Tuesday, April 14, 2020

With Ho'oponopono You Can Delete the Mental Files That Cause Depression

"Instead of getting depressed, it is easier to be in our natural state of happiness, and it is very easy to achieve it."
It's World Health Day on April 7 and this year's theme is depression. According to the World Health Organization, this condition shockingly is the leading cause of disability worldwide, with 300 million people suffering from it, so I am not surprised that I'm asked frequently whether Ho'oponopono can help to eliminate it.
The answer is very simple because, as I always explain, with the practice of this wonderful old Hawaiian art for eliminating problems, interpretations and self-limiting thoughts, such as those that cause us to sink into sadness and discouragement, these can be erased.
Depression can stay forever out of your life by choosing to live in the present moment, in what I called Zero Frequency® because it allows you to eliminate mental files or memories that can cause damage, even subconsciously.
We also have to ask ourselves: What does the person who lets themselves become discouraged and unhappy achieve? Perhaps get the attention of the people close to them so they can take care of them? Is that why this behavior becomes a habit, even "natural" and "accepted," that we become addicted to being depressed?
Osho the Master Zen said, that in order to let go of what makes you miserable, you need to be willing to let go of the benefit you think you are getting or you will get from it.
Sure, this is not a conscious level, which is why people have a hard time taking 100% responsibility. But actually realizing is just your programs, you can set yourself free from them.
You have to put a lot of effort into being depressed; it's easier to allow ourselves to be in our natural state of happiness. This is easy to achieve; you just have to "decide" to do things differently and not to engage, and give the power to these replayed memories. Move and stretch the muscles of the body for the energy to flow. Even the very act of smiling?-?as most would agree?-?causes a feeling of great well-being. It's been proven that smiles are contagious and helps keep everyone from being depressed!
On the other hand, did you know that depression often has to do with the lack of water? Although it seems incredible, hospitals use hydration to stabilize mood, so even just drinking the vital fluid helps us to feel better.
If the hydration comes from Blue Solar Water, even better. Blue Solar Water is one of the tools we use in Ho'oponopono, this ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving that I teach, and that helps us erase those programs in our subconscious mind that attract depression and so much unhappiness to our lives. Most of these programs comes from ancestors!
On the same subject, I remember a student who called me a while ago, very depressed, and because of how bad she felt, her doctor wanted to admit her into a hospital for the mentally ill, which would stop her from attending the training that Ihaleakalá and I were giving in San Diego, California.
We recommended using the Ho'oponopono tool of 3/4 glass of water and after doing so, she was able to drive to San Diego, where she arrived with a big smile saying that after changing the water three times, she felt like new.
Another exemplary story is Teresa, a student from Ho'oponopono who suffered a breakdown. They feared the worst because she had very high blood pressure and her heart might stop. She was even afraid to fall asleep and not wake up again, which led her to a constant state of anxiety and panic.
Teresa lived in Hawaii and since the doctors could not help her, she had no choice but to go to the emergency room. She was admitted to the psychiatric ward where she was given high doses of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. She was hospitalized four times in four years in a psychiatric unit without resolving her great anxiety and emotional pain. What the doctors did was prescribe more drugs, but since they did not go to the root of the problem, she deteriorated.
Later, she moved to San Diego, where she began to study energy healing and found the Ho'oponopono method whose cleansing processes she practiced religiously. To her surprise, according to her testimony, after discovering the Ho'oponopono seminar that she described as "a beautiful, perfect, sacred, miraculous process," she was able to throw away the addictive antidepressants.
In conclusion, it is indispensable to be aware that if the memory of a depression tries to occupy a place in your life, know that you have a choice! And remember, to release depression you can say "Thank you" or "I love you" and doing so, you let go and let God (Love), who knows best how to erase these memories that keep controlling you and taking you to the past, and to fill your heart with beautiful things. Choose to let go of depression and sit in the driver's seat!

What Really Is CBD and How Does It Work?

