Tuesday, November 27, 2018

10 Life Hacks for All

Are you feeling stressed out due to overwork? Have lost your focus on your work? That's what happens when you don't follow a proper healthy schedule and take a burden on yourself by delaying your work.
Here are some productivity hacks that will surely make your life easy and help speed up your efficiency.
1. Start your day with Exercise.
Exercises early in the morning can improve your productivity. It energizes you rather than enervate you. It also helps in reducing stress and increasing focus on your work. Prioritizing exercise in your daily routine will help you remain active and energetic.
2. Do a healthy Breakfast.
Breakfast like a King. Don't ignore your breakfast by just taking a slice and a glass of juice or a cup of tea or coffee. A healthy breakfast energizes you a lot and you can work efficiently all day long. Drink 1 or 2 glass of water before breakfast. Add much proteins and carbohydrates to your food.
Moreover, drink plenty of water all day long to keep your body hydrated and take your meals regularly at the proper time to remain energetic.
3. Make your priority list.
Make a list of your to-do's. Try to complete those tasks first which takes less time or do according to your temper. Usually completing small tasks first, make you feel satisfied and a kind of stress-free.
4. Turn off notifications.
Sometimes you get irritated by the continuous beeping of your mobile due to incoming notifications. It's better to turn off notifications. Set specific times to check your emails. Don't indulge yourself too much in social media because they distract you from your work and waste much of your time.
5. Learn to say "NO"
Saying "NO" is really hard for some people. Helping others is really great but to elevate your productivity level, you must learn to "Say No" and don't let people order you all time.
6. Offer your Prayers regularly.
This act also gives you tranquillity and peace of mind. Through prayers, you share your thoughts and worries with ALLAH. This act takes away all your worries.
7. Use modern technologies.
Use advanced technologies. Download Apps of different sites to get rid of searching and logging in every time. Apps make work easier than ever and also keep up-to-date. Apps have made life easier.
8. Work near natural light.
Studies have shown that exposure to sunlight improves your sleep and hence productivity. So, if you work by sitting near a window, an open window is ideal, could enhance your efficiency and make you feel fresh. It's really important for the entrepreneurs as they spend most of their time in front of the computer screen. Keep yourself as near to nature as you can.
9. Keep one day off limits.
It gives your mind and body a relax time. It energizes you for next week tasks. Don't schedule any meetings or calls on that day. Spend that day with yourself and your loved ones. It will refresh you like you refresh your windows after work.
10. Make realistic goals.
Set realistic goals. Don't be afraid of taking small steps first, they will lead you to a big success. If you want to master anything, take tutorials and follow it. You will definitely master it. Once you achieve your goals, create the new ones.

The Increasing Rate of Suicides

Statistics have shown that there is an increase in the rate of suicides and attempted suicides all over the world. Though the rate seem to indicate that young girls have been noticed to have much to experience in this department-some say the rate has jumped from 11% to 13% from 1999 to 2015-the young men also have a high rate of success in committing suicide. This has been attributed to the fact that boys use more violent means to achieve their aim. For example, they may decide to shoot themselves or jump out of the window of a high-rise building, or jump into the lagoon. The later is mostly they preferred method in Nigeria, where economic crisis engendered by mis-governance is the order of the day. But poison is usually the ladies' preference.
Bu this article is not interested in the statistics but in the root cause-spiritual and physical.
Suicides have emotional problems they believe they want to escape from. They are people who, probably had a problem in their past lives, came back to make amends and, finding themselves at the receiving end, could not take what they have meted in others. Due to ignorance, they believe that with death everything is immediately over for them. But it will be a rude shock when they discover that with death, life did not cease to exist for them. Instead, the agony of death is brought home to them in more vivid and excruciating form.
Let us take an illustration. Suppose a man was part of the Nazi group that committed several atrocities in the name of the third Reich during the second world war. They were using their belief in the superiority of the Arian race to commit mass murder and other incendiary crimes. On passing on, they now become more enlightened and recognize their mistake. They now sought opportunity to come back to earth to make amends. But they also chose a place and circumstances that will make them to be at the receiving end of the crimes. And the found themselves back as a fundamentalist Muslim, a Jew or a fanatic christian.
They see themselves as people with the most superior religion this time, Islam, and found the free world against the expansion of their fate with violent means. Will it be surprising if he ends up a suicide bomber? This time, he cannot take what he meted on others, and thus wasted his opportunity to make amends.
Such cases abound in both individual and collective sense.
Many suicides caused by poverty is simply over reacting to being at the receiving end of what they meted on others during their prosperous times in past incarnations. There is no one living on earth today that has not experienced wealth and poverty at different times in their existence.

