Tuesday, March 24, 2020

How To Stop Worrying And Go To Sleep At Night

You need enough sleep. You need enough sleep in order to function and in order to restore and rejuvenate your mind and your body.
Tens of millions of people have insomnia and other sleep problems. Stress, worry and fear can be major contributors to sleep (and non-sleep) problems. It is very common for people to toss and turn all night or sleep too few hours or not sleep at all. This may often be due to one's mind continuing to focus (at top speed) on problems instead of shutting down at night and resting.
When I was in my 20's, and a money market trader on Wall Street, I had the very same problem. I had a job that required me to function at an extremely high level, continually, all day long. From 7AM to 7PM. I could not go to sleep at night because my mind was still racing, reviewing the day's work (and problems) and planning the next day's work (and problems). The lack of sleep began to interfere with my ability to function on the job at the required high level. If this continued, I would not be able to do my job effectively and I would soon be tired, and fired. I had to get more sleep.
When I realized that it was my mind that was keeping me awake until 1AM - 2AM, I decided I had to do something about it. What did I do? How did I solve the problem? What I did was make a deal with my brain. The deal was that when it was time to go to sleep I would take all my problems, worries and fears out of my brain and set them down on the nightstand next to my bed. I promised my brain that all my problems, worries and fears would still be there on the nightstand in the morning when I woke up and I would pick all my problems up off the nightstand, put them back in my brain, and my brain could start spinning and racing and worrying all over again. After a few nights of trying this it began to work. I fooled my brain. I trained my brain. Now, when it was time to go to sleep, I was able to lay down, put my problems and worries and fears aside, and go to sleep. And in the morning, I was refreshed and ready to face the day. That was decades ago and since then, when I get into bed, I lay down my troubles. And have no trouble going to sleep at night.
In addition, I learned something else; a lot of the things I worried about at night disappeared or lessened when I went to pick them up off the nightstand the next morning.
When it's time to go to sleep, the day is finished. Put your worries down. When day is done and it's time for sleep, there is nothing more you can actually do right now about your existing problems, worries and fears. Put them down on the nightstand, or, if you prefer, place an empty box next to your bed to put your problems in at night. Don't worry, all your problems, worries and fears will still be there in the morning. Or not. Meanwhile, you can go to sleep.
And, if you wish, you can even write down your worries on a piece of paper and physically put them in the box. And, in the morning, you can once again pick them up. Or not.
As for the box, any empty box will do. Any color. It may help if the box has a lid and you can leave it open to easily put in your worries, problems and fears. No, it doesn't have to be a large box. Unless you have a LOT of worries.


5 Tips That Can Help You Choose A Good Family Doctor

Choosing a good family doctor is not easy. You need to see a doctor who can perform the right diagnosis based on the symptoms of the patient. So, we suggest that you take your time while doing research before choosing a doctor. Given below are 5 tips that may help you make the best choice.
1) Consider an In-Network Specialist
If you have a health insurance policy, you may be able to avail the service of a doctor at discounted rates. Seeing these doctors won't cost you an arm and a leg. These are in-network professionals. This type of pro can help you avoid any additional fees or surprise co-pays.
If you don't know any of these doctors, your insurance provider can give you a list of a few good names. Alternatively, you can check online or ask the doctor that can accept your insurance.
2) Opt for Specialized Care
While choosing a doctor, make sure you take into account the needs of your family. In other words, if a family member is in need of special care, your chosen doctor should be able to offer it.
If your doctor can't help you with this, your best bet is to look for a specialist. Typically, family care doctors can help you get in touch with a good specialist.
3) Consider the Commute
Often, distance is one of the most overlooked factors when opting for a doctor. Although 10 miles is not a long ride, you may not be able to spare that much time if you have a busy schedule. So, it may cause you a lot of inconveniences. Therefore, we suggest that you be practical as far as the distance is concerned.
4) Schedule an Initial Visit
You need to see the doctor in person before you choose them as the doctor may not have the bedside manners you want. Typically, most professionals offer a free of charge initial consultation. This discussion can help you find out if they have a good personality.
5) Read reviews and Ask for Referrals
Nowadays, you can read reviews on almost anything under the sun if you have access to the internet. The same goes for family medicine. It is not a factor that you have to consider, but it can help you get a deeper insight into the quality of service the doctor offers.
For instance, talking to the referrals will help you find out if the staff is friendly. By reading reviews and talking to a few referrals, you can make a better decision.
The Takeaway
Looking for a good family doctor is really important. So, it's better that you do your homework and consider all the options that your insurance provider gives you. Actually, what you need to do is look for a doctor that you can work with for a long-term. After all, your health, as well as the health of your family members, depends largely on good health care. So, make sure you consider these tips before choosing a family doctor.

