Monday, October 24, 2016

The Importance of Regular Physicals - Stay Healthy and Happy

Many often know they are due for a physical, but find themselves wondering, "Where can I get a physical exam near me?" There are likely many options, and a great place to start is with an online web search or by stopping into a local doctor's office. Typically, the professionals there will be more than happy to help, or direct elsewhere depending on one's specific needs.
Whether one thinks a yearly checkup is necessary or not, they can't make things worse. This is especially true for those that consider themselves to be in good health and find no need to see a doctor. Sadly, about a third of American people who are living with a chronic disease were or are unaware of their health condition. It's true that a chronic disease causes a large percentage of deaths that could have been avoided. The best prevention is to get a regular checkup.
Preventive care to avoid a chronic disease doesn't only happen in the doctor's office. In life, individuals should watch how they live, learn, exercise and work. Taking control of health care is only one step. Getting that yearly physical exam is crucial to staying in good health, and should be a necessary part of everyone's routine.
As previously stated, it's better to be safe than sorry. When going to the doctor of one's choice every year to get an update on vitals, one will feel as though they're in charge of their overall health as best as they can be.
A person's height, weight, cholesterol level, blood sugar, and blood are typical things that a doctor will check during the physical exam. Any sudden spikes in blood pressure may warrant further tests and a plan for treatment can be put into place before things become worse.
An annual physical exam may include any or all of the following procedures:
  • A complete physical exam catered to the patient's gender and age
  • EKG check for heart health
  • A skin screening for dermatological health
  • Examination of respiratory system
  • BMI tests
  • Lab tests, including a blood draw to check cholesterol levels
  • BMI (body mass index) testing
  • Screenings for cancer
It's true that prevention is the key to cure, which is why one's health care is so very important. Choose an office or provider that makes things comfortable and offers complete care and advice as to the recommended changes necessary to stay or become healthy.
One should expect their quality of life to improve drastically when they align with the right group of professionals. Skip the chances of having to treat a condition once it's in full effect, and take the necessary steps to keep it from happening. Taking into consideration the patient's current condition, family health history and goals a doctor can set up a plan and help put it in motion to improve one's life and health overall.
Schedule an Exam
When ready to schedule an exam, call the choice office or stop in. get a date set on the calendar and then begin gathering any family health history to relay to the doctor at the appointment. They'll need to know who's in the family and who the patient lives with along with their ages and basic information. They'll also need to know all of the patient's medical history as well as that of their immediate family members.
Be sure to bring any insurance information if available so that the office knows who to bill. Other than that just being aware of the process and what to expect will have one completely prepared for their physical exam. Remember, regular checkups aren't just for kids!

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Reducing Belly Fat

One of the most common goals of individuals today is to be physically fit. This is essential in order to increase their performance and to improve their over-all health. However, there are numerous factors that hinder them from achieving their goals such as unhealthy food items and improper lifestyle. Apart from that, individuals also make mistakes when reducing belly fat. To know more, below is a list of belly fat reducing mistakes you have to avoid.
Improper exercise routines
One of the most common mistakes when reducing fat is opting for improper exercise routines. For instance, one reason why you cannot reduce belly fat even if you are regularly exercising is you are not training intensely. To burn excess fat, you have to use up more calories through exercise. The best way to deal with this issue is to look for trainers who can understand your goals and provide you with an effective exercise routine that can match your lifestyle.
You drink too much
The next thing that can affect your goal in reducing belly fat is drinking too much. When losing weight, it is imperative that you limit yourself or stop yourself from drinking sugary beverages such as sodas or energy drinks. Not to mention, make sure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water in order to stimulate your digestive system, which can help you get rid of excess fat easily.
Insufficient protein intake
Another mistake individuals make when cutting belly fat is taking insufficient protein. Protein is an important mineral that helps build and repair muscle tissue. Other than that, it also helps individuals cut down excess fat. This is possible since it increases satiety at meals, which can help you help you feel less hungry and therefore eat less throughout the day. In addition, protein is also a great fat-loss macro. So, make sure that you add high-protein food in your dietary plan to obtain better results.
Using ineffective equipment
As of now, there are new ways to reduce belly fat, which requires the use of innovative equipment. Of course, these machines are quite intimidating and may look effective. But, there are cases when these machines cannot deliver results. Therefore, the ideal way to choose belly fat reducing machines is to look for institutions that can provide you with realistic results. In this way, you are rest assured that the equipment can match your needs.