CBD is the short form for cannabidiol. It is an important phytocannabinoid that is found in the hemp and is known to support the mind and the body in lots of different ways. CBD products in the shape of Cachets also contain cannabinoids, which have CBD extracts.
What makes CBD work?
How does CBD get to work? The body of humans contains a large network of constituent receptors, the system of endocannabinoids, which is critical to maintaining the overall wellness, along with helping the support systems for many of the physical processes in our body. Cannabinoids and CBD fit inside these receptors that help the human body with its efforts in maintaining good health.
Experience better health with the use of the CBD
You get to enjoy a sense of calmness and more focus. CBD affects learning positively and it also motivates learning. It is also helpful in reversing the symptoms of the Alzheimer disease. You can get a heart that is healthier by the use of the CBD. CBD has a lot of benefits that it brings to the heart, these include the capability of lowering high levels of blood pressure. You also get relief from the stresses that are part of your daily life. CBD has been known to provide therapeutic cures for symptoms like stress and anxiety, thus helping in the reduction of psychological levels of anxious behavior. It also helps in reducing the feeling of depression and anxiety.
The miracle of CBD
CBD is just a molecule, not any miracle. A lot of people can reap the significant benefits if they are provided access legally to these wide variety of remedies of cannabis, not merely to no THC or low THC products. CBD by itself may not always be enough to get the trick to work. There is a lot of compelling evidence to prove that CBD functions best when it is combined with the likes of THC and the entire spectrum consisting of other components of cannabis.
To be able to figure out how to go about optimizing your therapeutic application of cannabis has been the driving factor that is behind one of the greatest experiments in the days of democracy. The result of this finding is called medical marijuana and it has been observed from one state to another and one country to another in the very recent years.
The coming up of the very potent oil concentrates of cannabis, CBD rich non intoxicating products and highly innovative and smokeless systems of delivery have changed the therapeutic area. This has also led to a huge change in the public conversation around cannabis.
This is not any more a subject of debate if cannabis has enough merit as a potent herbal medication - as of today, the main challenge is in understanding the utilization of cannabis to get maximum therapeutic benefits.

7 Medical Benefits of Marijuana

In this article, we are going to talk about a few medical benefits of marijuana that you can enjoy if you have a medical prescription. In other words, we are going to shed some light on the positives on the basis of scientific research. Marijuana is not recommended for recreational purposes.
According to researchers, the herb can help with the treatment of absent-mindedness, malaria, gout, and rheumatism, just to name a few. Now, let's talk about some of the prominent benefits of this herb.
1. Cancer Treatment
According to a study published in Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, marijuana can help fight cancer. Another study found that CBD can also curb the growth of cancer cells in the body.
The researchers at the American Association for Cancer Research say that the herb does a good job of slowing down the growth of tumors in the lungs, breasts, and brain.
2. Prevents Alzheimer's Disease
CBD has a powerful ingredient called THC that helps control the Alzheimer's disease, says the research that was done at the Scripps Research Institute. Also, THC can curb the growth of amyloid plaques as it tends to block the plaque-producing enzymes. You may get Alzheimer's disease if your brain cells get killed by the plaques.
3. Treats Glaucoma
CBD may also help treat glaucoma. Actually, marijuana reduces pressure in your eyes, which helps protect your eyeball.
4. Relieves Arthritis
According to a 2011 research study, researchers concluded that cannabis can help patients get rid of pain and swelling. As a result, patients with rheumatoid arthritis can get enough sleep.
5. Treats Epileptic Seizure
Another study done in 2003 found that the herb can be used to treat epileptic seizures as well. An experiment done on rats gave enough evidence that CBD does prevent seizures for up to 10 hours. Actually, THC binds the cells in the brain that are responsible for triggering seizures.
6. Helps with Parkinson's Disease
Many studies were done in Israel to find out the benefits of marijuana for patients with Parkinson's disease. The study found that the drug can help ease the pain, which helps patients improve their sleep. The patients consumed the herb also enjoyed better motor skills.
7. Helps with Crohn's Disease
Cannabis is also a good choice for patients with Crohn's disease. This disease causes pain and inflammation in the intestines. Patients also experience pain, weight loss, diarrhea, and nausea.
In Israel, studies were done to find out if this disease can be controlled with cannabis. And the results were positive. More than 90% of the participants who smoked marijuana experienced fewer symptoms.
Long story short, if more research is done, we may come to know about a lot of other benefits of this herb as well. For now, we can say that CBD has some benefits as far as the treatment of the abovementioned diseases is concerned. However, we don't recommend that you smoke or use this herb in any form without a valid medical prescription. Hope this helps.