6 Things to Know Before Your Hip Replacement

The most unlucky moment of growing old is having our joints getting decayed. But on the other side, we are lucky that the technology in joint replacement has become so very advanced that having replacement surgery of hip has become a routine procedure.
According to studies, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 330,000 Americans undergo replacement of hip surgery every year. And to go on for to live more active and productive life. Joint decay can have a severe impact on a persons' mobility and is extremely painful.
Earlier, hip replacement was not considered for people under the age of 60. But the advanced joint prosthesis made the procedure possible for anyone at any age for those who are experiencing joint problems caused by varying circumstances.
Though hip replacement surgery is nowadays considered a simplified procedure, one needs to be aware of few things before undergoing surgery. The six essential facts to be found are:
1. What happens during surgery for hip replacement?
In this surgery, it takes almost around 2 hours to get completed. The surgeon places the incision over the femur and hip and removes the cartilage, tissue, and compromised bone. The femur at the top is replaced with artificial metal or plastic object which in turn will allow the patients to resume normal activities without any pain eventually. There are many other surgeries to be performed by age, weight, and factors that are unique to each patient.
2. Who is the right candidate for hip replacement surgery?
There are plenty of reasons as to why people develop problems in their hips. The most common among them are injuries, or osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis that can cause premature deterioration of the hip joints. A persons' age is never considered to be of much importance as far as their health state is concerned when it comes to having a hip replacement surgery. Well, in this procedure, the most successful people are those who do not wait until the joint deterioration is far too advanced.
3. What is the recovery period?
Every individual is different, but commonly, a hip replacement involves a 3-5 days hospital, and an approximately 3-6 month recovery period is required. Time frames depend upon overall health and on rehabilitation guidelines.
4. Do any complications arise during hip replacement surgery?
Today's modern day surgical techniques, when combined with advanced artificial joint components exceptionally, reduced the likelihood of complications. The dislocation of joints remains one of the standard problems. Fake hip patients are advised to avoid certain positions of leg and movements during the rehabilitation period to help lower the risk of dislocation.
5. What exercises have to be done by the patient?
Once the rehabilitation process has started, a hip replacement beneficiary will need to perform some exercises to avoid stiffness and increase flexibility. Mostly, people who had very limited movability found that being able to exercise after mobility of hip joint will improve their overall health. Low impact movements and activities are best.
6. Any other alternatives to the surgery?
It depends on the amount of deterioration of the joint and other factors, where there can be an alternative to the hip replacement surgery. Some patients try to prefer physical therapy, anti-inflammatory and other medications to overcome the chronic pain, but when walking, driving and other activities become nearly impossible to perform, it is the correct time to perform surgery.
Hip Replacement Surgery Cost in India
A hip replacement surgery cost in the US is around $39,000 whereas the same surgery in India is done at $6,500. The survival rate of 90% is found for the hip replacement surgery patient. Use of modern technological equipment's and the medical facilities, all come at this price. This is the reason, why people across the globe are diverted to visit the country, India.
Medical Disclosure:
The information contained in this article is presented for the purpose of educating the people. Nothing contained in this article should be construed nor is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider. Should you have any healthcare-related questions, please call or see your physician or other qualified health care provider promptly. Always consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare professional before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program.

The Different Kinds of General Surgeries Offered at Hospitals

General surgery is a specialty, which focuses on different abdominal contents like the bile ducts, the appendix, the gallbladder, the pancreas, liver, colon, small bowel, stomach, and esophagus. Most times, it involves the thyroid gland, but this mainly depends on the referral patterns. General surgery also deals with different diseases that affect hernias, peripheral vascular surgery, trauma, soft tissue, breast, as well as skin. Procedures like colonoscopy and gastroscopy are also included here.
The scope
Trauma surgery
In many locations, the responsibility for trauma care usually falls under general surgery. There are surgeons who obtain more training to offer critical care. The general surgeons should be in a position to handle all sorts of surgical emergencies. They are often called so as to handle patients who are injured critically or those that are very ill. They are required to perform different procedures so as to stabilize the patients. They should be able to do thoracotomy, emergency laparotomy, compartment fasciotomies, cricothyroidotomy, and thoracostomy so as to staunch any bleeding. These are the people you will find in trauma or surgical intensive care units.
This area also covers emergency surgery like organ perforations, bowel obstructions, infections, and bleeding. Gallbladder removal is one of the surgical procedures that are very common all over the world. It has to be done electively. However, the gallbladder is at risk of being inflamed acutely and may require one to get an emergency operation. Other common emergencies include small bowel obstructions, rupture of the appendix, and infections in the appendix.
Laparoscopic surgery
This is a specialty that is new. It mainly deals with techniques for access where cameras, as well as small instruments, are inserted through small incisions. A lot is evolving from the concept such as robotic surgery. Colons, appendices, and gallbladders can actually be removed by application of the technique. Hernias can be repaired using the method. It is possible to perform bariatric surgery in this way and there are many benefits that are associated with this. They include the reduction of complications of surgical wounds, especially in the obese patients. It is important that the general surgeons be well trained in the area and proficient too.
Colorectal surgery
General surgery also deals with lots of minor and major rectal and colon diseases. This includes the inflammatory bowel diseases like Cohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Others are hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal bleeding, treat cancer, colon cancer, and diverticulitis.
Breast surgery
General surgery also handles lots of breast surgery that is non-cosmetic. This includes mastectomy all the way to lumpectomy. This usually pertains to the diagnosis, the evaluation and the treatment of cancer.
Vascular surgery
Vascular surgery is also a specialty of general surgery. However, for this one needs to have special training in the area. This area is usually handled by specialists. Most of the times, the general surgeons can actually handle the minor disorders.
There are many other areas covered by general surgery. These areas include endocrine surgery, transplant surgery, surgical oncologists, cardiothoracic surgery, pediatric surgery, and so on. Minimally invasive surgery has become prevalent in the present day. Robotic surgery has come with a lot of enthusiasm even though it is very costly.

We Have to Safeguard the Health and Well Being of Future Generations

In US there are government recognized agencies which certify the ecosystem safe buildings. Such certified buildings normally use up to 40% less energy compared to the accepted buildings. Keeping this concept in mind how best we can intend our future dream home is extremely considerable. The sustain-ability of this earth with the present reckless advancement is causing concern.
So the people are looking for ecosystem friendly homes. This is typically known as natural living under natural buildings. When we adopt this attitude we can feel comfortable that we are in our own process adding less to the future damages to the earth.
To come to a decision about the ecosystem friendly homes, you have to first assess yourself about your life style and your future requirements. If you are a person who is obtained to live under a roof where you are require a cool ecosystem during summers and lot of heat during peak winter, then you will have to select those ecosystem friendly materials which have good insulation in winters and maintain an extremely cool ecosystem during summers. With the right combination of construction materials which are ecosystem friendly you can go about without consuming excess power.
However if you are not still comfortable, you can have the option of going for solar energy. These solar panels will take care of your fancy gadgets almost free of cost. It is also probable that if the power generated from your solar panels are not fully utilized you have got the option of giving back to the power grid. They accept this gesture with gratitude and even pay for it.
Going natural in food production also is catching up. Prepare yourself for growing whatever probable vegetable in your back yard in organic instructions, with even so little space you might have. This will reduce your grocery bill and also it will give you physical exercise on tending the vegetable garden.
When you renovate the cleaning materials and other ingredients you use, you are inflicting to some extent dent to the ecosystem. You have to be selective in going for the cleaning materials which are not harming the ecosystem.
Similarly, when you do the foundation work for your buildings you will be turning out several soil. You have to make in no doubt to put slit traps to circumvent the run off towards the streams and lakes. The slit can erect the clean waters into a mess of slush and choke the living organisms there. When the construction is over, the planting of grass and other seasonal vegetation will control the excess runoff of the slit.
If you browse the net you will find details about several companies which are doing natural friendly projects. Study them and act upon them for your own survival.

