Friday, December 30, 2016

Hydrate to Dominate

We all know that proper hydration is at the focal point of all nutritional plans. This idea is only intensified during exercise as, with physical exertion comes a much higher necessity for hydration. The human body's ability to perform athletic movements precisely or to conduct proper exercise is decreased even with a small amount of dehydration. At the point of dehydration, or simply not hydrated adequately your muscles won't be anywhere near optimal performance, there's a possibility of dizziness and your body will cramp quicker.
Many factors can change the levels of hydration needed. The environment is a major factor. Warmer weather increases sweat loss and, therefore, require a higher intake of liquids. Humidity is a major factor, separate from temperature, that causes a person to sweat much more. As the athlete becomes improperly hydrated, the sweat rate will reduce. This will cause the body temperature to rise. Additionally, higher altitudes can cause more urination and more rapid breathing, which would also lead to a greater need for water intake. Illness is another factor that can heavily affect hydration levels. Water losses of as high as 200 ml/day can be a result of a fever. Vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration very quickly. Pregnancy, or breastfeeding, is another factor in hydration. Women who are pregnant should intake about 10 glasses of 250 ml of fluids while women breastfeeding should consume upwards of 12 glasses.
The rate at which a person should consume water is roughly equal to the rate the person is sweating. During colder weather many athletes can tolerate slightly lower hydration levels that equal nearly 2% without a risk. However, in warmer weather (>80 degrees Fahrenheit) dehydration could lead to a heat injury (heat cramps, heat exhaustion or a heat stroke) and impairs power production and acute motor function.
Fluid replacement is the main focus of coaches across all sports when it comes to proper hydration. Most coaches and athletes don't know, or care, the rate at which it's acceptable for water loss or the amount of water an athlete needs to consume. The idea surrounds the rate of hydration, water breaks, an athlete receives during exercise (practice or games). It is recommended that an athlete consume water prior to an exercise so as to better prepare the body to work, and help start the body at a proper hydration level. This should begin several hours before the exercise and continue until about 15-20 minutes before exercise. Throughout the exercise or sporting event, rehydration may prove difficult due to time constraints. Athletes should ensure hydration occurs at every break, timeout or pause in the action, if possible.
You can't talk about proper hydration without at least mentioning hyponatremia. This is caused from an imbalance between hydration (increase) and electrolytes (decrease). With this imbalance, the sodium in your body becomes diluted and your cells begin to swell, which could cause mild health problems, and, at times, more severe, possibly life-threatening issues.
Bottom line - athletes and coaches have a direct responsibility to remain hydrated to promote safety and optimal performance.
Exercise Science and Sports Performance Masters Degree & Certified Sports Nutrition Specialist

Top 3 Home Remedies For TMJ

Even though not many people will be faced by the temporal mandibular joint syndrome, those who get the disorder suffer pain and tenderness around areas ear, jaws and head. The disorder can make it hard to chew, talk and even sleep. Whereas there are exercises that can help relieve the pain, some very severe cases call for medication and even surgery. But before considering the medications and surgical procedures, home remedies for TMJ disorder are advisable.
The good thing with the home remedies is that they are natural and therefore do not have any side effects. They can also be very effective in getting rid of the pain and other symptoms associated with the TMJ disorder. Some of the best home remedies you can use to treat the symptoms of TMJ disorder are:
1. Ice and hot pack applications
Applying ice packs on the painful areas offers much relief. For the best results, it is advisable that you massage the ice pack in circular motions, but it should not be done for over five minutes. The cold packs can also be placed on painful jaw to alter blood circulation and strengthen the area hence relieving the pain. Hot packs can also be used to massage the affected area for the same pain relief. A good way of using the hot and ice packs is to alternate between them. You can start with the ice massage for five minutes and then place the hot packs for two minutes before then placing the ice packs for five minutes again.
2. Mouth gargles
Another good home remedy for the disorder is a solution of camphor oil and cloves decoction. Warm the mixture and then pour a good amount into your mouth before the gargling. The mixture has anti-inflammatory properties and antiseptic properties that work in relieving the pain and swelling. The two ingredients are common in households or easily available in stores, so it should not be that demanding to make the gargle solution and using it for pain relief. The gargling can be repeated a few times in the day for the best results to be achieved.
3. Diet
Fruits rich in zinc and magnesium are the best in dealing with TMJ disorder. This is because they act as muscle relaxants, and relieve the pain in the process. Considering that the pain can make it hard for you to chew hard foods, it is recommended that you stick to soft foods with the most ideal being those rich in protein. You can choose deli meats, fish, and soft cooked chicken with some gravy, slow cooked meats, seafood salads, eggs and legumes among many others. Spinach, zucchini, squash, cooked carrots, peas, green beans and asparagus tips, vegetable juices and cooked pumpkin also make very good foods for the jaw problem. Choose super foods that are known to reduce the symptoms and those that will not end up putting pressure to the painful jaw. The diet should be largely fruits and vegetables.
Home remedies for TMJ are safe and effective. Try the remedies before seeking other treatment options that come with side effects and are costly too.;area=summary;u=225581

