetres in average, is a vital source rich in blood-forming stem
cells, that has proved helpful in the treatment of several
life-threatening ailments that includes names like Type 1 and 2
diabetes, immunological disorders, lymphoma, leukaemia, severe brain and
spinal cord injuries, chronic cancers and many more. And what has
really got the world pause and ponder whether they should say yes to
this process, is the recent cures in ailments like Parkinson's disease,
autism and even cerebral palsy.
Stem cell banking and transplant
also holds the key to the success of regenerative medicine. This simply
indicates making use of stem cells to be able to regenerate tissues and
organs, that haven't been functioning in the optimal way, leading to
macular degeneration which in certain chronic situations, also result in
a loss of vision. Hence, today, doctors, medical experts and
researchers are making use of cord blood stem cells to commission
clinical trials in many phases to discover miraculous treatments to
diseases and bodily disorders that otherwise is considered to be
According to Joanne Kurtzberg, M.D. Pediatric Bone
Marrow, Stem Cell Transplant Program, Duke University, the results on
cord blood transplant over the past decade has been immensely
successful. Patients have been benefiting to a great extent, more so
because of the advancement in the world of medical science as a whole.
In addition to that, hospitals are also providing advanced supportive
care to patients once the transplant is over.
The other reason to
say yes to cord blood banking is that, the sample you allow to store
will always be at your access should you ever need it. However, this
holds true when you only store your baby's cord blood in a private bank.
There's a charge that families need to pay when enrolling for this
process along with storage fees for the maintenance of the cord blood
Therefore, whether you are opting in cord blood banking,
wither private or public, you are actually saying yes to regenerative
medicine and revolutionary cures. Private banking enables you to use it
for personal requirement. And public banking extends it to the one who
requires. Either ways, it's a meaning gesture. So public or private,
cord blood banking is worth it.
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