Monday, August 26, 2019

7 Important Tips of Staying Hydrated

Water is life. About 98% of our Earth is filled with water and we are 70% water ourselves. Water is God's best creation and we all know how important it is to stay hydrated. Sometimes, we forget to drink enough water and land ourselves in situations that could have been avoided. Read this article to remind you the importance of staying hydrated.
Flushes Out the Toxins
Make this a habit - Drink a glass of water after you wake up every morning. Water helps to flush out unwanted toxins and bacteria from your bladder and kidney.
Various diseases like Urinary Tract Infections can be caused due to the consumption of less water. Our kidneys are especially sensitive and succumb to diseases easily.
So, staying hydrated will keep the organs healthy, eliminate bodily wastes and keep you away from ailments.
You can even drink detox water every morning. An example of detox water is lemon, water, and honey.
Gives You a Healthy and Glowing Skin
Once we hit puberty, breakouts and acne can become a daily struggle. Using skin care products won't be useful unless the epidermis is ridden of toxins that cause blackheads, pimples, redness, itching, and irritation.
Drinking water will do that for you. Hydration eliminates the unwanted particles to give you a healthy and glowing skin.
Water also slows down the aging process to keep you looking younger in the long run.
Keeps Your Body Cool
Staying hydrated, especially in the summers is a must. Dehydration causes all sorts of health problems.
The natural way of releasing heat from the body is by the expansion of vessels. Being dehydrated, a higher temperature is required to expand the vessels, making you feel hotter. Staying hydrated will keep you cool on the inside and outside.
Keeps Your Weight in Check
While attempting a diet, you must have read to drink ample of water.
There are two ways by which water keeps your weight in check. Firstly, when your body cells need water, the brain sends you a signal to get more and you start eating instead of quenching your thirst.
Secondly, if you drink water before meals, then your tummy will be filled and you will not eat as much as you would without it.
Keep your cells, body, and mind happy by drinking at least 1-1.5 liters of water everyday.
Your Muscles and Joints Work Better
Water ensures the proper functioning of your muscles and lubricates your joints. You will automatically perform better.
Have you noticed cramps that cause unbearable pain in your calf muscles especially at night? The reason may be dehydration or muscle fatigue. Staying hydrated helps to fight both.
Reduces High Blood Pressure
As we know, our bodies are 70% water. When you are well hydrated, the blood contains 92% of water, which means the blood can move easily.
The water prevents cardiovascular diseases and keeps your blood pressure under control.
Reduces Digestive Disorders
Water keeps your stomach happy. Staying hydrated eliminates toxins and reduces the chances of stomach ulcers, gas, and acid.
If you are suffering from constipation, water is the best medicine.
If you are suffering from a dry mouth, urine, which is darker than usual, fatigue, light-headedness and little to no urine then you are dealing with dehydration. It's time to drink water more regularly and make sure the water you drink Is always clean.;area=summary;u=262654

