Tuesday, April 18, 2017

A Pill Dispenser Could Reduce Medication Non-Adherence

Studies show that the majority of adults do not adhere to a prescribed pharmacologic regimen. Some of them take less than the prescribed dose while others will take more, which can lead to either underdose or accidental overdose. Some don't bother to fill new prescriptions or discontinue the medication altogether without discussing with their physician.
Long-term treatments for chronic illnesses often require strict regular administration of pills. And when people forget to take them, it can cause complications or problems. Non-adherence to a prescribed medication can not only harm the patient, but also lead to major financial burden. The total economic burden of medication non-adherence is estimated to be more than $250 billion annually, including the cost of hospitalizations and emergency department visits. These unnecessary hospitalisations could have been prevented with proper adherence.
Studies show that, increased adherence resulted in fewer numbers of hospitalizations and emergency department visits related to chronic vascular diseases. In clinical trials for investigational drugs, medication non-adherence can also impact safety and efficacy data.
New technology in the form of pill dispensers helps in reducing non-adherence in both clinical trials and individual patient treatment plans.
How a pill dispenser can be of help
Pill dispensers come in various price ranges and can improve patient adherence. To monitor adherence, provide reminders and for real-time measurement, it's now available with sensors.
It is an easy to use tablet dispenser, which can support people in medication management. It can even remind patients to take the correct dose at the exact time of day or night. This reduces the risk of not taking medicines at the right time or taking too many pills, which can have adverse effects.
This will help simplify the medication programme and enables individuals to live independently.
Its advantages
The advantages of pill dispensers are multiple. A pill dispenser increases the ability of users to self medicate, and caregivers will feel more confident and more supported at home.
The dispenser is programmed such a way that it will alert user when it is time to take the medication. The alarm sounds to prompt the user to take their medication. And the user will be able to take a specific dose of tablets from the dispenser. The dispenser reminds the user that a dose is due if the medication has not been taken. An alert will be sounded if the medication is not accessed within the following hour.
A pill dispenser now comes as a stand-alone unit, which is perfect for home use. Its alarm will be heard in the entire house.
If there is a Community Alarm system in the property, you can connect the pill dispenser to it and it will sound the alarm in the property. The control centre will also be alerted if the medication is not taken.
Pill dispensers can help people to be more organized by reminding them when to take certain pills. It is of great help to all those who have too many medications to take on a daily basis and who have trouble remembering.

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