Thursday, December 29, 2016

5 Key Factors to Consider For Buying the Best Adult Diapers

A large number of people in the United States find the need to shop for the best adult diapers as they get older. They are available for both women and men who are experiencing incontinence related problems. However, incontinence isn't merely witnessed in elderly people, but many youth also suffer from this health condition.
According to a recent post in Bloomberg (, sale of adult diapers in the American market is anticipated to equal the sale of baby diapers in a decade from now.
This shows that incontinence is quite a common problem with people these days. If you are a first-timer in buying diapers and need some guidelines to choose the best one of your needs, you have just reached the right post.
5 most important points to consider while shopping for the best adult diapers
The following are some key things you need to take into account to choose the best one of your needs. Read on.
Figure out how much absorbency is required
How will you rate your incontinence level- moderate or heavy? Knowing the severity of incontinence or simply put the amount of urine loss you need to deal with almost every day will help you learn what absorbency level you should search for while shopping. You can also consult a doctor and seek some useful tips on how to control the incontinence episodes. They may also suggest you the right product based on your exact condition.
Know your budget
There is no medication that can permanently cure incontinence problems. In some cases, a person suffers moderate bladder issues even after surgery and regular exercises. This is why you will need to keep shopping diapers regularly. Wearing an adult diaper is a great way to visit public places with no worry at all. Wearers can remain confident and relaxed as the diapers ensure the required protection.
However, you will find diapers are available in many different brands and prices. You need to figure out how much you can afford in purchasing your incontinence supplies. You can also check if your insurance policy covers these expenses. Defining a budget will help you explore from the right selection.
Look for right size and material for maximum comfort
Best adult diapers are the ones that are gentle to your skin. Make sure the diapers you choose don't turn out harsh to your skin. Instead quality diapers allow good airflow and dry out quickly. These characteristics will save your skin from irritation and bad odors. You can try different brands available out there and choose the right material and right size of diaper to ensure maximum comfort. The diaper should hug the skin tightly enough to prevent urine leakage. It doesn't have to be too tight though and not too loose of course!
Learn about your exact needs
There is a great variety of incontinence products available in the market, both online and offline; pads, liners, protective underwear, belted shields and disposable briefs are some most commonly used incontinence products to name a few. Doing some homework about all these products will help you learn which one of them you actually need.
Based on how much urine loss you are experiencing every day, you can select the right incontinence product. For some, disposable diapers prove to be the right choice and to some, pads may suffice to ensure required protection.
Explore the different styles of adult diapers
The manufacturers have not only focused on improving the comfort, fitting and other design parameters over the years, but they now manufacture diapers in a wide range of styles and colors. Some of the famous styles include pull-on diapers and adjustable side adult diapers to name a few. Explore all choices you have and find out the one that suits you most.
Now you can go shopping for your adult diapers!

Preventing Dehydration in Kids

All human bodies are made up of water, and this is why staying properly hydrated is so important. This is especially true for kids. With the heat of the summer upon us, hydration is essential for good health and well-being. This article will examine some of the causes of dehydration, why it is important to hydrate the body, and what you can do as a parent to avoid dehydration in your kids.
Causes of Dehydration
Quite simply, dehydration occurs when there isn't enough water in the body. Sweat is what our bodies use to cool us down, and sweat is made up not only of salt and microscopic toxins that our body is trying to release, but a majority of sweat comes out as water.
One of the main causes is because of viral infections, with symptoms that include a high fever and diarrhea. It is especially important to remember that infants and young children depend upon others to provide them with water and proper nutrition. Babies cannot tell an adult when they are uncomfortable or if they are thirsty, but they will fuss, cry, become listless and in severe cases may become very hot and not produce sweat.
Any time a child-whether an infant or an older child-does not produce sweat during intense heat or intense bouts of physical activity, this is a sign for concern. It is important to get water and electrolytes into the body before the child passes out or before other symptoms, such as listlessness, high fever, or a sense of being disoriented or dizzy occur.
Symptoms of Dehydration
Some of the symptoms include:
• Dry or sticky mouth-this is especially obvious in babies and very small children
• Irritability-this is also obvious in babies, and if this, along with a dry mouth, occur, give the baby water immediately
• Little to no urination-any urine that occurs in extremely dark in color
• Sunken eyes
• Restlessness at night or trouble sleeping
• Low blood pressure
• Rapid heartbeat
• Rapid breathing
• In extreme cases, unconsciousness may occur
Effective Prevention
Rather than rely on sugary drinks such as sodas and other cold drinks, it is better to give your child bottles of water, or if they are playing outdoors near home, have kids come inside to get some water. A drink that helps balance electrolytes within the body can be extremely beneficial.
Make sure kids drink plenty of water. It is equally important to make sure they come in from the extreme heat or after extreme physical activities and cool down periodically. Get them to take water breaks as often as possible. Water should be everywhere, make sure there's lots to drink!
Dehydration occurs when the body doesn't have enough water to function properly. Make sure your kids stay safe and hydrated with lots of water this summer!