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Immune System Development

Your immune system is your body's defense mechanism against harmful pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasitic worms, etc. The system is an interactive combination of various ways in which the body recognizes foreign cells, tissues and organisms and proceeds to fight them. The body system is your own, silent intelligence network and private army that identifies harmful organisms and destroys them throughout your life.
The immune can be of two types: Innate and Acquired. All livings beings are created with an auto-immune system or innate immune system. However, while some people are born with a strong immunity, others have to develop it. This is acquired or adaptive immunity. If you need to acquire better immunity, the following practices can strengthen and reinforce it.
1. Good Diet:
All things related to the body start with healthy nutrition consisting of a well-balanced diet. Your immune system is also directly affected by the food you eat. Making some foods part of your staple diet can work wonders for your immune system. Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruits); berries, particularly strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries; papaya and kiwi are very potent immunity boosters.
Certain vegetables have ingredients, which can considerably enhance the potency of your resistant system. These are carrots, spinach, broccoli, sweet potatoes, red bell peppers, and onions. Even ordinary spices like turmeric, garlic, and ginger have medicinal properties that can toughen weak immune systems. Yogurt, almonds, flaxseeds, and mushrooms are some other foodstuffs, which can boost your immunity considerably.
2. Good Sleep:
Proper rest and sound sleep can perform miracles on your mind and body. It is common knowledge that fatigue, stress, and anxiety have a negative impact on health. Intense stress and fatigue trigger a hormonal imbalance that can wreak havoc on your body with far-reaching consequences for your body's immunity and the diseases you may be exposing yourself to.
Stress may even lead to loss of sleep, becoming a vicious cycle, which can be catastrophic. Hence, learn to worry less and never compromise on your sleep, however busy you may be. We would do well to follow the old dictum of "early to bed an early to rise". Make sure you get your minimum daily sleep quota of 8 hours.
3. Reduce Stress:
Exercise and physical activities are good stress busters. They are significant contributors to building better immunity. Physical exertion lowers the level of stress hormones in the body, thus enhancing your immune system. Another stress-preventer is meditation. Apart from keeping you mentally healthy, it also increases the body's resistance to various bacteria, viral illnesses, and infections.
Spending quality time with your loved ones, being cheerful and having a positive attitude diminishes worries and keeps stress at bay. Stress has no place in the workplace either; you can take short breaks or go on annual vacations to revitalize yourself. Remember this mantra: The lower the stress, the stronger your immunity.
4. Lifestyle Habits:
Smoking and alcohol consumption is bad news for the body but they can be particularly harmful to your immune system as well. What's more, the dangerous pathogens present in them can actually weaken a strong immune system.
So, try and quit smoking and drink only socially if you want to fortify your body with a strong immune system. Trying to quit smoking may seem difficult, but if you consider how much more potent you can make your immunity, it's well worth trying. All the best!;area=summary;u=244322

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Common Health Benefits of Clapping That Can Change Your Life Leading to a Healthy Future

Most people today would be surprised to realize that clapping or applauding with hands is a good exercise for the body that helps to stimulate the organs resulting in its smooth functioning hence scientific research have proved the fact that little babies who have the habit of clapping grow up with smart brains. This physical movement is the direct key to living a cheerful and stress-free life as striking with the palms is a therapy, related to celebrations as well as achievements thus play a major role in healing depression, hypertension, occasional headaches and problems such as hair fall. Clapping during the morning hours of the day such as while praying at the holy places or singing songs helps to activate a large section of the brain gradually improving the health. It is also a useful medicine for curing pains such as arthritis or any other form of ailment in the different parts of the body.
Doctors have suggested for applying to both the hands some coconut or palm oil so as to stimulate the pressure points in the fingers and make them active in order to create energy waves in the body. By striking both the hands helps in better blood circulation in the veins and arteries and is extremely beneficial for those with cholesterol problems. Also, children who are prone to clapping on a daily basis in the schools are likely to have bright academic prospects as they make less spelling mistakes than others as well as increase the levels of concentration. This exercise also helps to improve digestion and make the body more immune to diseases thus allowing to one to remain fit and healthy all life.
In present times the residential areas have established amusement parks for the people to gather for exercises and morning walks. Some of them go there for clapping as a routine affair to have positive effects both on the body and mind. A few minutes of claps can help in better secretion of hormones as well as keep the heart healthy by removing all the obstructions from the blood vessels and other channels. Patients suffering from low pressure can also raise their hands and clap for a faster recovery. It is also extremely effective for enhancing the nervous system hence those spend some time from their hectic schedules for clapping daily feel fresh and active throughout the day. It also acts as a medicine in reducing the blood sugar levels as well as help in curing certain mental diseases such as insomnia, protects the body from infections such as common cold and lungs related problems such as asthma and eye defects. Biologically the hands and palms are the settlements for reflex points that ensure the healing response to the entire body system thereby the health benefits of clapping as a yoga exercise is innumerably resulting in the healthy development of the body for the people of all ages.