Health Devices to Make Your Life Easier

No matter if you are suffering from high blood pressure, blood sugar or obesity, going to the doctor every month for checkups can become a real ordeal in our busy lives. Blood glucose meters are portable devices that are used to measure the amount of glucose in the blood. They are often used by diabetic people to monitor and manage their condition. These hand-held machines are critical in determining the diet you can follow and how well any medication you are on is working in controlling your blood sugar levels. Since they can be used at home, they give you the convenience of instant feedback and help you keep a record of your results that can be shown to your doctor to get an accurate picture of how well your treatment is working.
But with the advent of home health monitoring devices like glucometers, blood pressure monitors and weighing scales, keeping track of your health has never been easier. They not only save you from the weekly trips to the doctor but also provide accurate readings that help you manage your condition effectively.
Read on to find out more about some useful health monitoring devices in the market-
Blood glucose meters
Blood glucose meters are portable devices that are used to measure the amount of glucose in the blood. They are often used by diabetic people to monitor and manage their condition. These hand-held machines are critical in determining the diet you can follow and how well any medication you are on is working in controlling your blood sugar levels. Since they can be used at home, they give you the convenience of instant feedback and help you keep a record of your results that can be shown to your doctor to get an accurate picture of how well your treatment is working.
Blood pressure monitors
As the name suggests, blood pressure monitors are devices that can help you check your blood pressure level in the convenience of your home. There are several types of blood pressure monitors that are available in the market, the most popular being wrist monitors, upper arm monitors and digital monitors. Blood pressure monitors help with hypertension detection; irregular heart beat detection and body movement detection. They also store the last reading for future use. Blood pressure monitors usually come with a wrap cuff and an LCD display.
Weighing scales
Most of you are familiar with weighing scales, having seen and used them at gyms and doctors' clinics. Weighing scales are used to measure several types of readings, including body fat, muscle mass, BMI, lean mass along with body weight. The digital varieties come with advanced features like auto power-on and power-off mechanism, LCD display and high precision strain gauge and load cell sensors that ensure accurate reading. Weighing scales can be used at home to manage and keep track of your weight.

Healthy According to Lionel Messi

Who does not know Lionel Messi? Miracles in the world of Argentine football this star could glint, though arguably somewhat dimmed in the period 2013-2014. The appearance of stars who often called Leo is somewhat decreased throughout 2013-204. He only packed 41 goals throughout the season, the lowest record since 2008-2009.
He even failed to deliver Argentina to the 2014 World Cup champions after the German bent 1-0. In order to improve performance on the ground, this footballer changes lifestyle and diet. With the help of his friend, fellow Argentine Martin Demichelis, Messi met with Italian nutritionist Giuliano Poser.
The meeting agreed earlier this year, Messi routinely visited Poser and got a good nutrition recipe. "After the World Cup, something has changed for him, Messi knows what to change, he has the humility to make a change in his professional career since January, he looks stronger," Poser said. Investigate a calibration, one of the causes of decreased appearance Messi due to his hobby eating pizza.
Barcelona attacker was also experiencing weight gain due to lifestyle and eating patterns that are less attention. In order to improve performance, Messi decided to reduce the consumption of animal-containing menu. Well, since following the direction of Poser, in a relatively fast time, proved his appearance changed drastically.
Physical rapidly changing his fitness fit throughout the game. "He changed his diet, did not eat processed foods and replaced them with foods rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre contained in grains, fruits, vegetables, fish and olive oil," Poser said as quoted La Gazzetta Dello Sport. Apparently, not just Messi who became a client Poser.
Manchester City striker, Sergio Aguero, also adopted the diet advocated by Poser. "We (Aguero and Messi) are undergoing a normal nutritional examination to check the condition of the body, he recommends food to improve our physicality, I am happy because it is important to look at the body and know what I want," Aguero said.
No one denied the fact that Lionel Messi is the best footballer at the moment. Behind the performance that good, FC Barcelona star has a good diet.
In order to perform well on the pitch, Messi runs a diet program. There are some foods that must be consumed every day, but some are forbidden.
Dietician Messi, Giuliano Poser, revealed that sugar became one of the strikers petty striker with the nickname La Pulga it.
"Sugar is the worst thing for muscles," Poser told Mundo Deportivo.
According to Poser, sugar contains many calories that can damage the body's metabolism and interfere with muscle development. The more Messi away from sugar, the better.
In the meantime, there are 4 mandatory meals on Messi's diet menu list. Is that?
"Water, good quality olive oil, grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables that are not contaminated by pesticides, therefore can cause massive damage to the body," Poser said.
"My method is unquestionable - everyone can see how Messi looks from week to week," Pose said.
A healthy and balanced diet leads Messi to the top of his career. At the age of 28 years now, the captain of the Argentina national team has already bagged 7 La Liga titles, 4 Champions League and 5 Ballon d'Or trophy.
Only one event that has not been conquered Messi, namely the World Cup.

