Tuesday, April 18, 2017

5 Reasons Why You Don't Need To Count Calories

Since the 1970's and to this very day the conservative message has been that you need to eat less and move more, or simply that you must expend more calories than you consume.
There is five problems with this advice.
  1. All the blame and responsibility is laid squarely at your feet. So it's all your fault that you are overweight, this allows government and medical authorities to be proud of their sad efforts. Sticking to this same tired old line for over 40 years is just laziness and ineptitude.
  2. Unless you have a laboratory at your disposal it is very difficult to count calories accurately within about 300 per day. Plus counting calories will not only do your head in but it will make you a social bore. Not only that you will stop enjoying food and meal times may become stressful.
  3. It also assumes that all calories are equal. But a 100 calories from a cola drink are not the same as a 100 from some almonds or olive oil or vegetables. Trying to apply Newton's law of thermos dynamics to a human body just doesn't work. A scientist would argue that a calorie is just a collection of atoms, and we need to lose more atoms than we eat.
  4. It also assumes that we can gauge our metabolism and know exactly how many calories we are burning throughout the day. You could wear a device that counts calories but again there is room for error.
  5. Life is about so many things, and we certainly don't want to focus strongly on calories and weighing and measuring food. You can eat, and you can lose weight without counting calories, and it is so easy.
With the exception of vegetables all you need to do is dump all the foods which cause a blood sugar spike and drive up inflammation leading to fat accumulation. These foods are all the carbohydrates less vegetables, plus all the processed foods which hide sugars and inflammation causing industrial vegetable fats.
This comes as a shock to many people but if you do it right you just make the change once and then it's easy to live with as opposed to doing the low calorie groundhog day adventure over and over, leaving you more disappointed with each subsequent failed attempt.
Don't give just let the sugar go, it is not your friend, it is your sworn enemy.

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