of us, suffer, from choosing to try, to be, like everyone else, rather
than, trying to become, merely, the best, we can possibly be! In order
to do so, it's essential to begin, with a commitment, and a willingness,
to be, as introspective, and objective, as possible, so we aim, to
satisfy our personal needs, rather than focusing on pleasing others,
and/ or, fitting - in, with the pack! In other words. ask, how well, do I
know, my SELF, and why, I should like that person, and
if, there's anything, I should do, to make myself happier, healthier,
wiser, and more contented/ self - satisfied/ pleased? With that in mind,
this article will attempt to briefly, examine, consider, review, and
discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this makes a significant
difference, for our personal, well - being, and, thus, overall health!
1. Strengths; serves; special; stronger; solutions; sustain: How
well do you know your personal strengths, as well as weaknesses? Is the
way, you proceed, through life, serving your best interests? How are
you special, and what might you do, to better use your skills, and
strong - points, to make you stronger, and better able, to proceed,
through, your life? What might you, commit to, in order, to sustain your
existence, and make yourself, as self - satisfied, and personally,
proud and pleased, as possible?
2. Effective/ efficient; ego; energy/ energize; excellence; endurance: Are
you proceeding, in an efficient way, so your efforts, are as efficient,
as possible? Are you proceeding, based on the negative tendencies, of
your ego, or on what's genuinely, best, for you? What do you do, to
inspire and motivate yourself, and energize you, in a positive way, to
proceed, through life, with positive energy? How will you demand, you
proceed, with your utmost degree of genuine excellence? Only when you
feel good, about yourself, will you have the needed and necessary
endurance, to go forward, rather than give - in, to obstacles and
challenges! Will you perceive obstacles, as challenges to overcome,
rather than negative problems?
3. Listen; learn; live: Listen
to your inner - self. and learn, what makes you truly happy, and why?
Will you commit to truly, living, rather than merely, existing?
4. Free; faith; future; fruition: Will
you proceed forward, to free yourself, from self - imposed limitations,
and have the personal faith, in your abilities, and believe in your
self - worth? How will you look, to the brightest future, and bring the
best objectives, to fruition?
Pay attention to how you might make your SELF better, healthier, and more motivated! It's always, up - to, you!
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