Building Health

It's difficult to build success when health is an issue. Building health is a prerequisite for building success. I would like to pass along the health secrets I have learned over my seventy-two years.
Diet: Foods to eat in abundance:
Vegetables: Eat kale, mustard greens, bok choy, and spinach. All four are alkalizing to the body. An alkaline body cannot harbor infections. All four should be a big part of your health building routine. The taste buds can be re-educated to include the savory flavors of vegetables. I used to be partial to anything sweet. Now I lean toward the veggies when it comes to taste.
Make at least fifty percent of your food raw. Raw foods contain all the enzymes we need to digest foods properly. Some practitioners recommend an all raw food diet. I tried this for four years with disastrous results. All raw foods can be extremely hard on the digestive tract. It's better to lightly steam your foods.
Proteins: Protein servings should be no greater than the palm of your hand. Vegetable servings should be two palm servings. Carbohydrates should consist of one palm serving. So use your had to measure portion sizes.
Foods to avoid: Avoid all sugar and gluten. Both seriously depress the immune system. Evidence points to a relationship between excessive sugar and gluten consumption and mental illness.
Drinks to avoid: Leave alcohol and dairy alone. Raw dairy can be consumed in moderation. Alcohol should be removed entirely from anyone's routine. Alcohol kills, plain and simple. Building health involves eliminating it altogether.
Drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Coffee can be consumed in moderation if it is organic.
Do some form of exercise at least four times a week. I find walking and tai chi to be the most beneficial.
Eliminate all artificial sweeteners. They are all neurotoxins, Stevia can be used in moderation.
Maintain a healthy attitude. Set daily intentions, do daily spiritual reading, and incorporate daily prayer into your routine. All are integral parts of building health.
Keep your body in an alkaline environment. An acidic body cannot be healthy. Alkaline foods include all vegetables, avocados, lemons, and tomatoes. Acidic foods include all meats, poultry, nuts, and seeds
Finally, never consume iced drinks or foods. They shock the stomach, the lungs, and the throat. Keep everything warm. The body thrives on warmth and dies on cold. Cold foods like watermelon can be consumed in moderation during the summer months.;area=summary;u=223166;area=summary;u=47631

Finances, Relationships, and Health

Three life areas are critical to building success: Finances, relationships, and health. Following are ideas concerning building success in these critical areas.
Finances: Put aside ten percent of your monthly income into a savings account. This will help you manage the finances part of finances, relationships, and health. Set up a special account for the purchase of your next car. Once a car is paid off, put the amount that you paid monthly on that car in your account. Don't wait until the end of the month to save that ten percent. Saving at the beginning of the month will force you to cut back on spending.
Relationships; Learn to incorporate active listening in your relationships. Exercise the value of compassion and empathy. Finances, relationships, and health can all be sources of great happiness or great stress. Success can be impeded when money is scarce, when relationships are strained, and when health is poor. learn to incorporate active listening in your relationships. There's a great deal of validation when one's views are heard.
Health: Take time for daily exercise. Be sure to have a diet that is rich in alkalizing foods. Take probiotics daily and be sure to include a variety of vegetables in your diet.
The greater part of your diet should be vegetables, followed by fruits and small amounts of protein. Be sure to eat three to four servings of fish per week.
Set aside daily time for tai chi. Tai chi helps build chi energy, which is important in maintaining health.
Finances, relationship, and health are all critical when in the process of building success. Poor people skills can impede the ability to get along with co-workers. Financial insecurity can spill over to work situations, and poor health can interrupt every area of life.
Secure your finances, take care of your relationships, and build your health. All are important in building success. It's hard to be successful when money is scarce, when relationships are draining, and when health is challenging.
Be sure to incorporate some weight building exercises two or three times a week. This will strengthen muscles and bones.
Eliminate all sugar, all gluten, and all dairy. Your body will say thank you for this.
Self care in all three areas is important in creating a life of happiness, joy, and fulfillment.
Take care of your finances, relationships, and health. Life fulfillment will be guaranteed.;area=summary;u=220666;area=summary;u=47478

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Weight Lifting Technique: Not Sexy, But Safe