Reasons to Be Repulsive

We humans are a terribly self-conscious bunch, bound by the shackles of social etiquette and governed by our need to fit in. As a child of rural Ireland, I was taught the following by teachers, clergy, childminders and my parents;
Picking your nose can cause brain damage.
Sweaty people are dirty and unhealthy.
Masturbation can make people cross-eyed.
Forgetting to put on knickers would certainly lead to a chill in your kidneys. (This was also true of sitting on a stone wall or step).
If you get too close to a swan, it will break your neck with its wing.
I gradually worked out that many of these theories are unfounded and have recently embarked on some research of my own. On nights where sleep evades me, I can be found lying awake, scanning scholarly articles and published studies on the actual benefits and risks of what are proposed to be 'bad habits'. Also I work in the field of personal development and the pursuit of happiness and therefore have a natural curiosity about this kind of stuff. During my casual study, I was pleased to discover 5 good reasons to be rude.
Recent studies have produced evidence to support the hypothesis that ejaculating approximately 5 times a week improves prostate health. Also,it encourages new, healthy sperm production and is said to better sperm motility. Therefore, if a fellow wants to father some pure bred, A-list swimmers, it is recommended that they go about pleasing themselves regularly. Orgasm is also thought to reduce symptoms of hay fever which is great news for anyone plagued by this evil condition! Ladies who, like I, have had their vajayjays massacred by childbirth will know how boring and unappealing traditional pelvic floor exercise is. More good tidings- frequent orgasms are said to be very beneficial in strengthening one's pelvic floor. Sex is often linked to UTIs and cystitis but many online articles state that masturbation helps to rid the cervix of unwanted bacteria via mucous secretion. (I know... ughhhhh). As high levels of oxytocin and dopamine are released at climax, masturbation may also be a healthy alternative to a drug high. Therefore mass masturbation is the ticket to a happy society!
I found this study really funny. Canadian researcher, Professor Scott Napper carried out a study to prove that picking your nose and eating it allows the body to digest germs in small and harmless amounts which in turn builds up our immunity to some of the bacteria present in our snot. Apparently, taking in bacteria this slowly is not going to harm us but will strengthen our defences. I do suspect that Professor Napper enjoys eating his snot more than the average Joe given that his penchant for bogeys led him to do a whole study on it.
We have been programmed to go straight to the underwear drawer every morning as the initial step in the clothing process. However, research suggests that liberating one's testicles from tighty whiteys or indeed any incarcerating undergarments keeps them at the ideal temperature for sperm production. From a female perspective, it has been proposed that because a lady's nether region boasts a warm and humid climate and in some cases (depending on grooming rituals) there is some foliage present, underwear can be suffocating and is linked to yeast infections. On a positive note, airing one's undercarriage means no VPL and no risk of a wedgy. Win win!
If green tea and lemon juice are not your thing, breaking a sweat is a great alternative for getting rid of nasties in your system. Sweating can flush out alcohol, salt and cholesterol. By reducing levels of salt in the body through sweating, you reduce your risk of kidney stones and fight viruses and fungi. Also, sweating clears toxins out of the pores, keeping unwanted zits at bay.
I LOVE this! A study in the University of Exeter proposes that exposure to small amounts of hydrogen sulphide (i.e. the amount present in a smelly fart) may prevent mitochondria damage. Scientists supporting this research have suggested that this could help defend us against cancer, stroke, dementia and arthritis. Anyone with a dog should be feeling pretty elated right now.
These are the interesting, useless facts I have encountered so far during my insomnia fueled searches. So for optimum health, my advice is; a good snotty breakfast, sweaty workout, no knickers, lots of farting and if time and schedule allows a refreshing, cervix cleansing and sperm renewing 'lamb shank'
Improve your health through masturbation, nose picking, sweating, going commando and farting! Ditch the fancy detox for a more fun approach to well being!!;area=summary;u=40233

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Tips for Dealing With a Picky Eater