Three Questions To Answer If You Are Thinking About Varicose Vein Surgery

If you are one of the many who suffer from the varicose curse, you are not alone. Fortunately, there are now more ways to find treatment for your ailment. Technology and medical expertise has come a long way towards specializing in vascular treatment. However, as treatments become more common and more centers open up, you have to make decisions and choose from the best options. This is especially important if you are going to have surgery. Here are three questions to answer if you are thinking about varicose vein surgery.
  1. Is it necessary?
It is not uncommon for hospitals and specialized treatment centers to jump straight to the option of having surgery. Usually going with this option makes sure the problem gets taken care of while also providing the hospital or center a sizeable profit. However, just because surgery can take care of an issue, doesn't mean it is the optimal solution. There are various other treatment options that exist for a range of subtle differences when dealing with veins.
  • Laser Light Therapy: Laser light therapy is an option for those suffering from spider veins of birthmarks. During this procedure a strong light is used to create energy that gets selectively absorbed into the vascular tissue. This destroys this type of tissue only and eventually your body absorbs it. Several treatments are necessary but it is overall painless and easy to recover.
  • Endovenous Ablation: For a non surgical and more minimally-invasive option, endovenous ablation may be a good solution. In this procedure a very tiny catheter is inserted into the knee and into a problem vein. A fiber that emits radiofrequencies is funneled inside the entire length of the vein. This causes it to seal which allows for the redirection of blood and nutrients to other healthy ones.
  1. Pick a quality doctor with experience.
If you have to have surgery and all other options have been exhausted, take your time finding the proper doctor to conduct the surgical procedure. A quality doctor will be well credentialed and have plenty of general medical experience but will have special training and specialization in the treatment of vascular diseases. Ideal doctors will have plenty of experience working under trained specialists and cardiothoracic and vascular surgeons as well as have numerous published articles and research in related fields. Overall, you want someone who has the experience to make sure your treatment starts and ends as easily as possible.
  1. Support staff.
Many people overlook the importance of a high quality and helpful staff. There is nothing worse than having a procedure and being left with questions and concerns and having no ability to contact or reach your doctor or nurse for help. High quality treatment centers make sure their staff are well-trained, knowledgeable, friendly, and able to assist you with your recover needs after your surgery. This makes all the difference in having a wonderful experience that you can easily recover from, or having a horrendous one filled with complications. Do not overlook the importance of a well-organized organization staffed with great people.
Use these three tips the next time you are deciding on a treatment center.

How Well Do You Know, Your SELF?

Many of us, suffer, from choosing to try, to be, like everyone else, rather than, trying to become, merely, the best, we can possibly be! In order to do so, it's essential to begin, with a commitment, and a willingness, to be, as introspective, and objective, as possible, so we aim, to satisfy our personal needs, rather than focusing on pleasing others, and/ or, fitting - in, with the pack! In other words. ask, how well, do I know, my SELF, and why, I should like that person, and if, there's anything, I should do, to make myself happier, healthier, wiser, and more contented/ self - satisfied/ pleased? With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, examine, consider, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this makes a significant difference, for our personal, well - being, and, thus, overall health!
1. Strengths; serves; special; stronger; solutions; sustain: How well do you know your personal strengths, as well as weaknesses? Is the way, you proceed, through life, serving your best interests? How are you special, and what might you do, to better use your skills, and strong - points, to make you stronger, and better able, to proceed, through, your life? What might you, commit to, in order, to sustain your existence, and make yourself, as self - satisfied, and personally, proud and pleased, as possible?
2. Effective/ efficient; ego; energy/ energize; excellence; endurance: Are you proceeding, in an efficient way, so your efforts, are as efficient, as possible? Are you proceeding, based on the negative tendencies, of your ego, or on what's genuinely, best, for you? What do you do, to inspire and motivate yourself, and energize you, in a positive way, to proceed, through life, with positive energy? How will you demand, you proceed, with your utmost degree of genuine excellence? Only when you feel good, about yourself, will you have the needed and necessary endurance, to go forward, rather than give - in, to obstacles and challenges! Will you perceive obstacles, as challenges to overcome, rather than negative problems?
3. Listen; learn; live: Listen to your inner - self. and learn, what makes you truly happy, and why? Will you commit to truly, living, rather than merely, existing?
4. Free; faith; future; fruition: Will you proceed forward, to free yourself, from self - imposed limitations, and have the personal faith, in your abilities, and believe in your self - worth? How will you look, to the brightest future, and bring the best objectives, to fruition?
Pay attention to how you might make your SELF better, healthier, and more motivated! It's always, up - to, you!

Tips to Stay Fit and Healthy in Ramadan

In Ramadan, it's important that you maintain your health while fasting. The first thing is to have a healthy eating habit. Given below are some tips that can help you stay fit and healthy in this holy month.
Never skip the First Meal
Just like breakfast, Suhour is the first meal of the day in Ramadan. This meal will help your body keep hydrated until the Iftar time. Moreover, it will help you avoid overeating at the Iftar time. Make sure your suhour meal consists of foods rich in fiber, carbs, and protein.
Eat Fruit and Vegetables
Fresh fruits and veggies make a great snack. In fact, they are a great alternative to the junk food we consume on a regular basis. Ideally, you should opt for fruits and veggies that are full of water, such as pumpkins, squash, melons, and cucumber, to name a few.
Don't have Processed Foods
It's a good idea to stay away from processed foods, such as white flour and sugar. They contain a small number of nutrients and a lot of fat.
Eat Slowly
You may have the urge to eat a lot at Iftar, but this is not going to be good for your health. So, it's better if you slow down while eating.
You can eat a few dates and then have some water. Dates are full of energy and they help your digestive system as well. After having some dates, you can have some lukewarm soup.
Your meals shouldn't contain a lot of heavy oils and fats. Ideally, you should have some veggies to meet your need for protein and carbs.
Stay Hydrated
Make sure you have a minimum of 8 cups of water on a daily basis in Ramadan. Staying away from sugary drinks like Hibiscus and Tamarind is a good idea. While milk, soup, and juices can help you stay hydrated, know that nothing can take the place of water. So, it's better to have small quantities of other drinks.
Avoid Caffeinated Drinks
As far as keeping hydrated is concerned, caffeine is the worst thing you can have in Ramadan. So, it's better to avoid drinks like colas, coffee, and strong tea.
Avoid Deep-Frying
Deep-fried foods are no good either. In other words, it's better to avoid foods that have a lot of oil in them. If you want to have them anyway, make sure you use as little oil as possible. For instance, you can use half a cup instead of one full cup of oil.
Also, it's a good idea to opt for monounsaturated fats like corn oil, canola, and sunflowers. Don't go for olive oil either.
Consult your Doctor
If you are over the age of 50, don't forget to consult your doctor before Ramadan. In the same way, kids, people with diabetes and pregnant women should follow the same advice. You don't want to make your health condition worse in Ramadan.
So, these are a few things you should keep in mind to stay fit and healthy in Ramadan.