Here Are Some Natural Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis That You Can Do in Your Home

What is bacterial vaginosis?
Bacterial vaginosis happens to be an infection that affects the vagina and is caused as a result of overgrowth of the bacteria. The vagina itself has a natural environment that contains both bad and good kinds of bacteria. If someone has bacterial vaginosis, it means that they have more than needed of the bad bacteria. This can throw the environment of the vagina out of the balance that is otherwise maintained.
Bacterial vaginosis happens to be a very common condition which may affect a lot of women, irrespective of if they have had or did not have sex. There are some home remedies that can be used for the treatment and prevention of the condition. Some of the remedies can lead to better results than the others. These treatments may not be as effective when compared to the prescription medications. However, most of these come with the advantage of having no side effects that prescription medications usually cause.
Using Yogurt
Yogurt happens to be a natural form of probiotics. This leads to the fact that it has a lot of healthy good bacteria. As per some studies, eating of yogurt may drastically help in the introduction of healthy bacteria within the human body. This will help in establishing a balance in the environment of the vagina and this can be very helpful in fighting off the bacteria that are bad, In order to achieve the maximum benefits, you should be eating at least a single helping of yogurt on a daily basis.
Using garlic
Garlic happens to have very strong properties that are associated with antibacterial elements. It has been used as one of the home remedies for a long time and helps fight bacterial vaginosis. One of the studies found out that having a single tablet containing garlic supplement can be a very effective medium in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.
Using hydrogen peroxide
One of the studies done in 2003 found that using just one ounce serving of liquid hydrogen peroxide for just one week will result in the irrigation of the vagina. This will go a long way in the treatment of the condition of bacterial vaginosis, and will have the same results as using traditional medicines. This comes at much lower rates than the other forms of medications and also has very few side effects.
Using breathable underwear made of cotton
Some forms of the underwear, including the likes of spandex are not as breathable when compared with underwear made out of cotton. When you wear underwear that is made of such materials, it helps in trapping of moisture. This lead to the formation of the breeding ground when it comes to bacteria and this will lead to worsening of the condition that happens due to bacteria in vagina. In order to help your case of bacterial vaginosis in healing quickly and prevention of future cases, start using cotton underwear which is more breathable. Also, try not to wear very tight pants.

Here Are Some Natural Remedies for Ovarian Cysts That You Can Do in Your Home

What are ovarian cysts?
This condition is so common that it affects 25% of the women. Cysts happen to be pockets of sacs filled with fluid which can be on the insides or on the surface of the ovaries. The main reason that results in the formation of ovarian cysts is an imbalance in the hormones. There are various side effects of being affected with ovarian cysts. Some of them are nausea, abdominal bloating, irregular menstruation, depression, weight gain, hair loss and insomnia. Some types of ovarian cysts are also known to be a cause of decrease in fertility and can even be cancerous. If you go to a doctor, they will usually provide you with hormonal control medicines which are not at all good for your body in the long run.
Some home remedies
There are a lot of home remedies that have been in the regular use over time, which actually do help in the dissolving of these cysts. Beetroot carries a compound that is known as betacyanin which is known to have the ability that helps in the clearing of toxins out of your system. You can even crush juice out of beet-root and then mix it up with one teaspoon of gel containing aloe Vera. Ginger is very well known for the anti inflammatory features which help in the reduction of inflammation and relieve pain. Herbal teas like the chamomile tea are also considered to be very good remedies in the treatment of ovarian cysts. Flaxseed is known to be helpful in balancing the amounts of estrogen that are produced in your body and flushing out of the toxins from the body.
Using flax seeds
Flax seeds can go a long way in helping to maintain the balance of estrogen in the body and flushing out the harmful toxins from the human body. Just mix up one tablespoon of ground flax seeds in a glass filled with warm water. You just need to drink it every day on an empty stomach.
Using vinegar made from apple cider
You need to mix up one tablespoon filled with vinegar made from apple cider and one teaspoon of black strap molasses into a glass with warm water. You need to drink a glass or two of this solution every day.
Using ginger
Ginger is very well known for its property of anti inflammations that are helpful in reducing of inflammation and in relieving of pain. You should be drinking two to three cups of ginger tea every day.
Drinking Chamomile tea
Herbal teas like the chamomile tea are also considered very good remedies in the treatment of ovarian cysts. For this, you need to mix just 2 teaspoons of well dried chamomile and 1 teaspoon of honey within a cup containing hot water. You now need to cover the mixture and leave it to rest for 5 minutes. You may drink 2 to 3 servings of chamomile tea every day till you get rid of the problem completely.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Urgent Care: What Is It and When Should You Seek It?