Know About Medical Education Conferences

What are Medical Education Conferences?
The medical education conferences are the worldwide friendly union of physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, medical students etc. working in one or the other medical areas and are interested in enhancing outcomes in the healthcare industry. Leaders of the medical education come together to share ideas and experiences to improve educational practices. These meetings are held in a chosen medical field, especially at exotic places to make one relax with their families and friends along with subject enrichment.
Registrations are being made for attending such kind of meets. Abstracts and Presentations submissions are done months before the held date of the specific conference. After the review of the abstracts, they are accepted or rejected and the full schedule is then made keeping in consideration the time of the seminar and question-answer session. The event is spread over two or more weeks depending on the number of abstracts to be discussed.
Why are these conducted?
Variety of sessions and workshops are conducted to enable the diverse group of educators and researchers to share and discuss interesting ongoing approaches, innovations, and interventions to medical education.
It is a platform for people of similar interests.
  • to form a network with others.
  • to take part in workshops and seminars.
  • to present their own work via presentations.
It provides tools for training of health professionals in developing, mastering and maintaining the important knowledge, skills, and attitude required for safe and effective patient care. These conferences help in developing and implementing curriculum, assessment and evaluation competency, simulation and observation studies, and policy or ethical dilemmas in medical training.
Undergraduate/Postgraduate level students get the opportunity to attend expert's seminars. Plus, they also get a chance to lead a seminar which helps them to strengthen their basic skills and to reinforce a clinical experience with an evidence-based approach, in turn, it creates efficiency and improves compliance with duty hours and patient care.
Upcoming Medical Education Conferences in 2018
Medical schools, universities and many associations routinely offer conferences on medical education; from undergraduate medical education to resident and research education on the vast number of topics.
Have a look at the lists which are given below-
1. 15th APMEC 2018: 10-14 January 2018, Singapore.
2. Pain Management & Addiction Medicine for Primary Care: 16-18 February 2018 in Whistler (Vancouver) in Canada.
3. Cardiology for Primary Care: February 17-19, 2018 in Disneyland, California.
4. Infectious Diseases for Primary Care: 22nd - 24th February 2018 in Riviera Maya/Cancun, Mexico.
5. Clinical and Patient Wellness Program Series: February 22-24, 2018 in Orlando, Florida.
6. Pharmacology and Pain Management for Primary Care: Between 2-4 March 2018, it will be held in Sedona/Grand Canyon, Arizona.
7. Neurology and Psychiatry for Primary Care: In Napa Valley/Sonoma Wine Country, California, 9-11 March 2018.
8. Ottawa 2018.ICME 2018: 10-14 March 2018, Abu Dhabi.
9. Pediatrics for Primary Care: March 16-18, 2018 in Kapolei, Hawaii-Aulani.
10. Women's Health and Pain Management: 24-26 March 2018 in Montego Bay, Jamaica.
11. Emergencies in Primary care: March 29-31, 2018 in Punta Cana.
12. Psychiatry and Women's Health for Primary Care: March 29-31, 2018.
13. 13th International Medical Education Conferences 2018: 13-15 April 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
14. AMEE 2018: 25-29 August 2018, Basel, Switzerland.
15. Learn Serve Lead 2018 AAMC: 2-6 November 2018, Austin, USA.
Conferences based on the medical education conducted for and via physicians, nurse practitioners, medical students etc. working in one or the other medical areas and are interested in enhancing outcomes in the healthcare industry.

Healthy High-Calorie Foods For Weight Gain

No doubt, gaining weight is as hard as losing. Having a good body and a healthy weight is important to live a long and healthy life. And if you are one of those skinny people who is struggling to increase some extra pound, so, this article is for you. Here we share a list of foods you can add to your diet that increases your weight in no time without putting any adverse effects on your health. So, let's take a look.
  • Protein Smoothies: If you want to gain weight, so, you should increase the amount of protein in your diet (as per recommended by your dietitian). And drinking protein smoothies are the easiest and yummiest treats you can give to yourself that not only help you attain your weight gain goal but also satisfy your cravings. Try to make some homemade protein smoothies with some natural fruits to have real-time benefits.
  • Dairy Products: Milk, cheese, egg, yogurt, butter and to name a few are some of the dairy products you need to add to your diet. These are high in calories and help you gain weight effortlessly. So, make sure you include them in healthy quantity with expert advice to take their real benefits.
  • Rice: Rice is a low-carb food that again one of the easiest ways to gain some extra pounds without making so many efforts. Make sure you have a bowl of rice regularly if you want to see quick results.
  • Nuts And Nuts Butter: Nuts and nut butter like peanut butter is no doubt a high-calorie food that is the way perfect to add to the diet if you are looking to gain some healthy weight. These are healthy and have enough nutrients your body requires to function properly.
  • Starchy Carbs: Starchy carbs helps you to gain healthy weight. Include potatoes, quinoa, oats, corn, beans, and legumes, squash, buckwheat, etc. And within a few days, you will see the results that for sure amaze you.
  • Dark Chocolate: It has a high-calorie density and therefore having, it may also have some positive effects on your weight gain goal. Make sure you add healthy quantity and if you have any other health problem, so consult your doctor first.