18 Ways To Win The Fight For Size

When it comes to training, are your gains coming faster than an Ali one-two combo? Or are you getting worked over in the corner like some washed-up pug, folding up under a rain of body blows?
While you probably don't want to admit it, chances are it's the latter. You see, so many of us find ourselves making zero progress after months, even years of battling in the weight room. Unfortunately, and contrary to popular opinion, building your body is not an endeavour of brute force. When you aren't making progress, simply dropping your head and powering through the same workout regime week after week won't eventually wear down the forces that halt your growth. But that's what many of us do.
Just like in boxing, the man usually left standing is the one who knew his opponent - he knew when to jab, when to duck and when to go in for the kill, not the one who tucked his chin and came out flailing. You need to take the same type of strategy to your training: fight smart.
To help you strategize, I present 18 tips on gaining and understand the "sweet science" of resistance training. I hope that as you incorporate this advice into your own regime, you realise that the bout for more muscle isn't about one swift knockout punch; it's about going the distance and slipping in some well-timed blows. Keep your gloves up!
  1. PUSH yourself. If you're lifting about the same weights now as you were a year ago, don't expect to be much bigger. While the biggest muscles aren't the strongest muscles and the strongest muscles aren't the biggest, a substantial link exists between strength and size, providing you avoid very low reps, the rest/pause technique, partial reps and long rest periods between sets. Those techniques generally yield lots of strength, but little or no size gains.
  2. MAKE "good form" your mantra. Don't just give mere lip service to the cliché "use good form". Permit absolutely no bouncing, heaving, exploding or excessive range of motion, and never get so greedy for poundage increases that you sacrifice good form. Good form is needed not only to avoid injury but also to stimulate optimal muscle growth. In addition to proper form, avoid high-risk exercises such as any squat with your heels raised on a board or plates, bench presses to your neck or upper chest, or behind-the-neck shoulder presses with very heavy weights. Also, use a controlled rep cadence: about 2 to 3 seconds for the positive phase of a rep and three seconds for the negative phase.
  3. INDIVIDUALISE your exercise selection. If an exercise hurts, and you've been performing it using good form with a controlled cadence and have tried sensible modifications, drop that exercise. The first rule of exercise selection is "do no harm". Discard the reckless "no pain, no gain" maxim.
  4. SQUAT. Do your utmost to squat well and intensively. The benefits aren't just limited to the thighs, glutes and lower back; the squat stimulates muscles throughout the body. While some people truly can't squat intensively in a safe way, most can. Reverse the squat, improve your squatting form and pay your dues in the rack, and you'll reap the rewards.
  5. DEADLIFT. The deadlift is one of the most productive exercises for bodybuilding mass. Master the technique - conventional style, sumo or stiff-legged - and slowly build up the weight to something very impressive. Impeccable flat-back form is imperative; avoid any exaggerated range of motion. Deadlift properly, or don't do it at all.
  6. TRAIN hard, but smart. Do enough to stimulate growth, then get out of the gym and give your body the chance to recover and grow. The bottom line is progress, not training intensity. If, however, you always cut your sets short by a couple of reps, stopping even though you know you had more in you, get serious, pull out all the stops and put 100% effort into finishing what you start.
  7. LOG it. You've heard of the importance of keeping a training log, but how many people actually do it? Accurately record all your reps and poundages. As the weeks go by, you must be able to see small but gradual improvements in weight lifted and/or the number of reps performed. If not, you have clear proof that you need to alter some aspects of your training regime.
  8. HARNESS the power of one. Get a couple of half-pound discs, home-made weight increments, or some creative alternatives such as wrist weights or large washers so you can add just 1 pound to the bar at a time. Adding a minimum of 5 pounds to an exercise at a single shot when you're at your current best weights, as many people try to do, often leads to a breakdown in form and injury. Instead, nudge up the weights. Strength is built slowly.
  9. PARTNER up. Find a training partner who has similar recovery abilities to yours, so you can use a similar training programme. Then push each other to deliver perfect workouts every time - intensive, progressive and always with good form. But, just as a good training partner will help, an inappropriate training partner can be your undoing. If he or she can recover more quickly than you, can tolerate more sets and exercises, and pushes you to abuse forced reps and other intensity enhancers, cut your ties pronto.
  10. BE consistent. Bodybuilding success is about getting each rep right, each set right, each workout right, each meal right and each night's sleep right, week after week, month after month. Compromise a little on this and you'll reduce your rate of progress; compromise a lot and you'll kill your gains. Keep in mind, there are no "small" victories. Set no limits on yourself, but don't expect the impossible. Just live for the next bit of progress, and then the next, and then the next. Bit by bit, you'll build bigger muscles.
  11. MAKE your training time sacred. Protect your privacy while you train. You must be totally in charge and say no to intrusions, whether human or otherwise. Don't do this to become a hermit or to alienate your family and friends; do it to honour your need for the focus required to do your very best at something you've committed to.
  12. FOCUS. Only highly gifted bodybuilders can build mass and refine it at the same time. The rest of us need to focus on building mass by concentrating primarily on the tried-and-tested compound exercises for a year or more. Only then does detail work such as cable crossovers, dumbbell laterals and triceps kickbacks have real practical value. If used earlier on, detail exercises stymie progress by putting a heavy drain on your recovery ability and reducing the level of effort you can dedicate toward compound moves.
  13. PERSONALISE your training programme to find what works best for you. No single programme works well for everyone; even good programmes have to be fine-tuned to fit the individual user. Personalise the factors of exercise volume, training frequency and exercise selection. Once you find a good programme, don't chop and change it haphazardly. Stick with a given set of exercises long enough to make substantial progress in the weight you can lift.
  14. FOLLOW excellent nutritional habits every day. No matter how well you train, rest and sleep, if you cut corners with your nutrition, you'll impair - if not stop altogether - your muscle growth. Take your nutrition very seriously. Divide your calorific and nutritional needs over five or preferably six meals per day. Eat more, and eat more often. If you weigh the same now as you did a year ago, you can't expect to have bigger muscles unless you've substantially reduced your bodyfat.
  15. NOT progressing? Cut back. If your bodybuilding has stagnated, chances are you're spending too much time in the gym. Cut back and give yourself a chance to grow. Try reducing your weight training to just three days per week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, alternating two different routines - chest, shoulders, triceps and abs in one routine, and legs, back and biceps in the other. Perform no more than three works sets per exercise and a maximum of eight exercises per routine. If you can do more than three works sets per exercise, you're loafing - train harder. Never battle through warning signs of overtraining. Symptoms include loss of training zeal, stagnant exercise poundages, reduced appetite, and nagging aches and pains. Whenever you feel any of these symptoms, take action by increasing recovery time and sleep, reducing training volume and improving on the nutrition front.
  16. STRETCH. Follow a programme of a dozen or so stretches three times a week. Stretching won't make you bigger, but it will help keep you resistant to injury. Stretch only after warming up, hold stretches for 15-30 seconds, never do ballistic stretching, and don't try to improve your abilities too quickly by forcing a stretch past your limits.
  17. REST generously between workouts. Despite adequate recovery time being so pivotal, many bodybuilders make the mistake of minimising recovery time and maximising workout frequency. If you still feel tired and are due to train today, rest another day. Then modify your training programme and lifestyle so that you recover adequately between workouts without having to take unscheduled rest days. Also, get at least eight hours of quality sleep each night. If you have sleeping problems, find solutions; consult a sleeping clinic if need be. Short-changing yourself in the sleep department can arrest bodybuilding gains even if your training and nutrition are in good order. If you rely on an alarm clock most mornings, you aren't getting enough sleep. Give your bodybuilding recovery greater priority than late-night socialising.
  18. APPLY the central creed of bodybuilding: progress. Gear your training and entire package of recovery-related factors so that progress in muscular mass is a reality. If gains aren't happening, make changes until they do happen. The buck stops with you. You select the exercises, volume and training frequency you use. You decide when to quit on a set. You must discipline yourself to use good form. You determine your sleeping hours. You are responsible for your nutrition. Take advantage of the tremendous power you have to change your physique!

