Sunday, May 15, 2016

Tackling Dehydration - 3 Useful Remedies To Consider And 3 Basic Mistakes To Avoid

Water plays a vital role in many bodily functions and processes. It plays a significant part in dissolution and distribution of essential nutrients, vitamins, and mineral to the cells in our body. Digestion, metabolism, regulation of body temperature, lubrication of joints, and removal of toxins---the body relies heavily on water for performing these important functions.
Its role in body processes aside, water constitutes 90%-95% of vital organs like the brain and lungs and contributes around 65% of a healthy adult's body weight. In such a scenario, it is important to understand your body's hydration requirement and take steps to avoid fatigue, pain, and other dehydration-related problems.
Understanding Your Water Requirements
Even a 2% reduction in your body's water content can lead to impaired neuromuscular functions, reduced concentration, muscular cramps, and reduced endurance, along with many physical problems like dry throat, nausea, dizziness, and a constant feeling of fatigue.
Modern businesses follow a golden rule that can be applied to your health as well---you cannot manage what you do not measure. The first step towards avoiding hydration problems is to understand your body's water requirements.
An average individual loses around 2.5 liters of water on a daily basis. We lose around 700ml through sweating and exhalation, 100 ml through stool, around 1.5 liters through urine, and about 200 ml via normal perspiration. Out of the 2.5 liters that is lost, we recover around 750 ml from the organic foodstuffs that we eat throughout the day. The body's metabolic processes and reactions produce another 250 ml.
That means we need to drink around 1.5 liters of water on a daily basis just to ensure the body's water content is maintained. Of course, a lot depends on the external climate, and the individual's physical activity and metabolism as well.
3 Smart Ways to Avoid Dehydration
a. A Good-Quality Water Bottle in Hand
This may sound like a simplistic solution but carrying your own water supply is the easiest and cheapest way to avoid dehydration. Filtration bottles, insulated water cans, compact bottles that can be carried in your pocket or backpack, or sports bottles that help you stay hydrated during your fitness regimen---there are numerous options and choices depending on your preferences.
The biggest advantage of carrying your own bottle is that you can avoid issues like pain or fatigue when feeling excessively thirsty by simply taking sips at regular intervals. Of course, many people end up simply forgetting to consume water at regular intervals. This is where relying on modern technology can make a huge difference.
b. Smartphone Apps
The modern smartphone is a multi-faceted device that helps us track appointments and meetings, set alarms and reminders, and do a lot more. Today, you can use your smartphone to maintain a discipline hydration schedule throughout the day. Simple-to-use apps allow you to set reminders that will buzz you when it is time to take a sip. This will help you avoid a situation where you replenish your body's water levels only when you are feeling extremely thirsty.
Secondly, these apps help you measure your water consumption on a daily basis. This simple feature can help you assess the average quantity of water that your body needs to avoid the negative effects of dehydration. Collating data over a month or two will help you have a reliable strategy that is based on hard numbers and data.
Since water is the best source of energy for the body, these apps can help you integrate your water intake with your overall fitness and health regimen. Instead of focusing on mere cosmetic physical fitness, you can adopt a holistic approach where you eat the right foods and drink adequate water in a planned manner.
c. Look beyond Plain Water
While plain water is more than enough for your body's hydration requirements, there is no harm in checking out other options like flavored water, sports beverages, and others. Adding a dash of lemon and some honey can help you enjoy a healthy and refreshing buzz every time you take a sip. Alternatively, you can opt for diluted fruit juices or sports drinks that help your body recover vitamins and minerals as well.
While beverages like tea and coffee can help, it is advisable to stay away from caffeinated drinks to avoid harmful side effects and complications. If you plan on carrying juices or flavored drinks in your water bottle, make sure you opt for low-sugar drinks without chemical additives. Keep it natural to enjoy good health every time you replenish the water that your body has lost.
Important Mistakes to Avoid
There is no point tracking your water intake and using technology and other tools to maintain a disciplined schedule if you continue making these basic mistakes.
• Mistaking Thirst for Hunger.
A dehydrated body can make you feel hungry. Many people end up eating food when they ought to be replenishing fluids by drinking water. Try sipping some water every time you feel hungry despite eating well.
• Ignoring Exhaustion, Fatigue, and Stress.
A water-starved body will feel tired and fatigued. Instead of resting or taking a nap, try taking a water break instead.
• Underestimating the Impact of Dehydration
Studies have shown that a thirsty person will, along with discomfort, suffer from significant reduction in his or her physical and mental capacities. Loss of water weighing around 5% of your body weight can reduce your capacity to work by 30%. Researches indicate that dehydrated drivers are more likely to suffer from accidents and mishaps. Don't presume that staying thirsty will make you stronger or tougher. Replenish your fluids at the earliest.
With so many useful solutions at your disposal, following a hydration timetable has become a simple and hassle-free affair. Just stock up on accessories like water bottles and combine that with free apps to ensure your body never suffers from the pain of dehydration again.

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