I had just done a set on the calf press machine. A young woman standing nearby said, "You're the only one in the gym who does this the right way."
I knew what she meant. Most of the users treat the seated calf press like a leg press.
My first lifting coach was a technique fanatic. He used to grunt, "If you go into the weight room, you'll see some funny s**t." We all learned good technique from the start with that coach.
Does It Matter?
Lifting technique is important for safety. Bad form can lead to injury - and cheat the muscle out of its workout.
But bad technique can be an important signal that the target muscle can't handle the workload. When the weight is appropriate, the lifting action will tend to remain correct.
When the target muscle lacks the strength to lift the weight - or the endurance to finish the set - the body "cheats." It's just an attempt to recruit less fatigued muscle fibers, or even get stronger muscles to help. An impressive solution, when you think about it. But it's not safe.
Errors in technique are always - consciously or unconsciously - a way of making the set easier.
Common mistakes in technique include the following, among others. This is by no means an exhaustive list, just some funny s**t I've seen in the weight room over the years.
The Big Wind-Up
Using body momentum is a way of lifting a heavier weight. It might feel gratifying, but it can be dangerous.
You've probably seen this if you've ever watched anyone do standing arm curls. At some point (maybe even on the first rep), the lifter stops using just the biceps. He starts winding up and rocking his whole body forward and back - or even more dangerously - arching his back to get that weight to the top of the motion.
It's more effective and less dangerous to use a lighter weight and isolate the biceps. Or at least stop the set as soon as technique deteriorates.
The Need For Speed
Rushing through the repetitions is another way of using momentum. The lifter speeds through the movement and "tosses" the weight up, then lets gravity pull it down, making no effort to control it.
Many people do this on the leg extension machine. The extension is super fast - using a heavier weight than the lifter would be able to handle at a slower, more controlled pace. The return motion is completely uncontrolled. The weight slams down, then gets tossed up again.
Extending the legs slowly instead would make for some solid concentric work, while a controlled return would require eccentric contractions. It's a much safer and more effective alternative.
Shortened Range of Motion
This is often combined with rushed reps, and can be seen on standing heel raises, triceps press-downs, and arm curls of all varieties.
Posture Errors or Posture Horrors?
One of the most common mistakes in the weight room is "bridging" or arching on bench press, incline press, shoulder press, and even prone leg curls.
Bench, incline and shoulder press all involve the same basic muscles - pectorals (chest), deltoids (shoulders) and triceps. The angle of the bench determines the degree of fiber recruitment from each muscle group.
When a lifter arches during shoulder press, the body may be attempting to recruit more of the stronger chest fibers to assist the weaker, or more fatigued, shoulders. In effect, the arching turns the shoulder press into an incline press.
Similarly, arching during incline press may be the body's attempt to convert the lift to a flat bench press, which might be a stronger lift.
Arching is so common during incline press, some gyms have incline benches that are shaped for the arch! Yes, someone actually got paid for designing a bench that makes it impossible to do a correct incline press on it. Yikes. But I digress.
Aside from possible strain on the low back, the target muscles are less effectively worked than they would be if proper form were maintained.
Bottom Line?
If your technique begins to deteriorate during a set, stop. Reduce the weight and do your next set with correct technique. Use the right weight and good technique. Stay safe.
Muscles will always and automatically take the easy way out. Only the discipline of technique will keep them working effectively and safely.

New Year's Fitness Resolutions And Keeping The Promises

The New Year provides an opportunity for people to make resolutions, though they are often faltered. People make promises about physical fitness at the beginning of the year, especially because of gaining weight due to excessive eating all through the year.
Although making resolutions are quite easy but keeping the promises are quite difficult. At the beginning of the year, people are excited about their fitness regime. But as the year progresses, their passion quickly runs out of steam. So it is hard to find people making long-term changes in their lifestyle based on the resolutions made.
Be Realistic
It is important to be realistic and flexible when setting resolutions made for the New Year. In spite of the best intentions, there are chances of life's events preventing you from reaching your fitness resolutions.
Set Measurable Goals
One way to keep up with your New Year's fitness resolutions is to set measurable goals. Hence, setting a goal of doing exercises twice a week is more concrete and easy to follow compared to setting a vague goal that makes it difficult to measure the progress. Similarly, setting obviously difficult goals should also be avoided. Instead, starting small is more likely to help you to keep your resolutions.
Have Fun
Boredom is certainly going to prevent you from keeping your fitness resolutions. You could keep your workouts challenging and engaging by adding variety and doing new things as part of your workout regime.
Track Your Progress
Keep track of any improvements that you notice, whether you find your backaches disappearing, your slim jeans fitting again, or you find losing a few pounds. So whenever you lack motivation, you can remind yourself of these benefits that you received since you started your workout regime. Furthermore, break up your resolutions for short term purposes which will help you to set milestones, keep track of your developments and stay motivated.
Find a Buddy
It would do well to buddy up with a friend or family member while setting up your New Year's resolution. This will motivate each of the participants, and help in reaching the fitness goals.
Celebrate Your Successes
Rejoice your success by treating yourself something special whenever you reach a landmark. However, see that the treat you select does not go against your fitness resolution.
Behavioral Changes Matter
It makes sense to motivate yourself in changing your lifestyle, which at times may seem to be a tough job to achieve. Start following your fitness plan with behavioral changes and prevent yourself from facing a health scare that could coerce you into losing weight to get fit.
Keeping up with your New Year's resolution for months may be extremely difficult. But a change in one's lifestyle for better is possible and it would do well to start doing it right now and stick to your exercise routine for approximately three weeks and form a routine that will see you make it all through the year with your New Year's resolution.;area=summary;u=203800;area=summary;u=46634