Fitness Tip: How To Hydrate and Replace Electrolytes When Working Out

Water is essential to life. A few days without it could result in death - it's that important. So considering a hydration strategy, especially when working out in the heat is essential to overall health. We lose water through respiration, sweating as well as urinary and fecal output. Exercise speeds up the rate of water loss making intense exercise, especially in the heat, a possibility of leading to cramping, dizziness and heat exhaustion or heat stroke if adequate fluid intake isn't met. Correct fluid intake is an important priority for exercisers and non-exercisers in the heat. Water makes up 60% of our bodies. So it's incredibly important to for many different roles in the body.
The Role of Hydration In The Body:
Water has many important jobs. From a solvent to a mineral source, water plays a part in in many different functions. Here are some of water's important jobs:
- Water acts as a solvent or a liquid that can dissolve other solids, liquids and gases. It can carry and transport these things in a number of ways. Two of water's most important roles are the fact that water transports nutrients to cells and carries waste products away from cells.
- In the presence of water, chemical reactions can proceed when they might be impossible otherwise. Because of this, water acts as a catalyst to speed up enzymatic interactions with other chemicals.
- Drink up because water acts as a lubricant! That means that water helps lubricate joints and acts as a shock absorber for the eyes and spinal cord.
- Body hydration and fluid exchange help regulate body temperature. Don't be afraid to sweat! It helps regulate your body temperature. When we begin to sweat, we know that body temperature has increased. As sweat stays on the skin, it begins to evaporate which lowers the body temperature.
- Did you know that water contains minerals? Drinking water is important as a source of calcium and magnesium. When drinking water is processed, pollutants are removed and lime or limestone is used to re-mineralize the water adding the calcium and magnesium into the water. Because re-mineralization varies depending on the location of the quarry, the mineral content can also vary.
Which Factors Determine How Much Water We Need:
What factors affect how much water we need? All of the following help determine how much water we need to take in.
Climate - Warmer climates may increase water needs by an additional 500 mL (2 cups) of water per day.
Physical activity demands - More or more intense exercise will require more water - depending on how much exercise is performed, water needs could double.
How much we've sweated - The amount of sweating may increase water needs.
Body size - Larger people will likely require more water and smaller people will require less.
Thirst - Also an indicator of when we need water. Contrary to popular believe that when we are thirsty we need water, thirst isn't usually perceived until 1-2% of bodyweight is lost. At that point, exercise performance decreases and mental focus and clarity may drop off.
We know why water is important but how do we go about hydrating properly? Fluid balance or proper hydration is similar to energy balance (food intake vs output). It is important to avoid fluid imbalance for health.
We get water not only through the beverages we consume but also through some of the food we eat. Fruits and vegetables in their raw form have the highest percentage of water. Cooked or "wet" carbohydrates like rice, lentils and legumes have a fair amount of water where fats like nuts, seeds and oils are very low in water content.
Fluid Needs By Bodyweight:
One of the easiest way to determine how much water you need is by body weight. This would be the basic amount you need daily without exercise. *Yes, you'll need to find a metric converter like this one to do the math.
Water Needs: 30 - 40 mL of water per 1 kg of bodyweight
Example: if you weigh 50 kg (110 lb), you would need 1.5 L - 2 L of water per day.
Hydration Indicators:
You should be drinking water consistently (not all at one time) throughout the day. The body can only absorb a certain amount of water at a time. Any overzealous drinking could lead to health issues.
Thirst - As stated above, if you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated.
Urine - The color of your urine is also an indicator of your hydration level.
colorless to slightly yellowish - hydrated
soft yellow - hydrated
pale gold - hydrated
gold, dark gold or light brown - possible light to moderate dehydration
brown - dehydrated
Hydration + Electrolyte Strategy:
These easy steps will help you to hydrate daily plus before and after workouts.
1. Determine how much water you need to drink on a daily basis using the body weight formula above.
2. Pre-hydration - Drinking about 2 cups of water BEFORE intense exercise ensures adequate hydration to start.
3. During Exercise - 1 cup (8 ounces) of water mixed with electrolytes (about 3/4 water to 1/4 electrolyte) every 15 minutes approximately.
4. After Exercise - Fluid intake is required to assist in recovery. Recovering with a mix of water, protein and carbs is a great idea in addition to electrolytes if needed. Formula: Approximately 15g of protein, 30g of carbs, electrolytes and water.

