Tuesday, February 13, 2018

15 Amazing Healthcare Technology Innovations In 2016

1) Nano-bots in Blood: Although Nano-bots are a long way from being used today, however, there is the possibility that we will see it in the future where these small robots can work like our own particular white blood cells and annihilate microscopic organisms and different pathogens. These miniature robots would work like their full-estimate equivalents with their own particular sensors and propulsion frameworks, and could perform little errands like conveying chemotherapy 1000 times more efficiently than utilizing drugs and it will not cause as many side effects as patient face in the present medications.
2) Mind Transfer and Head Transplants: Ever since the beginning of mankind, we have all needed to live everlastingly, and one day that may progress toward becoming reality with organizations like Google and Brainpreservation.org searching for approaches to expand life by curing infection, safeguarding our brains in stasis, or actually saving on PCs or another cerebrum.
While it might appear to be strange idea for a tech organization like Google to sign up and battle the healthcare fight, it makes perfect sense that that their CEO Larry Page might need to enhance his life and other's around him thus they can understand life's other intense difficulties in the upcoming future.
3) Robotic Surgery/Pilot training program/Flight Simulator: Roswell Park Cancer Institute is rapidly reaching on the position of surgical training pioneers. This progress was benefitted by the innovative joint effort between the University at Buffalo's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and RPCI's Center for Robotic Surgery. Surgical methods have constantly required years of preparing, and up to this point, the vast majority of that preparations are done in a live environment. It might be more efficient to do robotic surgery in comparison of present practices.
4) Holographic Images: Hospitals are a place to go whenever any treatment is needed. However, it is strange that in the United States, more than 2 million individuals are affected by hospital-acquired contaminations consistently, and 100,000 individuals die due to these kinds of infections. Furthermore, it costs almost $20 billion to treat these contaminations. One thing that can help significantly is the capacity to input information without really touching physical gadgets, for example, keyboards, mouse, and so on. Holographic images will possess the ability to bring a complete revolution in this area.
5) Improved Blood-Test Experience: No one loves needles, particularly when you need to get pricked by an unpracticed phlebotomist. Awesome news! Organizations like Theranos have designed a perfect way for such people because if you want to run tests then you will just need micro-samples of blood which means that approximately 1/1,000th of normal blood will be drawn from your vein.
6) Mitochondrial DNA Transfer: It is also known as "three parent baby", this procedure disposes of an assortment of conceivably fatal diseases such as heart and liver failure, and deafness. Albeit numerous moral and ethical questions encompass the current U.K. approval of this procedure, the potential implications for future eras is limitless.
7) Robotic Nurse Assistant: Unqualified or inefficient nurses can become problematic for patients. According to the survey, large portion of patients are harmed each year from moving or lifting in bed or due to the mishandling fall after surgery. There are numerous varieties from a full robot, for example, RIBA (Robot for Interactive Body Assistance) which has been developed by RIKEN and Tokai Rubber Industries and assisted hardware, for example, HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) robot suits conveyed by Cyberdyne.
8) Artificial Retinas: The United States commonly characterizes somebody as legitimately visually impaired when the individual's focal vision has degraded to 20/200, or the individual has lost peripheral vision so he sees less than 20 degrees outside of focal vision. Typical vision is 20/20, and individuals can see up to 90 degrees with their peripheral vision. An expected, 1.1 million individuals in the United States are considered lawfully visually impaired.
This has prompted organizations like Nano-Retina to build up a complex and exquisite solution intended to reestablish sight of individuals who lost their vision because of retinal degenerative sicknesses. The small scale Nano Retina device, NR600 Implant, replaces the functionality of completely or partially damaged photoreceptor cells of eye and makes the electrical incitement required to initiate the remaining healthy and fully functioning retinal cells.
9) Anti-Aging Drugs: The fantasy, day dream or a nightmare about long life or immortality, however you take it, might become slightly possible in future since Anti-Aging drugs will give you possibilities of living till 110s and 120s. In the year 2016, there was anti-aging drug test that reached to its trials and there were possibilities that these trials could see sicknesses like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's consigned to ancient history. Researchers now trust that it is quite possible to stop old age and help them live healthy into their 120s.
10) Tooth Regeneration: This could be really very surprising and helpful advancement in healthcare if technology can actually bring answers to the tooth regeneration mystery. Brilliantly colorful fish found in Africa may hold the key to developing lost teeth. In a community oriented study between the Georgia Institute of Technology and King's College London, specialists research on cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi in Africa, who loses teeth just to have another one slide into place. Their study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, recognizes and highlights the qualities responsible of developing new teeth and may prompt the key to "tooth recovery" in people.
11) Light bulbs that Disinfect and Kill Bacteria: Hospitals are known to be potentially harmful and dangerous place with so many individuals with various illnesses and bacteria. Indigo-Clean has now developed an innovation utilizing light that ceaselessly sterilizes nature, disinfect the environment and reinforces your present disease prevention efforts.
12) Medical Wearables And Devices With Long Lasting Batteries: The requirement for power is a primary concern. Pacemaker batteries are regularly replaced after a costly surgery. With the help of technology, it will be possible for batteries to get speedier charging and they will last long which will cut the cost of battery supplies as well.
13) Stem-cell Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery: Stem-cells have received the spotlight recently. However, there were some senseless and fraudulent claims of stem cell reconstruction in the past few years. After a long haul, there are finally some genuine and officially approved applications of stem cell reconstruction and plastic surgery that begun to surface in various fields.
14) Augmenting Human Abilities: Perhaps, the most impressive show of healthcare innovation advancement is the video presented by Les Baugh who was controlling prosthetic arms with his mind. Through broad research, in the matter on how Les' mind controlled his limbs, analysts could decide how mind dealt with these connections. With the help of that research, they could build up an innovation that would read his cerebrum movement and send the signs to limbs that finally controlled the engine elements of his prosthetic limbs.
15) Health Informatics: More than half of US clinics utilize some sort of electronic records framework, however just 6% of them actually follow all the government orders, as indicated by a current survey of the University of Michigan. As indicated by scientists at the University of Chicago, half of medicinal services dollars are wasted on unnecessary record keeping forms. Electronic records have been appeared to save substantial amount of $37 and $59 million if large hospital follows right health informatics. It streamlines the therapeutic care process and brings down malpractice claims, and expands coordination between suppliers.