How Playing Outdoors Teaches Lessons of Empathy in Children

Empathy is an important life skill, which means to feel for others and understand what they feel by putting yourself in someone's place. This improves the ability to understand and respect others. Since kids aren't naturally born to empathize, they learn it through the outdoor activities. In this post, I am going to highlight some ways that play boost empathizing skills in children.
1. Cooperation
Playing outdoors is all about teamwork, which, in turn, is linked to cooperation. While playing in a group, each member has to interact and support another in order to achieve the desired goal. Whether they are playing in a playground, classroom, or a neighborhood park, the outdoor playtime involves assistive work that directly links to empathizing skills.
2. Mind Reading
Apart from playing with preschool playground equipment or other types of equipment, some simple games such as chess or checkers help in understanding what the opponent is thinking. We do not get to learn this important life skill any other way. When a child becomes smart enough to read other's minds, this makes him empathizing as he is now capable of walking in his shoes.
3. Feel What Other Feels
The imaginative play or pretended play is all about being something you are not. When a child acts like a teacher, doctor, and architect and goes through all the processes these characters experience regularly, he gets to know what it feels like. One can only understand another person's feelings when he goes through the same process. Through pretended play, a child becomes capable of seeing life from another person's viewpoint and this makes him empathizing.
4. Caring for Other's Feelings
Children do stupid things sometimes such as hitting an animal and enjoying it. They do so due to unawareness of the fact other living beings have feelings. While playing outdoors, especially in a playground, children meet and greet peers and colleagues and cooperate with them in playing. When an unfavorable event occurs such as an injury to a fellow, he feels what his friend would be feeling and helps him cover his wounds.
Similarly, there are cats and dogs wandering around in some playgrounds. I remember I took my daughter to the shade structure in San Diego and she interacted with some cute cats there and started hitting her. I told her just like we feel hurt with injuries and wounds; animals can feel the same, too. This way, she learned to empathize and I didn't see her hitting an animal again since then.
5. Respect Other's Choice
It happens pretty often on a playground that one child wants to play a game while other wishes to experience something else. When two children of different game choices interact, they respect each other's selection. Never in my experience had I seen children fighting to force each other into playing a particular game. Every child has the freedom to play what he likes, and this, I believe, is a key to learning empathy.
6. Achieving a Common Objective
A group has a common goal and each member strives the hardest to achieve it. One day I saw some children playing puzzle together and all of them were struggling to complete it and were putting their best efforts. Upon focusing a little more, I realized they were the same children I saw a few days back fighting with each other over something. This made me realize outdoor play brings empathy to children's personality. They work together by forgetting all the differences and grudges when they have to, and this is amazing!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Killer Foods