3 Tips To Reaching Your Health and Fitness Goals With A Busy Lifestyle

Life has this sneaky way of creeping in and throwing curve balls left and right. Life will always happen. There will always be a busy day at work or family problems or relationship highs and lows or sick children. Once conflict arises, it seems like health and fitness routines go haywire. We seek comfort food or we just don't feel like moving. These are the things that help us stay clear and balanced in both body and mind though! So what do we do when conflict smacks us in the face (and it happens to everyone so if you're reading this - you're not alone)? Avoiding the conflict is not reasonable because we can't always control what comes at us. Figurine out how to navigate through any issues is what needs to happen to stay on track.
I think so many times we approach health and fitness goals with an "all or nothing" mindset. For example, you might think your day is ruined because you veered off of your diet with an unhealthy meal or snack. Or, you decided not to workout today because you couldn't do the allotted 60 minutes that you had planned for. Instead of doing something, you may have chosen nothing at all. You gave up on day two of 30 days of clean eating. Do any of those sound familiar? It doesn't have to be all or nothing and something is better than nothing. My tips below might give you some perspective on how to reach your health and fitness goals even when life throws you a curve ball.
My philosophy is nourish, movement, mindset. If we can work on nourishing our bodies, moving them mindfully and maintaining a healthy attitude, we can function a little better day by day, week by week, month by month and eventually get into the healthy habits on a regular basis that we need to achieve total body balance.
1. Nourish.
Focus on one small thing at a time. Start simple and work from there. Don't expect to change your eating habits overnight. Small changes executed day after day, week after week and so on can lead to really big change. So pick one small nutrition action and practice it for one to two weeks before adding in a new change.
Examples: Work on portion control (without regard to food quality), add one colorful food in at each meal, take 15 minutes to meal prep tomorrow's healthy food or omit your sugary after dinner snack (swap it out with a healthy alternative). You could eat slowly and chew your food completely or focus on balancing your meals so that you have protein, carbohydrate and fat at each meal. Omitting processed foods at one to two meals per day is also another great option. These are just some examples but it's up to you to figure out which little step you can take to improve your nutrition.
2. Movement.
Take advantage of the time that you DO have. Carve out space in the small pockets of your time. We get fixated on time so often that we don't realize that a little is always better than nothing. For example, it's so easy to think that you have to do a workout for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Wouldn't 15 minutes of that workout be better than nothing though? The answer is yes! So squeeze in what you can, when you can.
Get unconventional. Maybe you don't have time to get in a "workout". Do what you can with what you've got. Maybe you take the stairs that day instead of the elevator. Park in the parking space furthest away from the building (gasp!) to get some extra steps in. Stand up from your desk and walk around for a minute every 15 or 20 minutes. Run around at the playground with your kids. Movement doesn't always have to be in the form of a straight up 30 minute HIIT workout. It can be moving and active - outside or inside. What are the ways that you could get in some more movement?
Move mindfully. Pay close attention to your body and what it's trying to tell you. Your body and energy levels will fluctuate day by day so take advantage of more vigorous workouts when you can and also add in active recovery, lighter workouts or even yoga or stretching when necessary.
3. Mindset.
Don't give up. Don't throw in the towel on eating right and moving your body. It's seems easy to take the "all or nothing" approach but that's not necessary. Something is always better than nothing.Don't beat yourself up! Life ebbs and flows for everyone. Take a look at where you're at right now and what you can make work right now.
The most important thing is to honor where you're at. Only you know what you're capable of at this point in your life. Make sure the small steps you take are 100% doable for you and your lifestyle. Small steps over time can add up to big change.