Take Charge Of Your Health Now So You Don't Become A Victim Of The Health Care System

Allopathic medicine is based on a scientific model of disease diagnosis and treatment. Medical doctors are solely interested in identifying symptoms and alleviating them through heroic intervention. This mainstream system of medicine only offers palliative treatments, not anything curative. This is what your doctor won't tell you. Under this system, they wait for disease to happen and then try to help a patient to live with their condition.
This is the corporate model of health care, which is designed from beginning to end to generate profits for doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical and medical equipment manufacturers and legions of support personnel. It does not operate in your best interest. In fact, if it did, it would collapse under its own weight from its structural costs combined with the revenue shortfalls produced from curing patients.
Contrast this system with the evidence based model of disease, its causes and cures. This approach is used by naturopaths, herbalists, chiropractors and other natural healers. They place an emphasis on preventing disease. Healers take a wholistic approach, looking at the whole person, including their body, mind and spirit.
Obviously, the best approach is one of proactive prevention. In the absence of prevention, then mitigation and remediation are necessary, if even possible.
I'll provide an illustration of why the medical system is broken and how you can avoid being a victim of it.
Allopathic physicians are so enamored with the science and technology they use that they often don't see the forest for the trees. Here's an example. Scientifically, every diseased cell, tissue, organ, system and ultimately, individual, has five characteristics. All diseased tissue is toxic, hypoxic, acidotic, infected and inflamed.
You can take these steps yourself to prevent disease or even reverse it:
Toxicity: Drink and cook with purified water. Eat only organic food.
Hypoxia: Protect your mitochondria.
Acidotic: Take care of your digestive system. Get plenty of minerals.
Infection: Don't get vaccines. Do get natural antioxidants.
Inflammation: Don't eat supermarket garbage. Get plenty of healthy fats.
I plan to expound on these topics in the future.
For now, let's start at the beginning, with taking charge of your health by producing and consuming pure water. I undertook an exhaustive research to identify the single most effective way for anyone to have as much purified water as they want, right in their own home.