Who exactly is a picky eater?
Well, at the very beginning it really needs to be said that the very word picky actually means particular or discriminating. Hence, when we say picky eater, it actually refers to any person who makes a hell lot of discrimination while eating anything and everything. Picky eaters are extremely selective of what they want to eat.
There is a lot to worry about a picky eater. According to scientists, this condition of selective eating of food is better termed as Food neophobia. This reluctance to eat new foods or new varieties of foods is quite a problem in the case of parents or guardians.
What are the problems associated with a picky eater?
In kids, who are very selective in their foods, several types of health issues arise. Theses often lead to the stress of their parents as it is not very much simple and easy to deal with them. Studies have successfully shown the bitter truth about the consequences of being a picky eater. Children who are very much selective about their foods they eat are often victims of several psychological problems like depressions, lack of sleep, anxiety and even attention deficit disorders. What is more, kids who are too much sensitive in selecting their foods suffer the most and fall prey to depression quite easily. With the advent of time, sometimes these conditions often tend to become worse.
Now, let us come to the case if the picky eater is an adult person. In the case of adults, another type of problem often arises. Some adult people, who are picky eaters, often feel embarrassed by their habit of selective eating. And this is the underlying problem due to which they often tend to hide this problem of theirs and try to keep it hidden from their closest friends as well as relatives. Some people often tend to become picky eaters while trying to cope up with some other parallel problems or health issues, like obesity or diet restrictions due to allergies.
Is the habit of picky eating in the genes itself?
If we are observant, we can see clearly in most cases that if parents are picky eaters, then their children also fall prey to this same problem. This is due to the fact that the genes have been passed on by the parents to their children. Several types of research based on this have been conducted by scientists who revealed something that can be truly called as a bitter truth. Studies suggest that the TAS2R38 gene is responsible for encoding the taste receptors.
However, the good news is that scientists believe that with further research on this, several remedies can be developed in the near future that may help to literally turn off these receptors, and hence can cure the selective nature.
How to deal with someone who is a picky eater?
Let us have a glance at some of the tricks and tips that are a must if you really want to deal with a picky eater, be it your child or any adult. Here they are, as follows:-
• Always try to respect the person's appetite - If a person who is a picky eater, is not much hungry, you should not force that person. Try serving small portions to that person so as not to overwhelm him.
• Try to introduce some healthier elements in the food that the person actually likes - You can include such types of food that the person actually likes, in the daily diet. For this, you have to be attentive and understand what he likes. Who knows it can be a healthy food.
• Quit buying unhealthy food stuff - Try not to buy unhealthy foods for your home. Unhealthy foods affect the appetite and are one of the reasons for making anyone picky eater.
• Try to keep up patience when it comes to new foods - This is the case of young children. Often we see children try to taste newer food stuff. We can encourage them to eat properly by including their favorites along with the regular foods.
• Try to stick to a routine - Always try to maintain a perfect routine no matter what. The proper routine of daily intake of food also helps to reduce the selection of foods by picky eaters.
• Try not to cut down on treats - Try to think and always remember that a cotton candy or a scoop of ice cream will never harm the food habits. A nice treat often works when it comes to picky eaters.
• Encourage them to eat their favorite colors - This is a perfect trick that works with kids. If you assist them to eat a variety of brightly colored foods, then there is obviously intake of more nutrients.
• Include the person in your prep work - You can include the picky eater in the process of buying the food items. You can take him/her along with you to the market.
• Try avoiding the TV while having food - This is a bad habit among most of the people. They always opt or watching the TV while having lunch or dinner. TV is one of the biggest distractions when it comes to eating. So try to avoid the TV while having food.
• Try to be a good role model - Last, but not the least, it can be said that perhaps the best way you can adopt is to influence as well as motivate other people. You can never actually expect your children to eat bitter gourd if you do not have it once. Similarly, you cannot even influence a person to have spinach if you yourself do not touch it even once.
Well, it can safely be said that there are certain tips if you really want to deal with a picky eater. The problem of malnutrition that is often associated with such a person can clearly be struck off if you keep these tricks in mind, the next time you deal with a picky eater.

