Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Increasing Rate of Suicides

Statistics have shown that there is an increase in the rate of suicides and attempted suicides all over the world. Though the rate seem to indicate that young girls have been noticed to have much to experience in this department-some say the rate has jumped from 11% to 13% from 1999 to 2015-the young men also have a high rate of success in committing suicide. This has been attributed to the fact that boys use more violent means to achieve their aim. For example, they may decide to shoot themselves or jump out of the window of a high-rise building, or jump into the lagoon. The later is mostly they preferred method in Nigeria, where economic crisis engendered by mis-governance is the order of the day. But poison is usually the ladies' preference.
Bu this article is not interested in the statistics but in the root cause-spiritual and physical.
Suicides have emotional problems they believe they want to escape from. They are people who, probably had a problem in their past lives, came back to make amends and, finding themselves at the receiving end, could not take what they have meted in others. Due to ignorance, they believe that with death everything is immediately over for them. But it will be a rude shock when they discover that with death, life did not cease to exist for them. Instead, the agony of death is brought home to them in more vivid and excruciating form.
Let us take an illustration. Suppose a man was part of the Nazi group that committed several atrocities in the name of the third Reich during the second world war. They were using their belief in the superiority of the Arian race to commit mass murder and other incendiary crimes. On passing on, they now become more enlightened and recognize their mistake. They now sought opportunity to come back to earth to make amends. But they also chose a place and circumstances that will make them to be at the receiving end of the crimes. And the found themselves back as a fundamentalist Muslim, a Jew or a fanatic christian.
They see themselves as people with the most superior religion this time, Islam, and found the free world against the expansion of their fate with violent means. Will it be surprising if he ends up a suicide bomber? This time, he cannot take what he meted on others, and thus wasted his opportunity to make amends.
Such cases abound in both individual and collective sense.
Many suicides caused by poverty is simply over reacting to being at the receiving end of what they meted on others during their prosperous times in past incarnations. There is no one living on earth today that has not experienced wealth and poverty at different times in their existence.

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