Dislocations - When There Is No Doctor

The bones that form a joint are normally congruous and in apposition to each other. When this relationship is altered due to injury, it leads to a separation of these bones, called a dislocation.
What you shouldn't do is as important as what you should when someone has suffered a dislocation. Let's discuss how to recognize when bones have gone astray, and the correct way to handle such an emergency.
A fracture is often mistaken for a dislocation especially if it occurs near a joint, such as the upper end of the thighbone (femur) which is near the hip joint, or the upper end of the arm bone (humerus) which is near the shoulder joint. What distinguishes the two is that a fracture is a break in the continuity of any one bone.
The elderly are more susceptible to dislocations because, with age, the muscles and ligaments that form the support system around the joints lose their tone, weakening their hold over the joints.
Other susceptible groups, especially for shoulder dislocation, are those involved in active sports like gymnastics and cricket (bowling and fielding).
This is the commonest site of dislocation because the socket of the shoulder joint is shallow compared to the other ball-and-socket joint - the hip, which is deeper and hence more stable. The cause is usually an injury, typically when, during a fall, the person lands on his outstretched hand (thus throwing his entire body weight on it) and the rest of his body is thrown backwards.
  • When the two shoulders are compared, the affected one will appear flatter (the normal shoulder has a rounded outline) because the ball has shifted out its place.
  • There will be pain and swelling around the area, and the person will be unable to move the affected arm.
First Aid:DO NOT
  • attempt to click the joint into place, especially if you are not trained in this, and the dislocation has occurred for the first time. In fact, do not even move the arm; let the person hold it in the position he finds most comfortable.
  • give anything by way of mouth, including a pain-killer (even if the person is yelling for it), in case anaesthesia is to be later administered at the hospital.
WHAT TO DO:Your priority should be to transport the person to a hospital urgently. Sometimes if the circumflex nerve at the shoulder joint is injured, it could lead to paralysis of the deltoid muscles (of the shoulder), leading to an inability to raise the arm.
If time permits (while transport is being arranged) the affected hand could be supported by a cuff-and-collar sling, i.e. a bandage gauze going around the neck and the wrist, or by a triangular sling.
(At the hospital after an x-ray is taken, the bone will be set into position, very often under general anaesthesia.)
Recurrent dislocations of the shoulder, in which the shoulder keeps getting dislocated as a result of trivial injury or even an action which involves raising the arm above the shoulder are common. The reason is a tear in the tissue surrounding the joint which becomes a weak area through which the bone comes out easily.
As the frequency of such dislocations increases, the pain reduces to the point, where the person learns to click hi shoulder back into place without much ado.
The hip joint has a deeper socket compared to the shoulder joint and has the body's strongest ligaments surrounding it, which is why it is inherently a very stable joint. But it may dislocate as a result of a high-velocity vehicular accident. If a person sits in the front seat of a vehicle with his legs crossed at the knee, when the dashboard hits against the knee, the force is transmitted from the knee along the thighbone to the hip joint which usually dislocates the hip joint.
  • Severe pain in the area; the person will not be able to stand on the affected leg.
  • The leg will appear flexed (bent) at the knee and hip.
  • The limb may also appear shortened.
First Aid:DO NOT:
  • attempt to click the joint into place or to move the leg in any way.
  • give the person anything to eat or drink in case he is required to be given anaesthesia later.
WHAT TO DO:Immediately arrange to transport the person, lying on his back and preferably in an ambulance. If treatment is delayed and the surrounding blood vessels are disrupted, the blood supply to the ball of the hip joint may be permanently cut off, leading to early wear-and-tear of the hip joint and arthritis of the hip. If the dislocation is associated with an injury to the sciatic nerve which is in close proximity to the hip it could lead to a paralysis of the foot muscles or a foot-drop. (At the hospital, under general anaesthesia, the hip will be manipulated into position or surgery may be required.)
Usually a hip dislocation is non-recurrent except in the case of an associated fracture of the socket. (In this case, to prevent re-dislocation, the fractured socket has to be reconstructed by surgery.)
As a result of injury, the spine could dislocate either at the cervix (back of the neck) or in the dorso-lumbar area (the junction of the middle and lower back). It may or may not be associated with neurological deficit (paralysis).
  • Severe pain in the area.
  • If there is paralysis, there may be reduced sensation or a lack of sensation below the point of injury.
  • If the body is paralysed below the level of injury there will be a loss of bladder and bowel movement.
First Aid:DO NOT
  • delay transportation in any way.
  • impart any movement to the spine.
WHAT TO DOAs soon as possible, rush the person to the hospital in the position that he is lying, as a change of position could worsen his condition. In the event of paralysis below the point of injury, early treatment plays a crucial role in ultimate recovery.
Other superficial dislocations include those of the elbow joint, finger joints and ankle joints.
Pain, swelling and an inability to move the affected joints.
First Aid:
  • attempt to click the joint into place, however easy it may seem, as an injury to a nearby nerve or blood vessel during the process could bring on long-lasting complications or could produce a fracture of a nearby bone which was not initially present.
WHAT TO DOThe elbow joint may be placed in a triangular sling to provide support to it till the person can be taken to hospital.
In case of an ankle dislocation, the victim should not be made to walk or to exert any pressure on the affected leg. He should be carried to the transport and, later, from the vehicle to the hospital.
Finger joint dislocations may appear minor but they too need the attention of an orthopaedic surgeon who will usually click them into place under local anaesthesia. However, if there are complications involved, surgery may be required.
There are millions hits on the internet search drive for Wellness - from mental to physical health, cardiac fitness, cancer, yoga, how to overcome certain ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, stoke, and tips on weight loss and how to grow taller, with many other ideas getting honorable mention. It takes quite a bit of research to find any one site that has so much to offer on all these fronts, let alone one that can combine all the needs for your innermost wellness - joy, bliss and beyond. For wellness' sake you can stop looking out there, and take some time for yourself, a sort of one-stop-shop: Balanced Lifestyle Wikipedia.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Ulcers - Powerful Natural Remedies Revealed!