Choose Your Fitness Classes With Care and Have Maximum Health Benefits

It seems as if everyone around wants to stay fit and healthy. It also seems as if everyone plans to join a gym and get total fitness. Maybe not everyone but it's true that more people today want to gain fitness and health benefits. It's also true that more people are joining gyms these days in the hope of achieving desired fitness level and health benefits. Fitness classes are now in great demand and in fact, they are coveted by people of all age groups. Some want to lose weight while others are desperate to tone the body, and all this makes them join a gym.
It's perfectly normal for people to join gym and try to tone and chisel the body in order to look good and make an impression on the world and people around. However, health-conscious people sometimes make the mistake of choosing wrong classes, which fail to give them the desired results. They often rush into joining a fitness centre even without assessing its classes, facilities and equipment. As a result, they end up losing a lot of time and money with exercises neither beneficial nor easy for them to do. It's therefore important to join only those classes that meet specific fitness requirements.
In order to choose a right kind of fitness class, one should be first aware of their workout strength and weaknesses. One should know in advance that weights can be rigorous and physically demanding while aerobics not. More so, one should enrol for a combination of circuit training and weight if the prime target is to get as toned and chiselled a body as a bodybuilder possesses. You simply can't enrol for aerobics hoping to craft the body and get rippling muscles. There has to be a clarity of thought else your investment may be squandered away without fetching any concrete results.
The best strategy would be to first consult a professional health trainer or expert and get a complete idea about right fitness classes. Once the kind of classes is ascertained, the next step should be about knowing the nature or method of training. Fitness goals and time-frame often determine whether group workouts or one-on-one training will do the trick. Both these factors will also play a role in determination of the cost that your fitness classes will entail. After that, you can decide whether to chart out your daily, weekly and monthly fitness goals.
Once fitness goals are fixed, one can go ahead and choose from available local gyms based on the requirements. This is how fitness targets are achieved, or this is how most people go about achieving their fitness targets. You should follow the same route as any diversion from this standard path means you will have to face problems. You should consult an expert before embarking on a fitness journey as this gives you an indication of treading the right path. So, be careful in selection of your fitness classes and join only a gym that meets your requirements with ease.

Watch Out for the 9 Signs of Dehydration

Our bodies are composed of a lot of water. For adult males, its 60% while for the ladies, its 55%. Imagine if the water levels go down significantly, all sorts of problems can set in. Whether you're physically active or just going about your everyday routine, you can get dehydrated. But how do you know you're already lacking fluids or just being affected by the summer heat? Watch out for the 9 signs of dehydration.
Always Hungry. Most of the time, thirst is mistaken for hunger. People unnecessarily eat rather than drink. This is because the part of the brain which indicates hunger and thirst is the same area. How do you know thirst from hunger? Hunger happens gradually, not suddenly. So if you become hungry all of a sudden, reach for a glass of water first and not for a sandwich.
Sudden Sweet Tooth. The lack of water reduces the liver's release of glycogens for energy. The brain sends this as craving signals, which you may interpret as a sign to grab a chocolate bar. When you have that craving, reach for a high water content snack, like a watermelon. Not only will your thirst be quenched, but you get to satisfy your sweet tooth in a natural way.
Dry Skin. Let's say you're out for a run. A good SPF cream will take care of your skin right? While it's true the cream moisturizes and protects, you also need good fluid intake to keep your skin from drying. Even the best moisturizer can't keep the skin from drying because of dehydration.
Cramps. If you're physically active, cramps are a good indicator that your fluids are on the low side. Muscles are composed of over 70 percent of water, imagine when you hit 40 percent or less because of sweating, muscles can cramp up. All that sweating depletes sodium and potassium levels as well, so besides water, a sports drink may be necessary.
Dry Mouth and Smelly Breath. Salivary glands use water to produce saliva, when there is a low supply, the glands reduce production significantly, leaving you with a dry mouth. But it does not stop there, the lack of saliva and warm environment promotes bacteria build up which then results in bad breath.
Headaches and Dizziness. There is a fluid sack which envelops the brain, protecting it from the impact of sudden blows. If the fluid sack's water level significantly decreases, expect severe headaches. Also, when you're dehydrated, there is a tendency for your blood pressure to decrease, leaving you dizzy. Some even experience disorientation.
Reduced Sweat. This one's a bit more basic, you don't drink much and you're dehydrated, your body can barely produce sweat even on a very hot day.
No Twinkle in your Tinkle. Urine is another indicator of dehydration. If you have dark urine, and has a really pungent smell, then you lack fluids. Urine should be clear or light yellow. Some vitamins and medicine can affect the color of your urine, but they will only make it into a darker shade of yellow.
Constipation. Your bowels need enough water to successful pass stool, without it you'll be constipated. Being well hydrated also helps your intestines absorb nutrients from digested food.
What's your best option to prevent dehydration? Well, you can always buy bottled water, but in the long run you'll be throwing away lots of money and adding plastic to landfills. So you're better off buying a reusable drinking bottle, like the ones made by Laken.;area=summary;u=39932