Why Caring For The Nose And Throat Is Important For Healthy Living

Most of the acute infections to which man is heir enter the body through the nose and mouth. Common colds, influenza, tonsillitis, pneumonia, scarlet fever, diphtheria, infantile paralysis, and so on, through a long list of diseases, find their way into the body through this portal. Measures which reduce the ineffective material which gains access to the nose and mouth, such as frequent washing of the hands and keeping them away from the face, the use of individual drinking glasses, and the avoidance of exposure to persons with these diseases, are all Worth while. There is, however, little or nothing of value in the Way of local preventive measures to suggest. In fact, the best advice that can be given to most persons concerning the care of the nose and throat is briefly expressed by: "Whatever you do do, don't."
The alleged value of gargles, nasal douches, jellies, sprays, or drops, the so-called "control by nasal hygiene," is based on nothing more than advertising propaganda. Furthermore, the regular use of such preparations without medical advice is pernicious. These preparations usually give temporary relief of nasal stuffiness but they also interfere with the normal protective mechanism of the nasal mucous membrane and in time may cause sufficient irritation to give rise to a chronic catarrhal condition. When this occurs, the medication still gives temporary relief, so the natural inclination is to use it more frequently.
There is a possibility also that over a period of time there way be enough absorption of these substances to be deleterious. Snuffers of cocaine or of snuff soon learn that absorption from the mucous membrane of the nose is prompt and efficient. In like manner, other substances are absorbed and in some cases the effects might well be cumulative and toxic.
Obstruction to Breathing
The most frequent cause of obstruction to breathing is the common cold, a condition of such importance that we have devoted several articles to its consideration. Uncomplicated colds rarely last more than a week or two, but the sinus infections which may complicate them are frequently protracted. The other common causes of chronic nasal obstruction are adenoids in children and allergic conditions, nasal polyps, and abnormalities of the nasal septum in older persons. Lasting relief can be expected only by eliminating the cause of the obstruction, whatever this may be. Self-medication merely aggravates the trouble.
Adenoids is the dull, pinched, stupid expression of the mouth breathing child cries for relief. Susceptibility to colds and ear infections, impaired hearing, and a deformed upper jaw are among the other results of chronic mouth-breathing by children. The usual cause of this is adenoids, an overgrowth of tonsils like tissue located in the upper part of the pharynx behind the nose. Fortunately this can be relieved by a simple surgical procedure.
Abnormalities of the Nasal Septum
The septum is the partition between the two sides of the nose. It is composed in part of cartilage and in part of bone. Theoretically the septum should be straight but it rarely is. In fact, a perfectly straight septum is just as rare as an artistically perfect nose. Although most deformities of the septum are of little or no consequence, they occasionally are of sufficient seriousness to interfere with breathing. This not only is annoying but also predisposes to colds and sinus infection. In such cases an operative procedure to straighten the septum is indicated.
Sinus Infection
The term "sinus infection" is now used almost as loosely as nasal catarrh was in the past; many persons who because of some nasal stuffiness think they have sinus infection do not have it at all. On the other hand, sinus infection is of such frequency and seriousness that it merits careful diagnosis and treatment.
The sinuses are cavities in the bones of the face which are connected by small openings with the nasal easily and are lined with mucous membrane which is (continuous with the mucous membrane of the nose. It is probable that when a waste cold has existed for several days without much improvement, the inflammation has extended to the membranes lining the sinuses, especially to the lower sinuses, which do not drain so easily as the upper group. In the majority of instant, even though some inflammation has extended to the sinuses, the condition will heal promptly as the individual's resistance increases and the natural forces of repair improve under the general measures advisable in these conditions.
The actual cause of sinus disease is infection from the nose, but predisposing factors are violent blowing of the nose, a hypersensitive allergic nasal mucous membrane, diving, swimming with the nose in the water, possibly damp climates, and the promiscuous use of sprays, oils, and antiseptics in the nose during acute colds.
Acute sinus infections often clear up without treatment or with the application of such simple measures as heat, steam inhalations, rest, and improved nasal drainage. Occasionally, however, the infection is so severe or drainage so inadequate that pus accumulates in the sinus. This, also, may clear up promptly or it may develop into a sub acute or chronic condition. In acute sinus infection local symptoms of nasal discharge, pain, and headache, as well as general symptoms of fever, fatigue, general aches, and cough, are the rule. In chronic sinus disease, on the other hand, the local symptoms may be entirely absent. Occasionally infection from a sinus may be carried by the blood to other parts of the body, such as the joints, kidneys, heart, or brain. It is a condition potentially so serious calls for adequate medical supervision and treatment.
Hay Fever
The sneezing, sniffling, and nose blowing, commonly called "hay fever," occur with greater or lesser frequency the year round. In fact, hay fever and related allergic conditions, such as asthma, hives, and certain eczema, headaches, and digestive disturbances, occur whenever the substance to which an individual is sensitive gains access to the body in sufficient quantities
The symptoms considered typical of hay fever may be produced by pollen of plants, grasses, or trees, by the dander or hair of animals, by lint, feathers, foods, and many other substances. The pollen, however, are the only substances of this sort which are definitely seasonal. Most cases of spring hay fever are due to grass pollen, although even before the grasses begin to pollinate there are some cases, usually considered spring colds, which are due to the pollen of trees. The pollen of most of the flowering plants is relatively large and heavy and is carried from one plant to another by bees or other insects; hence, they are rarely responsible for hay fever. On the other hand, the pollen of grasses, trees, and many other plants are wind-borne and spell misery to hundreds of thousands of persons each year. Such pollen grains may be carried enormous distances and to great heights by air currents.
The most common causes of spring hay fever, frequently called "spring colds" or "rose colds," are the pollen of trees and grasses, while the pollen of ragweed, Wormwood, Russian thistle, and pig weed are responsible for most of the fall hay fever. Goldenrod, long thought to be the cause of fall hay fever, has been exonerated. It and other flowering plants have been suspected in connection with hay fever because they happen to flower at the time that weeds with inconspicuous flowers are pollinating.
After a physician has determined the cause of one's hay fever, the simplest way to prevent it is to live, at least during the half fever season: in a region in which the pollen to which one it sensitive do not exist. Another way to reduce exposure to pollen is to spend most of the day during the hay fever season in filtered air. This gives relief in many cases.
For the unfortunate hay fever victims who cannot move away during the hay fever season and whose homes and places of work are not air-conditioned, there is still considerable hope of obtaining relief, for it is usually possible so to increase one's tolerance that one will be free from symptoms or at least reasonably comfortable even though exposed to high concentrations of pollen. This is accomplished by having a series of injections of the pollen to which one is sensitive. In order to be effective this treatment must he based upon an accurate diagnosis of the causes of the hay fever and the inclusion in the treatment material of all the pollen which are responsible for symptoms. Failure to do these two things has been the reason of many of the unsatisfactory results from this type of preventive treatment of hay fever in the past.
Temporary relief in hay fever and other allergic conditions run frequently are obtained by the use of a relatively new group of drugs called antihistamines.
The Tonsils
With so many tonsils being removed one naturally wonders what the tonsils are for. Actually there is no certain evidence as to their purpose, although it is generally thought that they have some sort of protective function, ineffective though this seems to be in most cases.
In childhood, tonsils and adenoids are naturally large but both decrease in size during later life. There are three conditions which make removal of the tonsils and adenoids advisable:
(1) repeated attacks of acute tonsillitis or quinsy;
(2) Enlargement of tonsils and adenoids to the point of causing obstruction to the nose or the Eustachian tube;
(3) Reasonable suspicion that the tonsils are serving as a focus of infection. In the event of a serious disease condition in which other possible focus of infection has been eliminated, it is sometimes advisable to sacrifice the tonsils even though the local condition does not offer adequate proof of tonsil infection.
Miraculous results cannot be expected from removal of the tonsils; but when definite indications for tonsillectomy exist, sufficient improvement may be expected to amply justify the Operation. Tonsillectomy is not a dangerous procedure if adequate precautions are taken to safeguard against accident. Undoubtedly many tonsils have been needlessly removed in the past and more will be sacrificed in the future. On the other hand, the indications for the removal of tonsils and adenoids are being more accurately defined and medical opinion on the subject of tonsillectomy is becoming more and more conservative.
I firmly believe that the whole universe is inter-connected. Our body, mind and spirit are deeply rooted with each other. If body is sick, the mind cannot relax or feel good. And if mind is not relaxed, it will give birth to stress and that will lead to chronic health problems.
So, it is clear that in order to posses a sound body we must have a calm and peaceful mind. Without a sound mind we cannot expect our potential growth or development.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Gravity of Good Health