3 Best Foods for Kidney Stone Prevention

Suffering from stone formation in the kidneys is one of the most common concerns for most people out there. Unhealthy food habits and inadequate water consumption are considered as the prime reasons behind the formation of stones in the urinary tract.
The accumulation of dissolved minerals in the inner lining of the kidneys results in the formation of stones which can grow from small to the size of a large golf ball with a crystalline structure.
As mentioned earlier lack of adequate water intake in the body leads to the formation of stones in the kidney as the insufficient supply of water fails to dilute the uric acid which makes the urine more acidic that gradually lead to stones formation. The most common symptoms of this disorder are bleeding and burning sensation while urination, vomiting, the formation of pus in the urine in association with fever and shivering.
Medical practitioners and researchers suggested maintaining a healthy lifestyle backed up by a nutritious diet plan and most importantly regular consumption of a minimum of 8 - 10 glasses of water or healthy juices lower the risks of stone formation in the kidneys. If you are sufficiently hydrated it will help your system to dilute the chemicals responsible for stone formation.
Apart from water, the inclusion of top 3 food habits in your diet can plays significant role in kidney stone prevention. Such as:
1. Increase in citrus intake: The best sources of naturally occurring citric acid are lemon, oranges, and grapefruits. Citric acid builds a protective shield against the formation of stones in your kidney. It helps in breaking up the potential blocks of stone formation into smaller pieces which get expelled through urination.
2. Include calcium (Vitamin D): Lower your oxalate level by including more calcium into your diet. It is always advisable by the health experts to extract calcium from natural sources rather than from the supplements. Milk, cheese, and yogurt are considered as the prime sources to obtain calcium. Apart from these, dark green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes are also the rich source of calcium. It is equally essential to increase the intake of vitamin D, as it helps in the absorption of more calcium. The lower is the calcium level in your diet, the more is the increase in oxalate level which is primarily responsible for the stone formation.
3. Watery fruits and vegetables: Though drinking sufficient water and healthy fluids are advisable to prevent stones formation, the consumption of watery fruits and vegetables are prescribed by the physicians to get rid of stones. The inclusion of watery fruits and vegetables like watermelon, raspberries, oranges, cucumber, and pineapple help in keeping the body well hydrated thus reducing the possibility of stone formation in the kidneys and urinary tract.
The build-up of stones depends on a lot of factors including hereditary and medical cases have also proved that one person may suffer from kidney stones for multiple times during his/her lifetime and men is the worst sufferer of chronic stone formation. Prevention of causes that are responsible for this complication is a bit tough process which requires some patience and determination. One must not ignore the primary symptoms of stone formation before it takes a fatal leap.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Things to Eat While Dieting

Gaining weight is an easy task, but losing weight can show you stars in the morning. It's not a cup of tea for everyone. You have to go the gym, exercise regularly, control your food which is the worst. You workout and after that, you get a food craving, but you can only eat selected things. Here are a few dishes that you can eat while dieting that will fill you up and suppress your cravings.
Whole Eggs - Eggs are very fulfilling without much eating, are high in protein and nutrients, and contains healthy fats. It also helps in building muscles. Hunger can be satiated by whole eggs and it does not increase weight as well. If you have eggs for breakfast you will not feel the need for a snack before lunch. There is a myth about eggs that they raise the number of calories but it is wrong. On the contrary Whole eggs burn more calories and reduce food cravings. You can consume up to 2 eggs a day while on a diet.
Apples - "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". Plus apples have the potential to keep fat away as well. Apples do have calories, but it is also filled with water and fiber which makes you feel full and is also efficient in reducing hunger pangs. The amount of pectin is high in apples which combined with water restricts your cells to absorb only a certain level of fat. Many doctors will suggest you include apple in your diet if you are in the process of losing weight. If you consume apple an hour and so before mealtime, you will find yourself cutting out on our intake.
Avocado - Avocado is an all-rounder. You can have them any time with anything, be it salads or main course. They are rich in nutrients and healthy fats. They also help in reducing fats, improves vision, benefits your heart. It also has the capacity to reduce food cravings. It is found out in researches that Avocado lowers cholesterol, reduces belly fat. It is the perfect food to consume during weight reduction. You should maintain an average of 1 Avocado per day. Avocado includes Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Potassium, Folate, Vitamin C, Copper, Magnesium, and antioxidants.
Bananas - Bananas are the home of potassium and starch that helps in weight loss. After your workout session if you consume bananas then it will fill all the nutrition needs at that time. Apart from diet benefits bananas can solve your digestion issues. They maintain your blood pressure, eliminating the risks of it shooting up or down. And studies have proven it also prevent strokes in women above 30.
Brown Rice - Brown rice resistant starch, which is a healthy carbohydrate that burn body fat. Brown rice looks after your heart health also. It's low in calories and makes you feel filled after consuming. It is also considered much healthier than white rice as it has provided more benefits to your body than white rice.