In Far away United States Of America, a war has been raging of recent-the war against Monsanto, the food giant that spearheads the research into and production of genetically modified foods, foods manufactured using the activities of genetically modified organisms, GMO. Their Congress has passed a bill that makes it against the law to label foods on the market shelves as being a product of genetically modified organisms. The debate was that, given the fact of an overwhelming evidence that genetically modified foods are harmful to humans, and government insistence that only genetically modified foods are the best for the country, every food that contains GMO should be labeled so that Americans have a choice in deciding whether to buy the GMF or the naturally produced foods. In fact, in recent times, there has been several recalls of shelf foods due to the fact that they were deemed to have used undeclared chemicals in their production.
The government has been at war with the farmers who produce and sell directly to consumers without resort to genetics, with the accusation that their foods are contaminated with the Salmonella species of bacteria. Salmonella is the main causative agent for diarrhea. For example, American federal and state regulators are seeking legal sanctions against farmers in Maine, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and California, among others. These sanctions include injunctions, fines, and even prison sentences for farmers who fail to join the genetic bandwagon.
Genetic modification of foods started in the nineteen eighties. The biotechnology giant Monsanto began to genetically alter corn to withstand its activities in trying to round up their weed clearing agenda-or herbicide roundup, as it was generally referred to. The goal was to eradicate weeds but not crops and resist a corn pest called the corn borer. These small changes in the Deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA, the building blocks of proteins in the body, of the corn are expressed by the plant as proteins. Those proteins act as allergens, provoking a disorder marked by the overproduction of a type of white blood cell called an eosinophil.
The U.S. government started approving GMO corn and soybeans for sale in the mid-1990s, and today, 88% of corn, and 93% of soybeans, are the transgenic varieties. According to my findings, due to cross-pollination via winds, birds, and bees, there's no such thing anymore as a GMO-free corn crop in the U.S. "It's almost impossible to find a corn source in the United States that doesn't have the [protein] in it," Dr. Mansman, an allergist who works in a Virginia hospital, told an American Magazine.
Beyond all the hype, beyond all the gobbledygook, GMFs have become the stable shelf food in Europe and America, and the idea has become acceptable in other parts of the world. In fact the Nigerian National assembly has hurriedly passed the bill to back the genetically modified foods production in the country. Former President Goodluck Jonathan set up a committee to vet the so called biosafety bill as passed by the National Assembly before he could sign it into law. Then, participants at the 10th anniversary of African Agricultural Technology Foundation, AATF seminar say Nigeria's dream of achieving food sufficiency in 2015 will be a mirage, unless the country adopts biotechnology in the agricultural sector. Even Olusola Saraki, a senator and chairman senate committee on environment and ecology, who is currently the Senate President, decried the delay in signing the bill into law. "As a matter of fact, the benefits of signing the bill into law by Mr President are numerous," he said." These include regulating the safe application of biotechnology in Nigeria to harness benefits in fields of agriculture, medical, environment sustainability and industrial growth." Further more, the law will promote technological and material transfer for research collaboration and commercialization in biotechnology." According to him, since 1996, biotechnology-driven crops had been commercially planted and their adoption had increased steadily, with over 8.5 million planting them in 21 countries, with most African countries developing biosafety.He also noted that all over the world, scientists, who recognized the benefits of the technology, had been at the forefront of the call for safety and regulation of activities in the field of biotechnology. "Therefore, there is the need for Mr. President to assent to the bill in the interest of our nation and the attendant economic and employment opportunities that come with it," he had said. "If this feat is achieved, Nigeria, as a nation, would be sufficient in food production and thereby, save the cost of annual food importation and diversify same into a value chain mechanism."
But the question is, how safe is BMF? Investigations indicate that even scientists at the forefront of the promotion of biotechnology are coming out to speak against it. Most food literature focuses on poor nutritional quality of canned and pre-packaged food, which is the only source of food to certain urban people who have no access to fresh foods from the farm. Chemicals found in food packaging are unhealthy-as, for example, Bisphenol A, or BPA. This chemical has been banned from baby bottles and sippy cups in the United States but find ways into the stable consumption of the nouveau-rich in Nigeria. Since it is used to line food cans, intended as a protective barrier between the metal and the can's contents, BPA actually leaches into the food we eat. The effects of leaching BPA are likely most detrimental for pregnant women, babies and children. This chemical has been linked with obesity, cancer (breast and prostate), early onset of puberty, Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD and retardation of development of brain and nervous systems. The case of early puberty has been a serious societal issue that results in increased rape cases and pedophilia simply because the children look older than they actually are. And Monsanto and other companies are at the forefront of these drugs. France has banned the use of BPA in the preservation of canned foods with effect from 2015. Soon, other European countries will follow suit. Apart from BPA, Aspartmine is another chemical. Aspartame has been linked to several different cancers and even degenerative brain conditions. Consuming aspartame regularly will burn out neurons and has been linked to headaches, mood alterations and even brain tumors. It is regarded as a healthy and sweeter alternative to sugar, though it actually causes diabetes and may also cause obesity. It was developed in a bio-weapons laboratory from excrement from bacteria culture and bleached with other chemicals by Monsanto corporation. It is currently sold under different brand names and used in food seasonings. Unfortunately this chemical, originally sold by Monsanto Corp, is now being re-branded under different names There are currently efforts underway to include aspartmine in milk and so called diet products-"low sugar" or "sugarless" drinks, even though aspartame is contained in many products already that do not list it as one of the ingredients. But by far the most important of these products are the genetically modified foods. "Introduction of genetically modified food has raised a number of fears, some genuine and some irrational," says Dr.Leo d'Souza, a Jesuit priest and biotech researcher. "Human fears, whether genuine or irrational, have to be attended to." These fears are currently being expressed by Nigerians who are skeptical of the benefits of the foods. For example, The Daily Trust Editorial of 26 June 2013 was particularly critical of the bill. "It may come as something of a surprise," the paper wrote, "to some, even shock to many, that such a profound policy step would be taken without as much as consultation with the public." The paper continued: "Still, even in advanced nations that have pioneered the technology and fully embraced the crops, controversies over them linger. Scientists have raised concerns about their effect on human health and on the environment. It is alleged that the crops damage the soil and that large quantities of fertilizers and hazardous chemicals are required to successfully cultivate them. And for particularly the developing world, GM crops portend another challenge of having to depend on giant companies in the West for seed imports to replant as some of the crops do not have seeds or those with seeds cannot produce high-yield varieties when they are planted. Unless these allegations about the disadvantages of the crops are satisfactorily addressed, it would be premature to expose Nigerian farmers to GM seeds when the technology is still in its infancy in the country, if at all." The paper insisted that the main challenge now is that a large percentage of the national arable land is not being put under cultivation. " Since the advent of the oil boom nearly four decades ago, successive governments have paid scant attention to agriculture as a national security issue. This is the time to do it, by going back to agriculture, which offers better food and economic security than oil. Efforts should also be made to find a solution to the huge post-harvest losses that farmers suffer. If these and many other steps are taken, the country may in the end find it does not have any need for inorganic substances like GM crops to feed the people," the paper concluded.
A group known as the Mother Earth Foundation frowned seriously at the proposed bill. In a statement signed by Nnimo Bassey, Director of the organization, noted that African countries have been generally resistant to the policy. "Contrary to the claims of the{minister of science and technology), Burkina Faso has not introduced GMOs into their food.", Bassey said, "That country planted genetically engineered cotton otherwise called Bt Cotton. The first harvest of that cotton last year was a big disappointment as the farmers got short fibre cotton rather than the long fibres they harvested from the conventional cotton they were used to planting. South Africa is the most problematic on the continent when it comes to the regulation and introduction of GMOs. Public resistance have been strong, but the historical political context must also be considered in understanding the path the nation began to toe and the difficulties in ensuring a transition from certain routes. Studies by the African Centre for Biosafety has revealed that corn products supplied by Tiger Brand in South Africa to companies including to Dangote Foods, a Nigerian conglomerate, has high GMO corn contents. This revelation ought to drive the Nigerian government to order an investigation into the importation of unwholesome foods and food products into Nigeria rather than making announcement of backdoor moves to ambush Nigerians into eating GMOs without their consent." They noted that the widespread dependence on chemical inputs have led to the death of pollinators like bees and saddled the world with silent farms and forests without insects and other beneficial species. "Certainly Nigeria does not want to join the ranks of nations that hire or buy bees to pollinate their farms," Bassey noted. "We are not sure also that Nigerians want to toe a path that may lead to farmers pollinating their crops by hand," he concluded. A federal minister has recently indicated that one of the GMO companies has been approved to open up an office space in the country. "Yes, Monsanto may soon be in Nigeria", a source from the ministry of Agriculture said, "the honorable minister is all taken up with the program."
Studies have shown that GMO feeds have proven harmful to pigs. According to a report, "GM-fed females had on average a 25% heavier uterus than non-GM-fed females, a possible indicator of disease that requires further investigation. Also, the level of severe inflammation in stomachs was markedly higher in pigs fed on the GM diet. The research results were striking and statistically significant. The new study lends scientific credibility to anecdotal evidence from farmers and veterinarians, who have for some years reported reproductive and digestive problems in pigs fed on a diet containing GM soy and corn." Pigs have basically the same digestive structure with humans, and pork is a stable food in most countries. Most of these pigs are eaten by humans with accumulated GMO passed on to humans who consume them.
Genetically modified foods are a typical example of how man tries to show he can control nature. But the final effect will be a disaster to mankind, because, in the new time, every distortion of natural order will be violently corrected, resulting in so many hitherto unknown diseases. Unfortunately, this will coincide with the time of total collapse of World economy, amid political crisis and Natural disasters in a time that was described as a time of great tribulations.