The Impact Of Shift Work On Health

The health and motivation for shift work has been known to have its own peculiar demands. This has set it apart from jobs that have traditional hours of work. Shift work has its own health merits. The shift work has been created to aid workflow processes between employer, employee and tasks at hand. Over the years, it has been noticed that workers identified in shift work often receive better health plans, health products and remuneration and by this, give shift workers time to do other tasks or personal chores while being watchful of individual mental health.
However, the scientific and medical communities report continually that shift workers concerned stand an increased risk of certain health disorders and mental health challenges that have severe negative impact on the general well-being of work shift staff which may not be achieved until the right health products are used.
There is a concern for the 9 to 5ers, as one sees a case of the health of those who barely get by with the hard life of routine which most times is viewed to compensate only the boss at the top. Furthermore, we sought to consider those who work less conventional hours that include working shifts at night. Any way it is looked at, an adequate welfare plan should be in place for them while introducing supplements of health products.
Researchers have discovered that those more at risk of suffering certain mental health challenges and chronic ailments or diseases, are shift workers, such as flight attendants, police officers, doctors, bartenders, nurses, and the like. Shift work can be classified as any type of work schedule that involves hours that are uncommon, or unusual when comparing this type of work schedule with the traditional work schedule that occurs within the day between 6 am and 6 pm.
For clarity, the term shift work can refer to rotating shifts, working overnight, evening shifts and other flexible shift patterns desired or arranged by the employer that also addresses the challenge of mental health in shift work platforms. In other to assist shift workers, first aid boxes can be kept handy and filled with health products for shift workers.
It's been recorded by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), that over 16.8% salary workers and full-time wage workers are employed to work alternative shifts. Another interesting discovery made is that evening shifts are the most common alternative shifts, which have their working hours starting at between 2 pm and midnight. Work schedules may also constantly change as a result of irregular work shifts that also result in mental health and hormonal imbalances.
In this article, we take a look at what the resultant effects of what shift work are, what shift workers can potentially do in other to lower their risks of diverse health problems and what salient reasons could possibly be behind these findings. The mental health and prescribed health products of shift workers should not be left unaddressed as this plays an important role in the health and total well-being of the workers.
At first glance, it appears as though shift workers have and work different hours compared to the regular workers' typical 9-to-5 routine. Reports also show that this is not the only underlying factor, as one key factor also is an increased risk of some diseases.
Some medical associations such as the Medical News Today have reported on studies that relate lack of usage of health products and increased risk of certain health problems with shift work. These relationships have seen discoveries ranging from the predictable to the most amazing jaw-dropping situations.
A reputable medical journal published a meta-analysis in 2014 which suggested that shift workers face an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. This is a red flag. Taking into consideration, shift workers rotating shifts also face an increased risk of 42%. So we see a need for the inclusion of health products as ready supplements for shift workers.
Interestingly, shift workers who rotate night shifts for 15 years and above were found to potentially increase the health risk of lung cancer mortality and poor mental health. The use of health products will aid these situations enhance longevity and maintenance.;area=summary;u=39842