Uses and Benefits of Lemon

Lemon, a citrus fruit when tasted brings a sour expression on your face. Though not consumed separately, the taste of lemon is unique from others. It has many kinds as well - Bonnie Brae, goes in San Diego, USA, Eureka, a common all place lemon, also called Four season because it has the capability to produce fruit and flowers together all year long, Femminello St. Teresa, that is found in Italy, Yen Ben, resident of Australia. Did you know that lemon is a native of Asia. Lemon though comes into the category of fruit, but is a part of every recipe. Be it fruits or salads or chicken or vegetables or fish, lemon could be added in almost everything and bring out a better taste of it. Name one dish whose taste will not be improved after the addition of lemon in it (with tea as an exception). Lemon is an absolute all-rounder with endless benefits. Apart from its culinary qualities lemon can be used in a lot of things.
  • Lemon is basically the home of Vitamin C. C is the vitamin that your body requires most. It helps in maintaining the functions of the body and regulates immune system. Lemon also produces juices that are needed in digestion.
  • As it also purifies your blood lemon can be used during cholera and malaria as treatment.
  • Lemon Juice is also highly recommended by doctors. After a session of workout, drinking lemon water can replenish body salt. It also has anti-bacterial properties.
  • Lemon juice has also been proved effective in weight loss. Mix lemon juice and honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it every day you will soon notice a loss in your weight.
  • You can use lemon as a preservative for many things like apples, avocado, banana where the acid in the lemon can prevent them from changing color or turning stale. Just apply lemon juice on the sliced parts.
  • If your rice becomes sticky then just add lemon juice and separate them and make them fresh again. Lemon juice also helps maintaining pH levels in your body.
  • Lemon zest is also very good for the skin. It lightens skin tones, eliminates scars and pores.
  • Not only lemon zest, but the leaves of the lemon plant are also very useful. You can use lemon leaves in tea, fishes and other seafood, chicken.
  • You can use lemon oil for aromatherapy, it will soothe your body and provides relaxation.
  • Apart from aromatherapy, lemon can be also used to relax your feet. In a bucket take warm water and squeeze lemon into it. You can also add baking soda if you want. Soak your feet in it for 10 to 15 mins. You will feel relaxed and your feet will be softened.
  • By applying coconut oil mixed with lemon juice you can get rid of dandruff.
  • The amount of citric acid present in lemon is more than other fruits like grapefruit and orange. Lemon contains two times more citric acid than grapefruit and five times more than orange juice.

Vegan or Non-Veg, It Doesn't Matter As Long As You Are Eating Healthy

Nutrition is something which is the cry in today's fast running life of work and personal life. The balance creation is very necessary. Food is the fuel which we feed to our body that works like a fuel for it. The fuel must be apt for the body in order to work efficiently and protect us against diseases. Eating healthy is the need of the hour as the fast food culture is making the people fall prey to a lot of diseases. Also, it does lead to a proper diet. People go for them because they are easily accessible, cheap and they do not want to cook food as they are too tired to do that for themselves. But this is just not done!
Getting started!
Investing in your body is just as important as breathing. This article focuses on showing that making healthy food is a very easy job plus it is quick. Within no time you can treat yourself in the most healthy way and tasty way. There are some recipes which are very easy-peasy and will keep your body fit and your soul filled with energy so you work more and achieve your dreams.
Vegan Diet:
High intake of fruits and vegetables in the diet of a person leads to high levels of activeness and longer periods of freshness. The amount of salt, saturated fats and cholesterol are found to be less in amount in vegan diet than the non-vegetarian one. A lot of people contend that vegetarian diet are not complete however that is not true. A balanced diet can be made from the plants, foodgrains and pulses available to the people. There are a number of options available in the vegan diet, which you can choose from. Some of them are Potato Broccoli soup; Asiago roasted Brussels sprouts, salads, Lo Mein, cilantro lime rice, home-made vegan nutella etc.
Non-vegetarian diet:
The diet, which includes all sorts of meat, crabs, fishes, chicken, egg etc. Yes, all the non-vegetarians must have already felt the heat building up in their tummy while reading all these types of options available to them. The amount of energy these foods provide is enormous and the person must work out to burn up the calories accumulated in excess to remain fit. This diet usually contains highly saturated fats and hence the meat should be properly cooked, grilled and barbequed before eating. Eating fish can be of immense importance for a person suffering from high blood pressure as it contains the omega acids and magnesium which will help in lowering the blood pressure. Red meat should be avoided as it contains fats and oils which make your blood thicken. This results in making your heart work more and sometimes lead to blockage of heart. This can be dangerous and proper care must be taken before consuming it. Proper exercise must be done after consuming it. Veggies can be incorporated in the diet.;area=summary;u=306924