Why Seniors Need To Eat Right And Healthy As They Age

True, eating a well-balanced diet is important at any age, but when you enter into the golden era of your life, you need to give more attention and importance to what you eat. Yes, you have heard this advice before; older adults need to pay special emphasis on their diet. But, do you know why this is so important?
What Happens As You Age?
As you grow older, your appetite, nutritional requirements, and food habits change drastically. Things you didn't worry about earlier now become a major cause of concern. This is because of the following factors:
• Medical Conditions Develop: Health problems are common when you age. High blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes are the common problems that affect aging adults. As a result, you become sensitive to certain foods and hence, need to make changes in your diet.
• Poor Immune System: As you age, your immune system weakens. The chances of developing food poisoning or food-related diseases increase. By taking care to eat healthy, immune-boosting food, you can keep common ailments at bay.
• Need for Fewer Calories: To maintain healthy weight, you require fewer calories. Less energy, reduced physical activity, muscle/joint issues and loss of muscle mass cause your metabolism to slow down. This minimizes your calorie needs.
• Other Factors: You may begin taking medications that affect your appetite; oral health problems can prevent you from eating; or losing a close family member or spouse can take a toll on your regular eating habits.
Maintaining A Healthy Diet
Here are a few ways you can keep your diet in check, regardless of the above factors:
• Consume adequate amounts of fiber, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. It helps maintain a healthy digestive system.
• You can ask your doctor for mineral or vitamin supplements such as Vitamin D, calcium and magnesium, if you find consuming nutrient-rich foods a hassle.
• Mingle and stay social. Chatting with friends and family can making eating a fun activity.
• Eat nutrient-rich foods as it helps your body get carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and essential fats.
• Opt for healthier frozen, canned and processed foods such as instant oatmeal, bagged salad and frozen unsweetened fruit.
• Drink adequate amounts of water as you will not have to worry about dehydration. Set a goal to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
The food choices you make play a major role in keeping you healthy and active as you age. Irrespective of age, taking the time to consume a well-balanced diet will pave the way for a healthier you.

Struggling With Adult Incontinence? Take Control With Disposable Adult Diapers

A survey by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that are part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says over 50% of older Americans suffer from some form of incontinence. This has forced many of them to withdraw from their active lifestyle. Luckily, this is no longer necessary due to the advent of highly versatile disposable adult diapers. While there are many incontinence protection products on the market, this category is more efficient due to its flexibility, cost-savings and other benefits.
Brief Background on Adult Incontinence
It is commonly said that you can only manage what you know. Before you hit the stores looking for disposable adult diapers it is important to understand this condition. According to the Mayo Clinic, over 25 million adult Americans now suffer from some form of bowel or bladder incontinence. The reason this becomes a big issue is because of the impact this has on the life of a patient. In fact, more studies have revealed that there is an increase in the number of younger adults suffering from this problem.
Symptoms include occasional urinary or fecal leaks both during the day and night. This could be caused by mobility impairment, severe diarrhea or Neurological disorders such as Multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease. Other probable causes include:
Enlarged prostate/ Prostate cancer in men
Reproductive system surgical procedures such as Hysterectomy in women
Pregnancy and childbirth
Old age affecting bladder muscles
Spinal injury
There are other causes of adult incontinence. Even as you seek medical treatment, you need an effective management solution to help you deal with the problem. This condition can ground you especially in cases of severe incontinence. Disposable adult diapers have emerged as the best protection against incontinence, allowing people grappling with the condition to continue with their active lifestyles.
The benefits of Disposable Adult Diapers
While there are many products designed to deal with adult incontinence, disposable adult diapers have some unique advantages. These diapers are made using cutting-edge technology and offer higher absorbency levels compared to washable diapers. The difference in construction of these diapers makes them more effective especially for people suffering from severe incontinence. They are made using gel-like polymer beads that are very small.
When these beads come in contact with a liquid they start to absorb the liquid, thus expanding and reaching up to 800 X their original size. This means the liquid and in this case, fecal matter or urine is absorbed quickly thus keeping the user dry throughout.
Disposable adult diapers have been classified as one of the most important innovations in the medical hygiene industry helping millions of people get control of their lives. That adult incontinence devastates the life of an individual cannot be overemphasized. Many people have left their jobs while others have been affected by mental health issues due to lack bowel and bladder control. This is just a few of the reasons why these disposable adult diapers have been hailed as a game changer in managing adult incontinence.
If you are looking for the best disposable diapers in the market, you should start by looking at products from online. These products are developed space-age technology used by NASA for their astronauts suits. They boast the most absorbent adult diapers for the best cost savings in adult incontinence control.
Some of the benefits associated with these uniquely designed adult diapers include:
1. Super Absorbency
These incontinence protection products are made with adults in mind. They are designed to handle severe incontinence. They are ideal for mobility impaired adults, active adults, and seniors who want to continue enjoying life despite their condition. The cutting-edge technology used to make disposable adult diapers makes them the best solution to deal with bowel and bladder problems.
2. Versatility
Whatever the level of incontinence, there is a product for you. These diapers are designed to provide varying degrees of absorbencies and come in small, medium and large sizes. They can handle heavy, low and medium flow and you will find it easier to find a product that suits you or your loved one. When shopping for disposable adult diapers you should have an idea about the level of incontinence you are seeking to control in order to find the best product.
3. Better Hygiene
Truth be told, taking care of seniors is a tasking duty and it gets even harder when they are suffering from bowel and bladder problems. Cleaning after them is messy and it is worse if you must change their diapers. This is why high-quality disposable adult diapers have come as a godsend to improve the quality of care you give to those under your care.
4. 24/7 Protection
If you have an elderly relative in your care and they suffer from adult incontinence you don't have to get stressed about it anymore. The best disposable adult diapers in the market are highly efficient and offer longer protection both day and night. The user enjoys a better quality of life when wearing these diapers and you will always find them more cheerful despite any other health issues they might be grappling with.
5. Healthy/Comfortable Materials
These high-quality diapers are made from non-toxic materials that will not cause skin irritation or any other health risks.
6. Environmental Benefits
Disposable adult diapers are eco-friendly and the fact that they are bio-degradable means they go a long way towards conserving the environment. The materials used in their development do not have a negative impact on the environment even in the future.
Providing care for seniors and other mobility impaired people doesn't have to be so hard after all. The management of adult incontinence has now been made easier with the advent of highly efficient disposable adult diapers in the market. These diapers are versatile in choices, flexible in design, highly absorbent, eco-friendly, user-friendly and of course they are more cost-effective.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Student Suicide: What Teachers Must Do and Mustn't Do