Our body consists of many highly sophisticated systems, which are sometimes prone to dysfunction. Even the fittest person can face a sudden illness or accident needing immediate help. When such a situation presents itself before you or any of your loved ones, then the search for the required medical help can seem overwhelming especially due to the panic situation. This is where some special medical facilities called urgent care come into play.
What is Urgent Care?
Urgent care services are medical facilities which are most appropriate to deal with ailments or illnesses which are not life-threatening but still too urgent to wait for medical assistance till another day. It is basically ambulatory care that is dedicated to making medical aid available to the target patient wherever it is required. It saves you from wastage of precious time and anxiety involved during the transportation of the patient.
How are urgent care services different from Emergency rooms (ERs)?
It is very different from the traditional emergency rooms, both in its specialties and functioning and it is very crucial that you be able to decide which one will be right in a given situation. While it is recommended in cases where the injury or medical issue is not much critical, emergency rooms are most suitable for life-threatening health issues where the patient's condition is very critical. The injuries or illnesses which require more advanced equipment or need cesarean operations are generally out of the scope of urgent care facilities and will need the involvement of an emergency room. Urgent care services, however, have their own benefits over emergency rooms. First of all, hospitals and emergency rooms have grown very busy these days and if you may need to wait for hours before your turn comes. Secondly, emergency rooms are very expensive and you may end up paying a large sum of money to small medical assistance. Another reason why you shouldn't go to an emergency room for small complications is that there are many patients in a hospital who actually need immediate treatment and you will only be bothering the often too busy doctors with your trifles.
When do you need urgent care?
As has already been discussed above, these facilities should be called only for mild to moderate medical issues which are not much serious or fatal. Some of the situations where urgent care can provide the best solution are:
  • Mild accidents and falls
  • Cuts that are not much deeper and the bleeding is not much
  • Mild to moderate breathing difficulties due to asthma
  • Fever, common cold, or flu
  • Minor bone fractures in fingers or toes
  • Sprains and strains
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, or dehydration
  • Infections pertaining to skin, eye, or ear
General facilities provided by care services
  • Open for extended hours
  • Professional doctors, physician, and medical staff assistance
  • X-ray and lab testing in general
  • Ambulances and other mobile medical facilities
The "Urgent-Care on Wheels" is one of the best facilities providing urgent care in Santa Monica. They offer medical aid directly at your doorsteps and you can even track them on the way. So, you can unhesitatingly contact them when you or a loved one needs immediate medical assistance.

Stomach Problems: Do Some Peoples Childhoods Set Them Up To Have Stomach Problems?