Monday, December 19, 2016

5 Simple Tips For Faster Leg Surgery Recovery

Foot surgeries can be daunting with feelings of not being able to get around and feelings of dependence on other people in cases where you should be going around your daily life in a productive way.
Here are 5 simple tips to help you recover faster from your leg surgery and get you going and back on your feet faster than you thought possible.
1. Your doctor is your best friend
Listen to everything your doctor says! This looks like a simple and straight forward advice but in actual fact, it can get tough to follow this advice where your movement and ability to get around is hampered.
However, in other for you to get back up fast and start getting around quickly, you must listen to your doctor because right now, your doctor is your best friend.
You must take your meds at the prescribed time, take rests, do your physical therapies in the recommended doses and at the recommended time to ensure the fastest possible recovery time.
2. Pay attention
Mostly, after leg surgery, surgeons will want to take weight off the foot or limit weight bearing to the affected leg.
The last thing you want after a leg surgery is a re-injury because you were careless. This is why you must pay attention not only to yourself, your habits but also to your environment after a leg surgery.
For instance, you want to make sure that you do not leave things lying around the house and you pay attention when out in the open.
Be careful. Be attentive. This will do you a whole lot of good.
3. Eat Well
Your body will do its best to heal itself and will eventually do in the course of time.
It is your duty to help your body do this by the choice of foods you take into your body in other to provide fantastic nutrition that encourages a greater and smoother rate of rebuild.
Proteins are the building blocks for tissue. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can protect cells from toxins as they help and which replace damage tissues with strong scar tissues that help in wound healing and helps with inflammation. In essence, eat fruits.
The general idea is that when you eat good, your body does good. So to get rapid recovery from your leg surgery, eat in that direction.
4. Find Alternatives To Crutches
Okay. Understood. Crutches are making you feel clumsy. You just can't seem to get around as much as you like and you are just tired of it and want to shift some weight to the leg and just get around.
Relax. You will heal faster when you don't put too much weight on your leg too fast after a surgery. Yes, exercise of the limb is great and aids recovery but you cannot just afford to overdo it and this is why if you feel like it, you should go for alternatives to crutches.
Some examples are seated scooters, knee walkers, steerable knee scooters, hands-free crutches etc
5. Ask for help
Yes, you want to resume normal activities but you need to do it slowly and this is the time you need to understand that you require a lot of help and that you cannot do everything you normally do by yourself for now.
After a leg surgery, one of the mental re-configurations you need to go through is that of asking for help.
It will only take a while, so keep calm, ask for help and let your leg heal itself faster instead of risking re-injury because you wanted to be a macho.

Is It Possible to Get Taller After Puberty?

