that are about to welcome a new born baby often gets flooded with
endless suggestions and questions. It circles everything from fixing the
best baby name to the best baby diet, to keep the new born healthy and
fit. And today, parents-to be are faced with yet another crucial
question, i.e. whether or not to stone the baby's cord blood cell.
in a world where everyone's on the move to grab the best medical
alternative they can to secure their child's and family, cord blood
banking is one field that gets huge support. But, whereas one school of
views support this process, there's another that has opposing views.
Shrouded in polar thoughts, the topic of cord blood banking has
attracted a couple of conflicts to it, which blurs the main focus - that
is whether it's beneficial and who and how it's beneficial.
A basic overview
start with the fundamental know-how. Cord blood is technically a minute
quantity of blood that remains in the umbilical cord after a child is
born. This remaining blood can be collected once the baby delivery is
done. Being a rich storehouse of stem cells, cord blood is instrumental
in developing chunks of blood cells and also boosts the immune system.
Back in 2016, it has been calculated that 29% of patients received cord
blood transplant in US and have immensely benefited from it.
For a
while, scientists and medical researchers have been invested in
clinical trials declaring that cord blood stem cells have effectively
helped to cure more than 80 life threatening ailments. These diseases
are blood related, immunological, various cancers, severe brain and
spinal cord injuries as well as the Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. This has
made families having a history of severe ailments opt in for cord blood
banking. The successful treatment of malignant disorders have made
parents to be think of blood from the umbilical cord as an insurance
code to their child's and family health.
So why is it that a set
of parents and families aren't convinced about cord blood banking,
despite saying yes to the process. The truth, there are certain
considerations that need to be made. For instance, it is important for a
stem cell to possess three fundamental properties.
1. The
strong capacity to regenerate, thus when they are divided they are able
to produce similar daughter cells that preserves the cell line
2. Stems cells also need to have the
capacity to distinguish, that they are able to set up specific form and
functions. For instance, developing into a liver tissue in place of a
cardiac tissue. However, stem cells that branch out into any cell type
in the human body is termed as pluripotent and the ones which branch
into a pre-destiny is called multipotent.
3. And
finally stem cells also need to be able to refill the tissue cells that
has been damaged severely in the blood, skin or gut and needs to be
renewed at an ongoing basis from the stem cell source
Hence, the
umbilical cord which according to few was considered to be of no medical
use post child birth, has been proved wrong through the successful cord
blood transplants. However, the fact that there exist still few
disappointments on the subject could be traced to its disadvantages. And
one being a minimum quantity of 50 to 200 ml needs to be made ready for
collection. If the amount is less, then the sample is invalid. However,
in majority there seems to be not ample blood. Furthermore, a meagre 8
to 12 % of cord blood units have apt stem cells for an individual
transplant who weighs 80 kgs.
So, once you address the conflicting
views and also know the practical side of cord blood, then whether to
opt in for banking becomes easy for you.
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