Is Life Damaging Your Spine?

Is modern life becoming a pain in the neck? Are you like the millions of people who spend hours on end every day using a Smartphone or another mobile device? If so, you could be at risk of "text neck", a new age epidemic that could lead to permanent damage.
You probably don't put that much thought into the hundreds of messages you send every week on your Smartphone, but texting it is a dangerous habit. The posture we adopt as we stare at our phones significantly increases the stress on the neck and can lead to excessive wear and tear. This is how bad it can be: our heads weigh between 10lbs and 12lbs, but as we bend our heads downwards to use our phones, the effective weight on our necks increases - a lot! At a 15-degree angle, the head weighs about 27lbs, and rises to 60lbs at 60 degrees!
With most of us now spending an average of two to four hours a day with our heads dropped down, this results in about 700 to 1,400 hours a year of excess stresses on the cervical spine! This can cause head pain, neck pain, arm pain and even numbness.
Eventually, in conjunction with a sedentary lifestyle, "text neck" could lead to serious consequences. With "text neck" on the rise as more and more people carry out their lives over a mobile phone, it's important that we're all aware of how to reduce our risk of developing this modern condition.
The best thing anyone can do to lower the risk of "text neck" is to use voice recognition and make phone calls instead of text messages. It's also important to take regular breaks and alter your texting positions to avoid problems. You can find a list of useful exercises on the NHS website.
Modern technology moves at a quicker speed than the human body can adapt to, and this is not the first time we have been warned about the dangers of texting. In 2011, mobile phones were blamed for an increase in pedestrian deaths in the US, with some towns even considering issuing fines for people who text while walking. Then of course, there was "Blackberry thumb" (repetitive strain injury caused by texting) and "iPad hand" (aches and pains caused by swiping and typing on a tablet).
The list of ailments grows longer with every new piece of technology, and while we can't ever expect anyone to ditch their devices, we can all put the measures in place to stay healthy as we move with the times.;area=summary;u=306655

Surprising Healthier Lifestyle Choices You Can Make

If you're thinking about making healthier lifestyle choices, it's could be time to be a case of out with the old and in with the new! So here are some surprisingly easy ways you can improve your well-being and make your habits the healthiest ones ever!
Drink Coffee to Boost Your Mood
We hear a lot about the negative health effects of caffeine, but let's not forget that it has its good points too! There is a link between moderate coffee consumption and improved mood. So if you're feeling like those dark clouds are setting in, try a cup of coffee or two!
Chew Gum to Make You More Alert
Most of us have fallen victim to that afternoon slump, especially after a busy morning in work. But did you know that chewing mint flavoured gum can help to make you feel more awake, reduce feelings of tiredness and improve your concentration levels? It can also work as a stress reliever too!
Stand More and Live Longer
Office workers, beware! Sitting for prolonged periods of time can put you at a higher risk of back pain, heart disease, diabetes and a host of other health problems. It's simple, if you want to give yourself a better chance of a longer life, sit less and stand more! When you're at work, try to introduce five minutes of physical activity every hour and make sure you take regular breaks away from your desk or workstation. Small changes like taking the stairs instead of the lift will also make a big difference to your health.
Stay Clean
Taking money out from a cash machine is something we usually do without thinking too much about it. But do you wash your hands afterwards? Cash machines have been known to contain the same sickness causing bacteria found in some public toilets. You wouldn't touch a toilet seat without scrubbing your hands, would you?
Think Positive
The mind and body are very closely connected, so it's important to think positive. The stresses of life can cause some people to suffer from a low mood, so make sure you do the things that help you to keep thinking positively. Join a class, visit friends, de-clutter the house - anything that keeps your mind in good spirits. The happier you feel, the healthier you'll be!
It's never too late to make healthier lifestyle choices. A few small changes can make a significant positive difference to your health and well-being.
Here's to good health!