Suicide rates among students are on the ascendancy globally. Suicide is ranked as the second leading cause of death in educational institutions. The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that annually one million people die from suicide with one death every forty seconds with an estimate of 1100 college students dying every year. One of the leading causes of suicide in schools has been associated with harassment from teachers. What are teachers doing to spark and heighten the fire of suicide among students? What should teachers do to help their learners erase suicidal thoughts from their minds? This article offers perspectives and valuable insights into ways that teachers can help arrest the menace of suicide in educational institutions globally.
Many suicide cases reported in educational institutions globally point fingers at teachers. These have always been in the form of harassment. Teachers exert a greater influence on students, especially, on the decisions relating to life and death. Therefore, teachers must be mindful of their words and actions toward their learners. These students are mostly fragile and inexperience. They usually act based on their feelings and state of mind in various conditions.
Many teachers have been engaging in verbal abuse on their often less performing students. These academically dull students often receive unfavorable verbal attacks from teachers that only discourage them. It makes them feel hopeless and worthless, even desiring to end it all by taking a suicide decision. These teachers usually spank them by making angry remarks as an outward sign of their displeasure of the academic performance. Such disparaging comments include 'You are worthless!' 'You should not have been in school!', 'Your mates will make it in life and you will suffer the brunt of your weak academic performance!' Some instructors deliberately post the performances of the weak students on students' notice boards just for their colleagues to mock at them. These comments and actions often terrify many of these students who do not want to face the shame as a result of their academic failings, usually commit suicide.
Moreover, very harsh punishments given to truant and undisciplined students are also a major cause of suicide. Granted, some students will always engage in wrongdoing. Therefore, to maintain discipline, such students may receive some punishment to serve as a deterrent from engaging in that act again and/or other students treading the same path. However, this should be done in a humane fashion. Even punishments can be given to further develop the academic abilities of the truant students. Such punishment includes writing a passage three or four times to improve their writing skills. Punishment should be done with the aim of correcting the negative behavior exhibited by the student.
Furthermore, some educators and teachers sack students because they were late from school or for not paying for academic user fees. This is very wrong. Some students fear going to their parents who may punish them severely. Therefore, the teachers must not in any way sack any student because of these reasons, as they have been one of the main causes of suicide.
Also, some educational institutions fail to set up stringent strategies in punishing or expelling students who bully their colleagues in schools. Bullying of students has been one of the chief causes of suicide. Educational institutions must find effective means of identifying students who bully their colleagues. Transparent offices where students who are bullied can report their bullying cases must be available in all educational institutions.
Again, it's very unfortunate and disgusting that some teachers sexually harass their students. Some of these students who are objects of the sexual harassment are emotionally traumatized and usually end their lives through suicide. Teachers must set good examples as morally upright persons whose decent lives are worth imitating. Unscrupulous teachers who engage in sexual harassment must be severely punished and prosecuted.
The teaching profession is very honorable and persons who enroll in it must demonstrate great dexterity that it requires. Teachers must be charismatic and use their words and actions to encourage, motivate and heighten the academic abilities as well as students' personal development. This would prevent and erase suicidal thoughts from the minds of students such that suicide would be a forgotten phenomenon in the various educational institutions globally.

Get Benefits of Medical Marijuana For A Healthy Life

Medical marijuana is the name given to the cannabis and cannabinoids that are recommended by doctors for the treatment of numerous conditions or ailments. And if you are not treating any of your conditions or ailments with it, it won't be termed as medical marijuana. It is widely used all over the world under legal framework for various medical purposes.
The marijuana plant contains hundreds of cannabinoids and each of them has a different effect on the patient's body. With the latest researches that count for the health benefits of marijuana, its popularity has gained over the stigmas linked to weed. Being in New York, you can only use medical marijuana if you are suffering from some particular diseases under the legal framework.
The diseases that can be treated with medical marijuana in New York include Epilepsy and Seizures, Asthma, HIV/AIDS, and Alzheimer's. It is advised for any patient to use medical marijuana safely in accordance with the physician's prescription. In the nutshell, if medical marijuana is taken properly, it can prove to be a lot of beneficial to the user's body.
Benefits of Medical Marijuana There are countless benefits of marijuana that make it a recommended dose for the patients suffering from various ailments or disorders.
1. It can cure many diseases. Medical marijuana is known for curing many diseases and physical problems. It can control epileptic seizures, fight Glaucoma, slow Alzheimer's, help in preventing cancer from spreading, reduce Hepatitis C side-effects, treat inflammatory bowels, relieve arthritis pain, ease multiple sclerosis pain, help you get through chemo and much more.
2. It can help in losing weight. It regulates insulin production in one's body and helps in managing the daily intake of calories more efficiently. You also might have noticed that people who consume weed are slimmer than the ones who don't. Moreover, it also improves the body metabolism of the patient.
3. It can reduce anxiety and depression. A study has shown that medical marijuana can improve the user's mood to a great extent and can even act as a mild sedative. It can easily kick out anxiety and depression out of patient's mind.
4. It is the best alternative to dangerous addictions. It has been found that it easier to get attracted towards marijuana from all other types of lethal drug addictions. In other words, it can save many lives that are prone to other hard drugs.
5. It helps the user in improving focus. Medical marijuana helps people in focusing on their job and increases their mental creativity. It might not have proved to be helpful in improving short-term memory, but it does prove to be helpful in performing well at tests and makes you smarter.
6. It reverses the negative impact of smoking tobacco on your lungs. It doesn't have any harmful effect on the user's lungs. Instead of this, it eliminates the effects of tobacco smoking provided you have quit it.
7. It is a good choice for relaxation. It is a good option for people who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It can actually work on relieving the stress that is associated with PTSD.