If you had a pound for every person who has been "cured" two or more times of his ulcers, you would be a wealthy person - probably with ulcers. For some reason, totally unknown to me, ulcers are considered an ailment of the wealthy. (Probably by the same people who think money brings happiness.) Again, if you had a pound for all the low and moderate income people who suffer from ulcers, you would be able to balance the national budget. Ulcers will live on any income.
Obviously those who claim to have been "cured" several times of their ulcers are really saying that the pains have been alleviated momentarily. But this is no cure. The disease cannot be cured until the cause is known and treated. Rarely is the cause of ulcers treated, but rather the effect; that hole in the stomach called an ulcer is doused with milk, cheese, drugs, etc., and then permitted to gouge itself out and start the same painful symptoms all over again.
People who never worry do not have ulcers. People who have knowledge of what they are doing on earth and why they must do it, also rarely suffer from ulcers. Tense, worried, nervous and unhappy people are the prime target of stomach and duodenal ulcers.
M. K. had suffered from duodenal ulcers for eight years. He had been "cured" of them five times - before a state of painful collapse. He left sanatorium ten days later without a trace of his ulcer. How?
M. K. was placed upon a totally non-stimulating diet consisting almost totally of fruits and vegetables and their juices.
In addition to this, the patient consumed four glasses of cabbage juice each day. (Raw cabbage sliced and reduced to juice by means of an electric liquefier.) M. K. did not respond to the use of citrus juices and these, oranges, grape-fruits, lemons and limes, were removed from the diet. Aside from these, however, the patient was able to consume all fruits and vegetables in liquid form or in the steamed manner in which all vegetables should be cooked.
During the first five days steam (Turkish) baths were administered once a day and the full pack at night. A brisk cold-water rub was prescribed each morning. At the end of the first week, the steam baths and full packs were replaced with natural (hip) baths and stomach compresses on retiring for the night. These and only these were responsible for relieving M. K. of his ulcer within ten days. However, it is to his credit that the patient has since been able to maintain superb health. Only by finally returning to a state of complete harmony with nature, both physical and mental, was he able to overcome the root of this condition that had plagued him for eight long years. To this day, M. K. continues to drink two glasses of cabbage juice each day and he is convinced that this is largely responsible for his resistance to returning ulcers.
There are millions hits on the internet search drive for Wellness - from mental to physical health. It takes quite a bit of research to find any one site that has so much to offer on all these fronts, let alone one that can combine all the needs for your innermost wellness - joy, bliss and beyond. For wellness' sake you can stop looking out there, and take some time for yourself, a sort of one-stop-shop: BalancedLifestyleWikipedia.

Top Gynecologists in India With Top Ratings and Patients' Reviews

Get the list of best gynecologists in India as per their academic and professional background, ratings, patients' reviews and treatments offered. Dr. Nandita P Palshetkar and Dr. Prathima Reddy top the list because of their experience, quality service and ratings.
Are you looking for the best gynecologist in India with top-notch treatment? Following is the list of some well-reputed gynecologists. Have a look:
Dr. Nandita P Palshetkar
With over 22 years of rich experience in her profession, Dr. Nandita is a director at the department of Infertility & IVF in Fortis hospital, Gurgaon. She has completed her MBBS from Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Hospital, Mumbai in 1985 and pursued MD in Obstetrics & Gynecology from Mumbai University in 1993. She is also a member of Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction.
Rating: 4.4 out of 5
Specialisation: Embryoscope, Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI), Egg and Embryo Donation, Embryo freezing, In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
Location: Palshetkar Patil Nursing Home in Gamdevi, Mumbai
2. Dr. Prathima Reddy
With over 30 years of experience in gynecology, Dr. Prathima is the director and senior consultant in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Fortis La Femme, Richmond Town. She has completed her MBBS from Karnataka Univesity, Dharwad in 1998 and MRCOG from Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists from London. She is known for her excellent service and medical acumen.
Rating: 4.8 out of 5
Specialisation: Myomectomy, Ovarian Cyst Removal, High risk pregnancy, Hysterectomy, Oophorectomy.
Location: Fortis La Femme, Richmond town, Bengaluru
3. Dr. Witty Raina
With over 2 decades of rich experience in gynecology, Dr. Witty Raina is a director at Obstetrics & Gynecology and Minimal Access Surgery Department in Cloud Nine Hospital, Gurgaon. Earlier, she was associated with Fortis Memorial Hospital, Gurgaon. She has completed her MBBS from GSVM Medical College, Kanpur in 1994 and MD from Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi in 1998. She has also won best gynecologist award.
Rating: 4.8 out of 5
Specialisation: High Risk Pregnancy, Gynecological vaginal surgery and normal delivery.
Location: Cloudnine Hospital, Gurgaon, India
4. Dr. Sushila Shetty
With 33 years of experience, Dr. Sushila Shetty is a senior consultant in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Fortis La Femme, Richmond Town, Bengaluru. She has done MBBS, DGO and MD from Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Hospital, Mumbai.
Rating: 4.3 out of 5
Specialisation: Gynecologist, Obstetrician, Laparoscopic surgeon.
Location: Fortis La Femme, Richmond Town, Bengaluru.
5. Dr. Bharti Minocha
With 43 years of best experience in her profession, Dr. Bharti Minocha is a senior consultant - Obstetrics & Gynecology and Laparoscopic Surgeon in Paras Hospital, Gurgaon. She is a member of FOGSI, Indian Menopausal Society, IMA and DMA and Gynecologic Oncology Society, India.