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Therapeutic Value of Tears

Human beings are the only creatures able to shed tears in response to emotional stress. This is what makes us different from animals. But because of social, cultural or parental influence, crying makes us feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. How often have we heard the admonition "Big boys don't cry." It is dinned into the minds of children, that crying signifies weakness. An advertisement on TV showed how a boy who throughout his growing years was reminded that 'boys don't cry.' He grew into an emotionally repressed adult and became moody, glum and short tempered. Later in life he turned into a tyrant and wife batterer and was convicted for domestic violence.
In ancient literature we read about great heroes who were not afraid to cry. Achilles cried at the death of his friend Petroclus. Aneas wept for the loss of his friends and companions in war. In Egyptian mythology Isis wept for the dead Osiris. In the Bible, we read that Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus. In recent times Presidents like Theodore Roosevelt, Ronald Regan, Clinton and Bush (Sr) have been known to shed tears in public. So crying is not just the prerogative of women. Males also shed tears in public, disputing the belief that 'boys don't cry.' Of course women cry more readily than men. But girls who break into sobs at the slightest provocation are called 'cry babies' and even suspected of emotional instability. Neurotics cry easily and alexithymics don't cry at all.
God has endowed human beings with a gamut of emotions - to feel, to cry, to be happy or sad or angry. Crying is a healthy response to some of life's problems. We shed tears of joy when we are happy. People who receive unexpected awards or recognition are overwhelmed with tears of joy. Some people cry out of frustration. Children, who cannot have their way or cannot retaliate against elders, exhibit their frustration through tantrums. But usually crying is associated with grief. The loss of a loved one or a job or a business or even a pet are hurtful psychological experiences which create a great deal of stress. Tears are one way to relieve tension and initiate the process of healing.
Crying is a normal response to bereavement. When sadness reaches a peak of intensity, tears bring therapeutic release. Once the crying stops the body relaxes, heart rate slows, breathing becomes regular and blood pressure is back to normal. So crying is actually a transitional point between tension and feeling better. It will not make problems disappear but will help put them in perspective so that one can deal with them in a level headed way.
Even 2000 years ago the Greeks and Romans were aware that shedding of tears relieved tension. "It is a relief to weep. Grief is satisfied and carried off by tears," said the poet Ovid. Aristotle was of the opinion that crying "cleanses the mind" of suppressed emotions. Freud and Breuer considered crying "an involuntary reflex to relieve tension and allow blocked negative emotions to be released."
Professor William Frey of the University of Minnesota in his study said that chemicals which build up during emotional stress are removed through tears. Tears associated with emotions have a higher level of certain proteins and chemicals such as magnesium and potassium. Manganese which affects moods was found to be thirty times of greater concentration in tears than in blood serum. So unalleviated stress was likely to cause heart attacks or even damage certain areas of the brain.
The presence of the hormone Prolactin in tears explains why women cry more easily than men.
Alexander Fleming (discoverer of Penicillin) did a chemical analysis of tears and found that they contain an enzyme Lysozyme which dissolves the outer coat of many bacteria. Through suppression of tears we may suffer both physical and emotional consequences.
Weeping is not weakness. Those who put on a brave front and bottle up their emotions are merely internalizing their pain and suffer symptoms like headache, peptic ulcers, high blood pressure, irritability or depression. Inability to cry can make a person dysfunctional. Men giving vent to tears is now acceptable in society. In Japan they call it the 'crying boom' encouraging people to express their emotions.
God has placed in our bodies a natural provision for relief of tension and grief. Everyone grieves differently depending on one's personality, coping skills, faith, nature of loss and tradition. In some cultures it is okay to cry loudly without inhibitions and make a show of their grief. I witnessed a death in a Khurdish community in Iran. It was frightening to see women tearing their hair, clawing at their cheeks to draw blood and rolling on the ground, and screaming. They believed that the departed soul would rest in peace knowing how dearly he or she was loved.
Therapeutic Value of tears:
• Crying is something personal. It is not an exhibition of grief but a physical manifestation of internal emotions.
• It is the beginning of a process of dealing with sadness. "We are healed of suffering only when we experience it the full," said Marcel Proust.
• Crying helps to visualize a new scenario for our lives. It helps accept that our loss is real and even while we continue to grieve, we begin to envisage a life without the person we have lost.
• Crying is cathartic. It releases toxins and pent up emotions, helping us to handle our loss instead of being afraid of it.
• Crying is effective in starting the process of healing. "It is not only a human response to sorrow and frustration but a healthy one," says William Frey. According to his study 85% of women and 75% of men felt less angry or sad after crying. In Ancient Middle East mourners would collect their tears in wineskins and place them on the tomb of their loved ones.
• Crying may also be a call for support from relatives and friends. "Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted," says the Bible. Friends and relatives should allow the griever to vent his pain and help validate his grief.
Our grief can change dramatically when we accept God's unconditional love and His provision for our lives. Our tears are never in vain as King David said, "You have collected all my tears and preserved them in your bottle. You have recorded them in your book." (Psalms 56: 18)
We need to be grateful for the Gift of Tears.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Prince Made Us Dance & It's Healthy