People are seeking new ways to get tall and keep on asking, "Is it possible to get taller after puberty?" Many people ask me different ways that could help them to increase their height. So finally, I have jotted down a few of the methods of increasing your height. You can check which of the following method looks convenient to you and follow it over a period. It is important to note that such methods should be adopted for a long-term in order to observe the results.
Exercise to stretch your spine
A proven way of increasing your height is through exercise. Exercise helps to make body and spine flexible thus, making your spine more prone to grow. You can see that the sportsmen have a tall and strong physique. They are also physically active since exercise gives their muscles and bones strength as well as vigor.
There are various ways to stretch the body, but this method requires time and persistence. Without determination and eagerness to increase your height, this method cannot work. Basketball, volleyball, skipping, and swimming can help your body to stretch. It is highly recommended to stretch your body by hanging vertically with your hands on a bar. In this way the arms and body stretch, helping your body to grow tall.
Straight posture can improve your height
Carrying a straight posture can help your spine to grow vertically. A hunchback posture can significantly affect the height and spine of an individual. Keeping your back erect improves muscles flexibility and helps to maximize growth.
It is important to note that doing exercise and stretches in growing age can help you a lot. After puberty, the growth process slows down, and you may not get results fast.
Surgical methods for increasing your height
The modern technology and equipment have made it possible to explore medical issues exhaustively. In the past, there was no such surgical way to increase your height but with the advancement in technology now people are going for limb strengthening surgeries to achieve their dream height as it has become possible to gain few extra inches with surgeries. There are also cosmetic surgeries known as Height Lengthening surgeries.
However, this method does not guarantee 100% results. There can be complications in the surgery that can further deteriorate the condition. This surgery is also very expensive, and not many doctors perform this surgery. But after proper consultation with the qualified physician, one can opt height lengthening surgery.
Proper balanced diet to get all nutrients
Lack of essential nutrients can hamper the height increasing process. Healthy eating is also important to grow taller. Those kids who do not get a balanced diet will not grow properly. The height growth process hinders due to the lack of essential vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals that play a significant role in a height increase.
Ways of dressing to look tall
The way you carry your dress, the design of your clothes and the accessories that you wear also leaves an impact on your height. For instance, those females who are short and bulky should wear clothes with vertical patterns, and small prints as horizontal lines or large prints will make them look fat and awful.
So here are a few of the ways that can tell you how to grow taller. Don't waste your precious years in whining for the lost opportunities that left you because of your short height. It is important to take action and learn the best method that gives 100% guaranteed results.;area=summary;u=197472;area=summary;u=46346

Thursday, December 15, 2016

5 Basic Tips on Working Out

When it comes to working out, the "right" way to work out varies from person to person. However there are a few basic tips that most people who work out follow. I will list out 5 basic tips that are used as common guidelines when starting to workout.
Safety First - Safety being probably the most obvious is also probably the most important. When you are a beginner to lifting it is crucial you learn the proper technique and the correct weight your body can handle. Many people who have looked past safety when lifting cannot lift properly now due to an injury in the past from not lifting smart.
Nutrition - Eating properly is crucial when it comes to getting the results you want from working out. Some even say nutrition is more than 50% of the battle when it comes down to getting results. So make sure your feeling your body the right way!
Sleep - Sleep is extremely overlooked when it comes to fitness. It is very important that you are logging in around 8 hours of sleep per night to let your body recover from intense training. Less sleep results in less recovery and less energy which leads to weaker performance and overall weaker results.
Rest Days - Kinda going along with sleep, it is very important to take 1 or 2 days off (some might need more) to really let your muscles heal and grow. A lot of people think they need to lift heavy 7 days a week with no days of to get better results. When in reality, not letting your muscles recover with a day off can harshly slow down results.
Mind set - Upon starting your workout you must have the right mindset. If you go to the gym or where you go to workout and are just going through the motions and just trying to get it over with, you are not gonna come close to the results you want. You gotta want it and get after it when your working out. Focus on each rep and each exercise, know you are in there to make a change and that you know you will.
If you follow these 5 basic tops, you will be where you want to be in no time. Of course once you become more experienced, you can mold your own sort of regiment with these basic tips.