When someone experiences pain in an area of their body, it can make it hard for them to be in the present moment. Their attention can end up being consumed by this area of their body.
If they are able to bring their attention away from this part of their body, they may find that it is possible for them to carry on as normal. This can all depend on what part of their body is in pain.
One Area
Let's say that one of their feet is in pain; this is not going to stop them from being able to eat food and even to enjoy it. The experience might not be as pleasurable as it usually is, but it won't necessarily be free from pleasure.
While they are eating, they may even have moments when they are able to forget all about what is going on down below. Once they have finished eating, they could soon reconnect to the pain in their foot.
Another Area
However, if one felt pain or tension in their stomach, it might be hard for them to enjoy eating. Putting food into their body could cause them to experience even more pain.
In addition to the pain that they experience during these occasions, there can also be what they go through when they go to the toilet. What is going on this part of their body is then going to absorb a lot of their energy and attention.
At the same time, having this problem may mean that they have very little energy anyway. The small amount of energy that they do have is then going to be used by this part of them.
What one could do, after becoming aware of this problem, is to go to see their doctor. One might believe that they have some kind of infection, which will be treated by taking a certain type of medication.
A New Start
Before long, this approach may work and one could soon go back to how they were before. Their lower body will settle down and this will allow them to redirect their energy and attention towards other areas of their life.
Then again, this approach might not work, and this may mean that one will end up looking for another solution to their problem. One thing that they could do is to look into what supplements may help them.
The Answer
By taking this route, it may soon become clear that their gut microbiome is not working as it should. Therefore, the way for them to solve this will be to reset this part of them so that the environment of their gut changes.
Through taking this step and sticking to a certain type of diet, their stomach could gradually start to settle down. Once again, though, it might not be long until this part of them is playing up or this option might not work.
Stepping Back
If one was to make a note of when their stomach plays up and to tune into how this part of them responds throughout their day, they may be able to gain some important information. What they may find, is that being around certain people or spending time in certain environments has an impact on their stomach.
During this time, they may find that their stomach tightens up and that it becomes difficult for them to breath properly. If this is so, it could show that they are carrying a fair amount of emotional tension in their body.
The Same Process
In the same way that one can retract and see everything as a threat when they are experiencing a lot of fear, their stomach can also respond in the same way. What takes place externally is then a mirror of what takes place internally.
Externally, one can see other people as a threat and this can give them the need to retract, and internally, their body can see food as a threat and this can cause it to retract. With all this going on in their stomach, it is not going to be a surprise for it to be malfunctioning.
On the surface will be their body's inability to process food properly and underneath this will be their body's inability to integrate the trauma that they are carrying. With this in mind, it is no wonder that medication or supplements haven't worked.
These options would only be dealing with the symptoms as opposed to what is taking place at a deeper level. Ultimately, their system will have been overwhelmed and this is why it is unable to function in the right way.
Out of Mind
What could be confusing here is that one might not be able to connect to a time in their life when they experienced trauma. If this is the case, it could show that they experienced trauma before their brain had developed properly, which is why they can't remember it.
At the same time, what this could show is that they have simply blocked out what took place as a survival mechanism. This wouldn't have been something that they consciously chose to do; it would have been something that just happened.
Way Back
This could show that one has experienced something traumatic in their adult life or it could go back to what happened during their childhood years. There is even the chance that they had a very painful birth, which could have overwhelmed their system.
Yet, regardless of what has taken place, they will be carrying trauma in their body that needs to be resolved. Their symptoms are their body's way of telling them that something isn't right and that something needs to be done.
If one can relate to this, and they want to change their life, they may need to reach out for external support. This is something that can be provided by the assistance of a therapist or a healer.
Teacher, prolific writer, author, and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

Stay Fit, Achieve Big

Sportswear or active wear is something that every woman has or wants to have in their wardrobe. This specifically includes all sports garments which can be used for casual clothing too, depending on mood like leggings, sports bra, boots, crop tops, and swimsuits. Active wear gives good flexibility and gives immense confidence also gives you an opportunity to show off your new gear. There is something for everyone to pick out from all the available choices which suit and complement your body type and give you a boost to start gym or doing physical activities. Women currently are flocking in the stores to have the apt gym gear in your bag.
A good sports bra is a women's best friend if chosen correctly. Fitness is a prime concern of everybody's life and finding the right clothes for the same is a norm which cannot be avoided. The sports bra is an essential in this department as it is one of the most comfortable sportswear for workout sessions and if picked properly energizes your day even more. You might think that a normal bra can also be considered for this, but while doing high impact routines like running, jumping, and cardio workouts, they provide great fit and comfort along with an enhanced shaped bust. Well, lots of things are to be taken into consideration while picking a perfect sports bra according to your preference.
The Fabric - Selecting the fabric carefully that does not create inconvenience while exercising and the quality should be up to the mark.
Size of Cup - For a fitness freak the balancing of your breasts is extremely important to avoid any twitching or discomfort publicly.
Straps - This is one of the most least bothered aspect of sports bra that causes major inconvenience as it is always irritating to keep on adjusting the straps while performing routines or strenuous workouts. Checking all these points and choosing one is the ideal way of buying a sports bra.
Generally there are two types of sports bra one is flatten ones kind of crop top like and other one having built in cups which can be termed as a regular one. It is not necessary that you can only use a sports bra for gym or exercising, you can use it for casual wear too.
Leggings are one of the best clothing's to wear for yoga where stretching is important and helps in making your moments clear. They are basically termed as exercise leggings, giving more posture while doing Pilates or cardio routines.
The major factors attracting women towards buying active wear is the aim to improve health, remain fit with an added desire to update outfits according to trends. Some people just wear it as they feel it is more fashionable. Giving your gym an overall new experience a sports gear is a must.