A perfect figure and fine curves are every woman's covet.
Similarly every man craves for six-pack abs and a strong attractive muscular physique. But it is also obvious that these aims cannot be achieved as such without enough input of any hard work. Being industrious is a basic requirement for attaining these goals.
Health is a term that not only refers to a sound condition of your mental, physical and emotional states but also to your daily lifestyle. The way you react to certain situations, the way you tackle your problems, the way you wish to make efforts to achieve your aims and much more.
Fitness is necessary; as a good attractive physique automatically boosts up your confidence levels. It becomes easier for you to face and deal with people in the outer world if you believe that you look really fine and that leads to filling up of the only empty corner of suspicion in your mind about your looks. It is also a fact that people with good musculature always have an edge over the ones with a weaker or poor body frame.
But I don't want the teenagers to perceive that only people with good body frames are always appreciated and welcomed. A good body shape is like a bonus that you get along with a witty mind and sensible nature. Whereas at the same time the ones who have accumulated excess fats also do not need to mistake this as a sign for them to start starving. They should consult physicians and seek advice so as to get their bodies into a proper configuration.
The basic necessity for a healthy and fit body is a practical, logistic, rational and realistic mind-set that would help you to differ between the right and wrong. This would also help you choose what's appropriate for you and would definitely help you ignore what isn't meant for you. The mind is undoubtedly the control room of our body, thus it is significant to have it in a good fettle before anything else.
Some other factors that must be paid heed towards are to continuously perform activities to keep your mind fresh and working properly. Factors like stress, depression, heart breaks and many such trims can lead to nervous breakdown and loss of self-confidence in the person concerned. Many a times when a person is unable to gain what he or she desires for, the person might go through tension or at worst, perhaps a trauma. These conditions can have adverse effects upon the concerned person and might lead to make the person lose interest in life or the activities he/she used to enjoy the most. These can also lead the person to begin distancing himself/herself from his/her closed ones. Isolation and the feeling of being unimportant, guard a way for the person to fall into prolonged depression.