Polyphenols Promote Health - Found in Whole Fruits and Vegetables

There is a super-food we all should include in our diet. Our ancestors stayed healthy by gathering berries and roots which were a huge part of their diet. The berries contain polyphenols which help our bodies stay healthy in so many ways. They help with digestion, keeping arteries clean, energy, metabolism, and much more. Some foods other than berries that are high in polyphenols are dark chocolate, red wine, red cherries, oranges, onions, cloves, apples, teas and coffee. The trick is to stay away from the sugar that is associated with some of these foods. If you can eat them without then they are apt to do your body good. Polyphenols is a class of nutrients and there are many individual varieties which we need. So just eating blueberries won't get you a full spectrum.
Some things to consider about polyphenols would be:
  • Polyphenols are powerful micronutrients which help boost energy and keep you healthy. These foods containing super-nutrients in brightly colored food include mulberry, grape seed extract and acai fruit.
  • They are Metabolic-Enhancing and can help you metabolize food better.
  • They have been known to Help reduce gas & bloating. Their presence in whole foods with much fiber and other nutrients promotes restoring balance to your digestive system.
  • Polyphenols, powerful antioxidant chemicals found naturally in many plants, are instrumental in protecting our cells from free radical damage, which are often attributed to chronic illnesses like cancer, heart disease and dementia.
  • They're linked to longevity.
Because we all want to live long and prosper, we need to eat a plant heavy diet. This will make sure to get plenty of polyphenols in our diet every day. Because these nutrients don't stay in the body long, our diet needs to get them in at every meal to make a difference in our health. Some people want to just take a supplement to provide them with the things they need to do the job. That is fine, but everyone needs to realize that once a day simply will not cut it. Eating polyphenol rich foods every meal and every snack will provide the biggest boost to the body. It is through delivering a steady stream to the body through the whole day that makes the biggest difference.Let me say that important point again: Eating polyphenol rich foods every meal and every snack will give the biggest boost to the body. That is what makes the difference.
Some of you may be tempted to find the exact polyphenol count in every given food so you can eat the ones that work best. This might be a waste of time. So just because foods are polyphenol-rich, that fact doesn't always mean you'll benefit from its polyphenols. Many foods have complex mixtures of different polyphenols, thus making it impossible to determine the total impact on the body. Some of these factors include sun exposure, storage, cooking methods and ripeness. These conditions can all affect that count, too. You just really need to focus on eating well all of the time and forget the counting.
There are over 8,000 different types of polyphenols. So you probably won't see the word "polyphenol" available in your grocery store on each bottle of pomegranate juice or apple. It may help to look for labels that include subclasses of polyphenols such as flavonoids, flavonols, and isoflavones.
There are so many of these subclasses and the words may not be familiar to you as you read this. In Wikipedia you will find a good explanation about flavonols that might be helpful. Check Wikipedia for flavonols.
In putting your food together with other foods, be aware that some ingredients will interfere with the absorption of the polyphenols, so it will be wise to not combine them. For instance, the sugar and non dairy creamer added to dark chocolate, coffee and tea are the bad things that keep you from absorbing the good things. Interesting enough, milk is OK.
With citrus, they all are good, but the sweet orange peel contains the highest amount of polyphenols. So add some actual zest to your salads and desserts. The peel is a high source in apples and grapes as well. And, the darker the cherry the higher the polyphenols. They also are way sweeter.
Pay Attention and Eat your way to Health by including Polyphenol Rich Food in EVERY SNACK AND EVERY MEAL. It is fine to get these nutrients in supplements but make sure you are taking them at every meal and every snack to do your body good.