The Hurricane Method Book Review By Lindsay Lake

The Hurricane Method Book Review By Lindsay Lake - Discover the Hurricane Method Program about? Happens to be the Hurricane Writing Method System Scam or Really Worth?
The Hurricane Method International High-ranked Author Lindsay Lake Reveals Her Number one Secret 'Sea tempest Method' Anybody can Use To Create And Write Total Length Novel Within 14 Days... PLUS How To Obtain it Published And creating Sales!This fantastic composition technique program works best for you ANYONE... whether you're a nice distributed writer and require to answer your keeping in touch with some fundamental level, as well as the function you have never at any point composed a brief story however present to the longest time been itching to aim.
The Hurricane Method is a recently dispatched composing program,which Any person can utilize to make and compose a top offering novel in as meager as 14 days.This program mystery composing technique provides you with the capacity to transform your creative ability into words along with your words into benefit... Therefore doesn't be beneficial upon the off chance you now have never even composed a brief story... Because whenever you utilize this strategy, it resembles the author inside you powers on, and every one of a sudden the concepts on your mind stream easily onto paper...
The Hurricane Method,with this composition program in as meager as two weeks, it's possible to plot and create your own personal written work artful culmination... directly from the conceptualizing stage through to the shattering last climax.There should be the potential to snare your peruser due to the primary line, and create them live up till the early hours since they can't put your novel down. Whatever the possibility you have got never considered yourself somebody who could compose (and distribute) a top offering novel before... So, on the off chance that you've ever longed for composing your own special novel,This project composing technique is for everyone. Writer designed a written work program that lets you make, compose and distribute an excellent fiction novel no matter what in cases where which you are an accomplished essayist or maybe a complete tenderfoot... Regardless whether you want to compose a delectable sentiment (which is certainly my undisputed best decision), an amazing Sci Fi, a dim, tempting wrongdoing, or even a awesome dream novel.
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More Baby Boomers Trying to Find Bliss With Marijuana

Recently, when I've attended concerts that tend to attract baby boomers, such as Paul McCartney and The Rolling Stones, I've noticed a lot of boomers lighting up joints.
Turns out that's no coincidence.
According to a recent report in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, more baby boomers are using weed and other cannabis products.
Nine percent of people aged 50 to 64 said they've used marijuana in the past year, doubling in the past decade, while three percent of those over 65 have done so, the research found.
Perhaps that's not a big surprise, since the baby boomer generation has had more experience than other generations with marijuana, which surged in popularity during the 1960s and 1970s. More than half (almost 55%) of middle-age adults have used marijuana at some point in their lives, while over a fifth (about 22%) of older adults have done so, according to the study.
Those who used marijuana as teens were more likely to say they were still fans of the herb, the team at New York University found.
What accounts for marijuana's big comeback with the older crowd?
Certainly, the stigma of using marijuana has decreased. I never used but, admittedly, weed was considered cool when I was in high school during the 70s. However, we made fun of "potheads" who smoked constantly and came to school fumbling around like fools in a fog bank. That seems to have changed in recent years with some boomers considering it cool to act like teenagers again and claiming the title, pothead, with pride, as if smoking marijuana was some kind of accomplishment.
Access has certainly been made easier with the legalization of marijuana for medical use in 29 states and D.C. and for recreational use in eight states and D.C., including here in California where I live. Pot farms are springing up everywhere including one of the nearby desert towns, Desert Hot Springs, which has been nicknamed Desert Pot Springs.
Some baby boomers use weed to ease aching joints or other ailments or to help them sleep.
Whatever the reasons for boomers lighting up, beware, there are some definite pitfalls. The survey indicated that users think marijuana is harmless. But the researchers were quick to point out that is clearly not the case.
"Acute adverse effects of marijuana use can include anxiety, dry mouth, tachycardia (racing heart rate), high blood pressure, palpitations, wheezing, confusion, and dizziness," they warned. "Chronic use can lead to chronic respiratory conditions, depression, impaired memory, and reduced bone density."
Researchers also reported that baby boomers using cannabis were more likely to smoke, drink alcohol, and abuse drugs. Marijuana users were also more likely to misuse prescription drugs such as opioids, sedatives, and tranquilizers than their peers.
Mixing substances is particularly dangerous for older adults with chronic diseases, the team advised. Marijuana may intensify symptoms and interact with prescribed medications.
In fact, physicians should ask older patients about whether they use marijuana because it can interact with prescription drugs, the team recommended, and it may point to substance abuse problems.
In other words, baby boomers would do well to find true bliss in healthier ways.