The Many Benefits Of Good Posture

Having good posture is an important part of remaining healthy. IT helps you avoid back pain and premature wear on your bones, improves lung performance, and much more. In this article, we will explain what good posture is before explaining the many benefits that it provides.
What is good posture?
Posture is the form that your body takes when you are sitting, standing, and laying down. Maintaining "good" posture is positioning your body so there is less strain placed upon your body's muscles and ligaments when in these positions.
It requires your body to be as close to its natural shape as possible. So if you are sitting down, this would mean:
  • Keeping your chin up and looking forward
  • Keeping your shoulders back (not slouching)
  • Bending your knees at a right angle
  • Keeping your feet flat on the floor
  • Keeping your back straight enough that all 3 natural curves of the spine are present.
Sitting with good posture distributes weight more evenly across your muscle groups - helping you avoid neck, shoulder and back pain. It also allows you to comfortably work for longer periods and avoid some serious long-term health problems.Having a chair with lumbar support will help you maintain good back posture.
What are the benefits of good posture?
Protects your future health
Having good posture will keep your joints correctly aligned, protecting the joint surfaces from abnormal wear-and-tear. By preventing this type of wear-and-tear, you can lower your risk of various illnesses including arthritis and postural hunchback.
It makes it easier to breathe
The diaphragm is a large muscle that is responsible for respiration. When the diaphragm moves, it changes how much pressure there is within the thorax - causing air to either enter or exit the lungs.
Posture affects breathing because it changes how much room the diaphragm has to move. If you are slouched in a chair or while walking, the diaphragm cannot contract or expand as easily, preventing you from taking deep breaths. As soon as you correct your posture, you will immediately notice how much easier it is to breathe. This is a particularly useful benefit for anyone who has a health condition that affects their breathing.
Can help prevent back pain
Developing good posture can eliminate back pain caused by stressed muscles and poor joint alignment. It does so by actively reducing the strain placed on the muscles and joints by spreading weight across the entire body. This ensures that certain muscles or joints are not overworked or damaged.
Over time, having good posture will even improve the alignment of your spine, which will improve the condition of your back and reduce the risk of back injuries. You will be less likely to suffer from herniated discs, muscle strains or other back problems.
Improved physical performance
Good posture requires the use of more muscle groups. Not only does this reduce the chances of straining a single muscle, it can lead to an improvement in overall physical performance. Having the ability to engage muscles more evenly will help you perform better during daily activities and any sports that you play.
Strengthens the core
If you have already made improvements to your sitting posture, you will have noticed that your abdominal muscles feel more engaged. Your abdominals will be "sharing the load" with your back muscles as they keep your torso stable. The more you improve your posture, the stronger your core will get, thus improving the alignment of your spine, reducing stress on your back muscles, and improving your mobility.
Makes you look more attractive
Have you ever seen an actor or actress on a talk show? Did you notice how impeccable his or her posture was? Actors and actresses concentrate on having good posture because they understand how much it affects their appearance. By sitting tall in their seat and keeping their chin up, they will look much more beautiful or handsome to the viewers at home. You will gain the same benefits as you improve your posture.
Improved digestion of food
Sitting or standing with good posture will ensure your internal organs are in their natural position. This makes it easier for the body to digest food and perform other important functions like maintaining good blood circulation.
Can improve your mood
Researchers from the University of San Francisco have discovered that having good posture can help improve a person's mood. They found that improved posture could also increase energy levels and reduce the risk of mental illnesses like depression.
Improving your posture can deliver some amazing benefits to your health and lifestyle. If you are interested in developing good posture, talk to a chiropractor or general practitioner. You can also use online resources like NHS choices to learn more.

Unintegrated Primitive Reflexes May Be Hindering Your Life

I came across the subject of Primitive Reflexes a few times in the last year, and really took an interest about a month ago when I decided to do a course online about it.
Doing anything in my body has always been hard for me, and learning about the unintegrated reflexes made me realise why.
It so happened that the only person trained in NZ on the Rhythmic Movement website, lives 8 mins away from me I've had one session so far with her, she's a kineseologist, and she worked getting my body switched on to achieve success integrating the reflexes.
These reflexes can be integrated at any age in life.
It appears from all my symptoms and the journey in my life, I have an active fear paralysis reflex and actiive moro reflex. It all makes so much sense now. Just even reading the course has me in tears because I relate to it all so much.
A reflex is an automatic, repetitive movement that is instinctual and aids in development, as well as development of the brain. We have many reflexes, like blinking, but the one's I want to talk about are primitive reflexes. These are reflexes that are formed in the womb and hopefully become inactive in the toddler stage.
Sucking, and grasping of the hands, are primitive reflexes. These reflexes, and others, are designed to transform into more sophisticated movements, and therefore become integrated. They form the foundation, and development of balance, mobility, hearing, speaking, vision, learning and communicating.
Unintegrated Reflexes
There are many reasons why these reflexes don't phase out, ie: lack of movement as a child, stress in the mother in pregnancy, illness, environmental toxins and many more reasons. They can be retriggered any time in life, often due to trauma and stress, and because of this, can cause a whole host of issues ranging from anxiety, ADHD, depression, learning disorders, sensory disorders, lack of confidence, extreme shyness, vision and hearing problems, addictions, autism and constantly feeling overwhelmed.
Reflex movements are the foundation of our nervous system, they originate in the brain stem, so they really are about survival, and staying unintegrated cause someone to be constantly in fight or flight. Body parts can't move independently and freely, and can cause weak muscle tone, aches and muscle tension, fatigue, and a lot of effort to complete tasks.
Key Childhood Reflexes
Fear Paralysis Reflex
This reflex should ideally be integrated before birth and is about freezing, as in a deer in the headlights. Without integration it may cause the Moro reflex to not integrate as well.
Some long term effects of an unintegrated Fear Paralysis reflex are:
  • Underlying anxiety
  • Insecurity
  • Depression
  • Extreme shyness
  • Fear of groups
  • Fear of separation
  • Phobias
  • Withdrawal from touch
  • Sleep and eating disorders
  • and many more
Moro Reflex
Sometimes called the infant-startle reflex, this is an automatic reaction to sudden changes in stimuli, ie: bright lights, sounds, temperature, touch, movement. Unintegrated, a person can feel hypersensitive to any incoming stimulation. This can cause a change in blood pressure, cortisol and adrenaline levels, and breathing rate.
Some long term effects of an unintegrated Moro reflex are:
  • Poor digestion
  • Weak immune system
  • Poor balance and coordination
  • Difficulty adapting to change
  • Difficulty filtering stimuli
  • hyperactivity then fatigue
  • Difficulty with visual perception
  • Hypersensitivity to sound, light, touch, movement, smell
  • Emotional outbursts, easy to anger
  • and many more
Other reflexes that can be unintegrated are Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex, Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex, Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex, Spinal Galant Reflex, Oral, Hand and Foot Reflexes.
Integrating Reflexes
There are different body movements to do daily in order to integrate these reflexes. I've read a lot of wonderful testimonials about the changes that can happen. I will keep you updated about what happens for me in my sessions and from doing the course online.