Seniors: Strategies For Preventing Falls and Remaining Independent

Who wants to be independent? I certainly do. To me, it means being healthy and able to do the things in life that give me pleasure. For many seniors, independence can also mean not depending on others for their care. A major cause for a loss of independence for them is falling.
While it's true that most falls do not result in serious physical injury, there is a profound psychological impact. Once a person falls, they restrict their activities because of the fear of another fall. This action leads to greater risk of falling again, because inevitably they do less physical activity. This fear is very powerful, and negatively affects their lives. This fear is the greatest obstacle for re-establishing balance.
I've given several lectures on keeping seniors independent. Before each lecture, I pass around a sheet of paper for the audience to list the three most important areas of concern in their lives. At every lecture, staying independent and preventing falls is at the top of the list by a long shot. This is why I've devoted my practice to helping seniors with this issue. I will briefly cover these areas: eyesight, hearing, medications, and keeping one's environment safe. I will cover proprioception in a subsequent article.
Balance tends to decline with age because it is dependent on three main factors which all interact with one another: vision, hearing, and proprioception. Proprioceptors are specialized sensory receptors on nerve endings found in muscles, tendons, joints, and the inner ear. Eyesight and hearing decline with age, and we may lose a great deal of our proprioception if we are less active and more sedentary. The majority of seniors are sedentary. For most of us, modern life consists of moving from one sitting position to another, leading to a lack of physical activity and strength. The lack of physical activity results in poor proprioception, decreased muscle strength (muscle strength is a major component of balance), and short, tight muscles in the hips and ankles, making balance, and even activities such as walking, a challenge. It also makes the daily tasks of getting up from a chair or toilet, lifting objects, and getting out to enjoy recreative activities difficult, if not impossible.
We all get old, so what can be done to prevent falls and retain independence.
The cerebellum is the area of the brain which coordinates vision, hearing, and proprioception. Like all body tissues, blood circulation is of utmost importance. There are certain foods which enhance circulation (vasodilation). Some of these are cayenne pepper, garlic, onions, rosemary, ginger, and foods containing magnesium. The best of these foods are dark, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, avocados, barley, and oats. Supplements include arginine, niacin or B3 (flush-free), and hawthorne. Please make sure that the supplements don't interfere with any medications that you take. Extra help for eyes are a class of nutrients called carotenoids. Orange and red fruits and vegetables are rich in carotenoids; to a lesser extent in green, purple, and blue fruits. Zinc, vitamin C and E are also beneficial, but foods are by far the best.
Medications. All drugs carry side effects, even over-the-counter types. Some of the commonly prescribed medications that can affect balance (courtesy of Harvard Health Publications, Harvard Medical School, include: antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, antihistamines for allergies, blood pressure and other heart medications, pain relievers, and sleep aids. Many times, the combination of drugs can negatively affect balance. Have your doctor or pharmacist review all of the medications you take, even over-the-counter.
Make your home safer. At least one-third of all reported falls in the elderly involve environmental hazards in the home.It is useful to conduct a was-through of your home, both inside and out, to identify problems that may lead to falls.
Outdoors: repair cracks and abrupt edges of sidewalks and driveways. Trim shrubbery along the pathway to the home. Keep walk area clear of clutter, rocks, tools, and kid's toys. Install adequate lighting by doorways and along walkways leading to doors.
For all living spaces: avoid using floor polish or wax. Remove small throw rugs or use double-sided tape to keep rugs from slipping. Remove things that you can trip over, like shoes, books, clothes, etc. from stairs and other walkways. Know where your pet is before stepping. If you have tiled or wood floors, watch for spilled water. Re-organize your pantry and cabinets so that you can easily reach the items you use frequently. Improve lighting in your home. Hang light-weight shades or curtains to reduce glare. Use a change of color to denote changes in surface types or levels. I use blue painters tape for this purpose. Have grab bars installed next to shower or tub and toilet. Use a flashlight or nightlight when getting up to use the bathroom at night. Finally, avoid over-reaching for objects. Many folks underestimate how far they reach and end up falling. Simply take another step to keep a leg underneath you for support.;area=summary;u=189983;area=summary;u=45981

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Health - Some Startling Facts Revealed

Human health has long been an issue of great interest and curiosity besides the subject of vast research and studies. What makes us tick?
The human body is like a well-oiled machine and functions well when all the systems are carrying out their 'duties' properly in conjunction with each other. But the larger 'duty' of managing the body well rests with us. Health is the vast sum of all functions that humans have to exercise in order to survive in a given situation or environment, the diverse the environment the greater the emphasis on health and its importance. But the irony is that besides illnesses and diseases that are the leading causes of deaths globally, factors like air pollution, water pollution, exposure to chemicals and pesticides also cause millions of deaths each year.
Let's get in detail some information on this as well as other health related issues from around the world.
Risk factors
Health studies and medical data provide the startling fact that air pollution from industry and vehicle exhaust lead to the premature death of over 3.5 million people each year. When you find that that number is more than the combined deaths from Aids/HIV and Malaria, it is a rather grim picture indeed!
Particulate matter and gases like nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide from vehicular emissions and burning fossil fuels are the leading causes of suppressed lung growth in young children, asthma, diabetes and heart disease. Fetal brain growth is affected severely when pregnant women are exposed to air pollution. Even in countries that have strict legislation in place and have long histories of tackling air pollution, the solution does not seem to be in sight. Globally, several countries are involved in long-running legal tussles with world environmental agencies and pollution control boards over their failure to cut pollution levels. The ill-effects of global warming and the severity in weather patterns is something we have been witnessing for over a decade now.
Nationwide statistics
A recently concluded report on the health and lifestyle habits of Australians has thrown up some very worrying facts. Australian Health Policy Collaboration released 'Australia's Health Tracker' which examines the health of the people in relation to chronic illnesses and associated risk factors. The report concluded that Australia ranks as one of the most obese countries in the world with every fourth Australian being obese or overweight. An overwhelming 92 percent of teenagers had virtually no physical activity while in the adult category nearly 50% were found to have no regular exercise pattern resulting in high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and record-high suicide rates. The report also found that even when Australians were drinking less overall, the culture of binge-drinking was influencing young people to consume alcohol in excessive amount.
Over 50 public health organizations who are signatories to the report have set targets to be achieved by 2025 for individually listed health factors - 25 percent reduction in country-wide mortality rates from common cancers, diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases.