There has been a lot of dancing in the streets and reflections on music as a backdrop to life experiences. In musing over the changes that occur when the music from a legendary artist stops, we don't think about the importance of music in helping us stay healthy.
Moving more and eating less means fitting exercise of some type into your daily routine. It is recommended that you get in at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. Can you imagine the challenge of fitting exercise into your schedule sans the music? Some of my clients choose stepping out to walk a mile or two, others sign up for the nearest organized fitness class and others enjoy sliding into dancing shoes to Step, Salsa or Electric Slide. Though it is not a scientific observation, I've been known to drop or reschedule an aerobics class when the playlist from the instructor is not tracking to a beat that motivates me.
There have been a number of studies exploring music as medicine. Music has positive effects on reducing stress and anxiety, lowering blood pressure, aiding in pain management and encouraging rhythmic movement. In addition to music's positive impact on well-being, music enjoyment elicits dopamine release. Dopamine is the chemical in the brain that affects emotions, movement and the sense of pleasure and pain. Dopamine release has also been linked to increasing motivation, which has been linked to learning and memory.
Stress Less and Listen More
Listening to music you enjoy can reduce the levels of the hormone cortisol in the body. Cortisol is an essential hormone that is released in the body. It is typically released in response to events and circumstances such as waking up in the morning, exercising, and acute stress. Stress can cause illness and disease. One study found that people who participated in making music by playing percussion instruments or singing have their immune system boosted more than if they passively listened to music.
Music can also aid in improving athletic performance and motivation.
Consider how many professional athletes you see with headphones or earbuds during their pre-game routines. It works for weekend warriors too. The sound of upbeat popular tunes we enjoy can create the extra boost to stay focused on the task at hand and complete a few more steps or reps of the daily workout.
Music and Aging
Enjoyment of music does not age out. Listening to music can be very beneficial to older adults. It can elevate mood and make folks feel happier. Research has also found that in people with Alzheimer's disease or dementia, listening to music is beneficial. The non-profit organization "Music & Memory" helps people with Alzheimer's disease and other age-related memory challenges remember who they are by having them listen to their dearest song.
Music and Food
Music is relaxing. By relaxing at the table and not rushing through a meal, you will enjoy the food more and are less likely to overeat. Researchers from Georgia Tech University showed that by softening the lighting and playing music while people ate, the people in the study consumed fewer calories and enjoyed their meals more.
Good health is holistic. It is important to eat well and make wise food choices. Include exercise, music and relaxation activities, as well as appropriate amounts of rest in your daily routine. By embracing actions to boost your physical and mental health, you'll be able to keep the music playing for well-being.

Awareness About Incontinence and Incontinence Products

Now-a-days, we can see that the market is flooding with Incontinence products be it for kids or adults. But do we really know what incontinence is?
Basically it is loss of urine from bladder or bowel motion accidentally or unknowingly due to medical problems in the body. Incontinence can be treated as well as managed. The range of severity varies from small leakage to complete loss of bladder or bowel control. The problem is widespread all over the world. It is most common among elderly people. Half of the elderly people living at home or in long-term care facilities are incontinent. These people can go through emotional as well as physical distress.
People are shy about discussing this but remember this it is a medical situation not a defect. It is not a topic of being shy but rather taking action. Even according to the research by National Association for Continence, nearly 25 million Americans struggle with bladder control. Products like adult Diapers or Bedliners are there to avoid the embarrassment people feel due to the leakage. The most common reason people fail in their lives is because they think they can't win.
Any medical situation can be cured or managed by drugs or medicines but sometimes we can treat it by changing something. Incontinence can be treated or reduced by few regular exercises, lifestyle changes, natural remedies, etc. You can try to coach your bladder as well.
At this moment you have a clear picture of what is incontinence? But knowing the problem is not the solution for it, either it can be treated or managed. To manage it there are various products like Adult Diapers, Bedliners, Washable Liners, etc. To support these there are few hygiene products like wet wipes, Vinyl Gloves, etc.
Products like overnight briefs are easy to use with a touch of comfort for the consumers. These adult diapers absorb the leakage easily even when you are tossing in your sleep without leaving stains or other after effects.
Under pads are the protectors of your furniture or linen on bed. These under pads are available in various shapes and sizes and absorbencies. These under pads can be disposable or washable depending your needs. These protectors are waterproof and are designed in such a way that it protects the mattress from the contamination.
These products are made of hygienic as well soft material which avoids skin problems among the consumers. Companies dealing with these products know it's a private matter, that's why some of them also provide discreet home delivery services. Companies, medical associations are working day night to give you comfort, it's your choice take a step ahead and embrace the solutions.
Incontinence is not a taboo it's a simple flaw in the body caused by aging or other reasons. Accept it and try to treat in the best possible manner and as soon as you figure the symptoms.