Body Fat - How It Affects Our Health

World over, there is the general misinformation about 'body fat' and 'obesity'. While obesity has gained the proportions of a global epidemic, the importance of body fat in the right proportions cannot be dismissed completely. Too little or too much of body fat can lead to health issues.
'Body fat' is a term used in familiar tones and most people tend to link it with cholesterol levels and obesity. The body requires certain amounts of fat for metabolic and structural functions although excess amounts of it can have severe health implications. Fat is naturally produced in the body by the absorption of fats from the foods we consume. The metabolism breaks down the fat and two byproducts - glycerol and fatty acids - are released into the body. Glycerol is processed by the liver into glucose which is the storehouse of energy; fatty acids are the major source of energy for the major body tissues, especially the skeletal and the cardiac muscles. Hence, the importance of appropriate amounts of fats in the diet is not to be ignored.
Benefits of body fat
Body fats contribute to some major functions and help in the following areas.
• Maintains healthy hair and skin
• Ensures smooth functioning of body cells
• Provides cushioning effect on organs and tissues
• Maintains right body temperature
• Helps absorb vital vitamins such as Vitamins A, E, D and K
• Acts as a shock absorber for bones
• Provides immunity boost to the body from ailments and illnesses.
Why too much body fat is undesirable
Excess body fat affects the body negatively especially if fats are absorbed and not burnt off. When fat accumulates in the body it leads to obesity and triggers health concerns like breathlessness, arthritis, heart diseases, diabetes etc. While tables indicating ideal percentages of fat can vary from region to region, an ideal percentage for men would be 14-17 percentage of the total weight for men and 21-24 percentage of total body weight for women.
In recent decades, as more and more information is gained about obesity and weight loss, it is essential to know fat percentages and how fat loss differs from weight loss. People who have a healthy lifestyle and are athletically built usually weigh more than others who are heavier by body weight on account of excess fat. Here, the latter is more vulnerable to weight-related health issues than the former and the important point is to lose excess fat. Adopting a plan or program that combines a healthy lifestyle that includes fruits, vegetables and whole grains with moderate but regular exercise regimens is the best way to lose fat.;area=summary;u=187516;area=summary;u=45847

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Bursitis: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

First things first... there are about 160 bursae throughout the human body. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac lined with special cells which secrete a lubricating fluid rich in collagen and proteins. It functions as a gliding surface to decrease friction between the bones, tendons, and muscles near the joints. Bursitis, then, is inflammation of a bursa, and it can cause mild, moderate, or even severe pain.
Bursitis is commonly located in the shoulder, elbow, knee, and hip, but can also occur in the heel and the base of your big toe. Overall, it tends to localize near joints that perform repetitive movements. Treatment generally involves resting the affected joint and shielding it from further damage, and with proper treatment, the pain associated with bursitis goes away within a few weeks, but flare-ups of bursitis are common.
How Do I Know? Bursitis Causes and Symptoms
Some of the symptoms of bursitis are aching and stiffness in your joints, pain during movement, redness and swelling near the joint, and pain with pressure at the site of the bursitis. You should definitely talk to your doctor if you have any of the following: fever, excessive swelling, redness, bruising, joint pain that is severe or that lasts for over two weeks, or shooting pains when you exercise or exert yourself.
If you have had an injury or trauma to the joint, inflammatory arthritis, gout, or an infection, or even if you make repetitive movements that irritate the bursae around a joint, you are more likely to get bursitis. As a matter of fact, even prolonged sitting on hard surfaces can cause the bursae in your hips to react with inflammation. This is why it's important to get up and move if you sit most of the day. Even leaning on your elbows or lifting something over your head repeatedly can cause bursitis.
A Risky Business
There are some factors that can increase your risk of getting bursitis. Bursitis, like arthritis, becomes more common with age, but anyone who has a job or hobby that involves repetitive movements or pressure on specific bursae is at a higher risk of developing bursitis. Some examples of occupations that use repetitive motion include tile setting, painting, playing a musical instrument, and carpet installation. In addition, there are some conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and diabetes that can increase your risk of getting bursitis.
Bursitis Treatment
  • Using padding or guards for the areas of the body where the bursae are especially close to the surface of the skin, like the ankles and knees.
  • The areas of the body affected by bursitis can be rested (and if possible, elevated) to help stop the symptoms. Although exercise is important to keep muscles toned, you may need to choose exercises that don't involve painful motions. The best exercise that does not put too much pressure on the bursae is swimming.
  • Icing the affected area can be quite effective in reducing the pain and inflammation. If you don't have small ice packs available, you can use packages of frozen vegetables. Apply the ice pack to the area for 10 minutes at least twice a day to help decrease inflammation.